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The Quincunx
The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
A meditation on the Victorian novel and a sprawling epic tale of a man's quest for his identity follows John Huffman as he journeys to the heart of the Quincunx to reveal his elusive past
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Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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#alphabetgame #letterQ


Other faves include The Queen of Spades and other stories by Alexander Pushkin, Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams and The Quantum Universe: Everything that can happen does happen by Brian Cox & Jeffrey R Forshaw

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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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#AlphabetGame Letter Q

The only book that I could think of starting with a Q was this one (now that I‘ve browsed through my feed I see many alternatives which I didn‘t think of).

In enjoyed this one however. It‘s a mystery set in 19th century London, if I remember well.. I read it in the 90s 🤷🏻‍♀️

vivastory For some reason I always forget about this when I think of modern Victorian novels. It's always sounded intriguing to me! 2y
Ruthiella This has been on my shelf FOREVER! I love neo-Victorian novels. Maybe I‘ll get to it this winter. 2y
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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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📚 Tagged
🖋 Amanda Quick
🎞 Quantum of Solace
🎤 Queen
🎶 Quality, Paul Simon

#ManicMonday #LetterQ @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing 💕 4y
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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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Catt Ooh. I‘m intrigued by the cover. (Love an old skeleton key!) Do tell us a bit! 5y
Theaelizabet @Catt I‘m doing a buddy read of it through June, so I‘ll let you know! It‘s a bit of a Dickens pastiche, but I‘m beginning to think it‘s more. Welcome to Litsy! 5y
Catt I shall look forward to the review! 5y
rubyslippersreads I‘ve had this on my TBR list for ages. 5y
Theaelizabet @rubyslippersreads Mine, too! It‘s quite a ride! 5y
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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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Yes, it‘s midnight, and I have to be at work early tomorrow, but those of you who have read this book will understand.. I HAD to finish it! I‘ve legitimately lost 2 pounds in the last week, missed meals, and lost sleep. The 1200 page behemoth that I predicted would take me a month to get through... I blew through in a week. I feel like I discovered a long lost Dickens novel, that was combined with a killer mystery. Nuff said-5/5!! Read this book!

Libby1 Sold! 6y
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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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I‘m going in!! I‘ve been meaning to read this behemoth for awhile now, and there‘s no better time than the present! My lofty goal is to have it done by the end of February...#bucketlistread #25pagesinandalreadylovingit

The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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#TBRtemptation post 2! A precious young man in 19th-Century England inherits a document and attempts to piece together his family history. While he does so, he survive's on the streets in an increasingly destitute state. Urchins, orphans, prostitutes, gas lights, horse-drawn carriages, manors, and all things Victorian make their appearance in this Dickensian tale with a flood of villains and 5 families to deal with. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Aloisi_tribe One of my very favorite books. I love it so much that I have the physical book and the Kindle copy. 7y
Kaye I'll second that. If you like Dickens' style of writing, then you'd like this. 7y
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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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I read this years ago and remember loving it! A riddle wrapped up in a mystery inside an enigma. #startswithQ #maybookflowers

Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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This has been on my tbr forever. I don't know when I'll get to it, cause it's quite the chunkster. #startswithq #maybookflowers

rubyslippersreads It's been on my TBR list forever too. 7y
LeahBergen I can't even remember how many years I've had this book (and it's TBR). 😂 7y
RealBooks4ever It sounds good! Maybe I should put it on my tbr list. And let it sit there! 🤣 7y
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batsy It's also on my TBR 😂 7y
Sarah83 it is only on my stack 😉 7y
Eyelit @rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen @batsy @Sarah83 nice to know I'm in good company! 😄 maybe we should do a readalong later this year 😁 7y
Eyelit @RealBooks4ever yes, join the club! 😆 7y
Sarah83 Sounds like a good idea. 😉 7y
LeahBergen We should! 7y
booksandsympathy It's been on my list for a long time too. My mom actually was going to buy it for me a couple of years ago, but it was really expensive. 7y
batsy That does sound fun! Especially like that you said "later this year" ? 7y
Eyelit @booksandsympathy I was lucky to get mine at a thrift store for $1! 😄 I bet it's available used at a good price at online stores. 7y
Eyelit @Sarah83 @LeahBergen @batsy let's do this! How's October sound for a start? That'll give us three months to have it read by the end of the year (if we average 250+ pages per month). What say you? (edited) 7y
batsy @Eyelit I'm game! 👍 7y
Sarah83 sounds good. I have to read more because my edition is about 1100 pages. 😣 7y
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The Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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This hefty (800+) page novel is a fun action-adventure with Dickensian elements. I loved its peculiarity because the characters are engaging and the plot is mysterious. A great ride! #weirdbooks #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

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Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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I love this sentence as I can relate to it so well.

Quincunx | Charles Palliser
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Found this beauty at a used bookstore in my neighborhood. Only just started it, but the writing is wonderful so far. And I love the cover!!!!

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