I'm finding myself wanting to clean my house rather than pick up this book 😱
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#ReadingMyTBR #Read2025 @DieAReader
I'm finding myself wanting to clean my house rather than pick up this book 😱
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#ReadingMyTBR #Read2025 @DieAReader
Finally starting one of my Blind Date books
It was a beautiful, foggy morning. My buddy, Bo, was feeling friendly today. 🐴
#105mileJanuary ✔
Tom Henderson and Sam Hellerman are #YoungAmericans united throughout school by the bonds of alphabetical order. In order to stay sane in a crazy world they make up band names which are handily compiled in the back of the book.
There is no band name greater than Ray Bradbury's Love-Camel. #SeptemBowie
Scored this for $4 from a local used bookstore. (The "tear" is actually part of the cover design.) I'd never heard of it, just read the back cover and thought it sounded interesting. I just read some of the reviews on goodreads and now I'm questioning whether this is really the book for me...c'est la vie. I'll certainly give it a shot and hope for the best. I should really refrain from reading reviews until *after* I've read the book.
There was a rule when I still ran book club that this years group would pick next years titles. The first year I did this the group was all girls. The next, not. That meant 5-6 g boys had to read the Sisterhood o t Trav... last meeting of the book I had a boy tell me "I liked it. I dont get it, but I liked it". I never understood that until I read KD. I liked it but I didn't get it. This was part of my quest to find a SOfTP like book for boys.
#aQuoteaDay I had some issues with this book and its sequel upon rereading, but the scene when our narrator's band plays the Festival of Lights (renamed because the school felt that "Battle of the Bands" sounded too violent) is one of the funniest things I've read. Ever. My first time through I laughed until I was breathless and remembering it still make me smile.
I own some #funnybooks but nothing on paper has made me laugh as hard as the Battle of the Bands/Festival of Lights scene in King Dork. I remember laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I literally just turned to that scene and the mental image of Sam Hellerman rolling on the floor with his nose bleed and his bass screaming "Yay-uss!" over and over has me laughing again. #riotgrams