#augustwrapup Post 4/4
Happy Reading all!!! 🙃
I've been away for a long while because...life. Hoping to stay active here for a while. I had a great August reading month. #augustwrapup Post 1/4 Happy Reading all!!! 🙃
Finally caught up on August reviews so I can do my wrap up. Shout out to The StoryGraph for making it so easy now.
#MonthlyRundown #MonthlyWrapUp #BookStats #AugustWrapUp
Been under the weather the last few days but starting to feel better. I apologize for the glut of posts as I get caught up.
I did read both #Bookspin and DoubleSpin books. And had 3 bingos. I finished one of my 3 #Roll100 audio books. I only finished 2 books the last week of August.
I recently downloaded Storygraph (I've had a GR for years now), but I'm liking the month total graphics!
Midnight Sun was a reread for me, but the other two, including the tagged, were new. Both excellent reads!
I‘m amazed that I‘ve had no DNF‘s this year and we only have 4 months to go!
With literally a minute to spare before midnight, I finished While Idaho Slept, bringing my total books read to 14. The top row were my favorites, but I didn‘t hate anything I finished. Lots of new-to-me authors and new series, which is both good and bad. 😂 #augustwrapup #auguststats