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HeathHof This cover is great! Stacking. 6y
Cinfhen Ha!!! #GreatMindsThinkAlike my choice too and a book I hope to read this summer...planning an impromptu buddyread if you want to join🐊🐊🐊 6y
Blueberry @Cinfhen a buddyread would be fun! It does sound like a good summer read😄 6y
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The Odyssey | Homer
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Hey Rosetta!'s #CarryMeHome is a Christmas song about a man who wants nothing more than to reach the warmth and comfort of home, and to escape the hardships he faces. https://youtu.be/61EkGm__esw

An archetypal tale, as old as Western literature. I still have yet to read The Odyssey, but I loved Atwood's tale of the woman left at home awaiting her husband's return.

#TimbitTunes @Cinfhen

LiterRohde Loved The Odyssey. Might have to try 6y
Mtroiano I loved The Penelopiad! 6y
Cinfhen Well played🏆 6y
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Julius Caesar | William Shakespeare
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“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”

#TimbitTunes | 16: #CarryMeHome

📷: Made with Typorama

Cinfhen Another wonderful passage with fabulous graphics 💙 6y
LiterRohde @Cinfhen 🧡☝️Thanks, again. I really find I can forget about life and relax when I do these graphic quotes. That‘s probably a bad thing, escaping, but I do enjoy it. Now, if I could do this for a job, I wouldn‘t be escaping....🤔 (edited) 6y
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Curt Warner is well known because of his career as the Seattle Seahawks running back in the 80s. He has recently become an advocate in the autism community after speaking out about the struggles he and his wife Ana faces raising twin boys with ASD. This is a heartbreaking book and I appreciate the different perspective. As a mother to a higher functioning ASD child, it was important for me to step outside of my own experiences. #carrymehome ⤵️

Reviewsbylola I was reminded of the importance of family and love because, as the Warners pointed out, this is truly a story about love. #timbittunes 6y
Reviewsbylola And here are two videos about the family that really touched me. https://youtu.be/dZGua7-5raw. https://youtu.be/aGuguqsYxpI 6y
JennyM ❤️ 6y
Mdargusch 💙💙💙 6y
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Blink-182: Tales from Beneath Your Mom | Tom Delonge, Travis Barker, Mark Hoppus
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Cinfhen 👂🏼🐛 6y
LiterRohde Hums aren‘t things which you get; they get you.” - Winnie the Pooh

Damn you! I guess that applies to “nananana‘s” too! It is good though. It‘ll just be in my head all day.
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#TimbitTunes #CarryMeHome Everything about this book, from it‘s title to the cover and the blurb just tickles my heart ❤️ Haven‘t read it yet, but was wondering if it would work for #genrebusting since it‘s a memoir fiction mashup?!??

alisiakae Sounds genrebusting to me! 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🥳 thanks for the vote @4thhouseontheleft ❤️ 6y
DivineDiana I am such a fan of Homer Hickam! Watched October Sky so many times!!! I love the idea of reading this too for #genrebusting! 6y
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Cinfhen Maybe we can #buddyread @DivineDiana 🐊🐊🐊 6y
goodbyefrancie I have this is my #Tbr mountain. Looking forward to getting to it one day! 6y
jenreads7 Thanks for the #genrebusting suggestion! I just realized I can borrow this through Kindle Unlimited! 🎉 6y
Cinfhen Let me know how it is @jenniferajanes 💛 @goodbyefrancie it looks like a really sweet read (edited) 6y
jenreads7 @Cinfhen 👍🏻 6y
Kalalalatja That cover is great 🙌 6y
mrp27 This has been on my tbr for a long time. 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I like that idea! 🐊 6y
Wife This has been in my stack for awhile. Thanks for reminding me how much I want to read it. I‘m doing what I call #StackAttack2019 this year and trying to read books that I‘ve acquired prior to 2019. 🌹 6y
Cinfhen Love that idea @Wife I could definitely benefit with some ambushing my shelves😂 6y
Cinfhen Let‘s try to read it and discuss it in person this summer @DivineDiana 😜I hope to be in Philly for some of August‼️ 6y
Cinfhen You could join us for a buddyread @Wife @mrp27 👆🏽see above comment to @DivineDiana and if either of you will be in Philly lunch is on me💋💋💋 6y
Wife I would be on board for a buddy read. Tag me with a start date!🌹 6y
mrp27 I'm in for a buddy read and lunch in Philly would be awesome! I'll make it back to the east one of these days. 6y
Cinfhen Ok @mrp27 @Wife @Blueberry @DivineDiana we‘ll #RoadTrip with Albert sometime in July/ August ????? 6y
Wife Sounds good!👍🏻 6y
DivineDiana Perfect! ❤️ 6y
Blueberry 👍 6y
mrp27 Sounds good! 👍🏼 6y
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Carry Me Home | John M. Del Vecchio
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Day 16 - #carrymehome #thekillers #timbittunes

Carry me home,
I'm not afraid,
The stars in my eyes were shimmering lights,
Carry me home,
Don't let me fade away.
Stop the press,
The kid's light is growing dim,
I took a month long slide,
Then the world came caving in,
When you self-destruct,
You wind up looking for a glimmer of hope,
But the writing's on the wall,
I'm not the one.
The morning dove sings with two broken wings,
Carry me home

sprainedbrain I ❤️ The Killers SO MUCH. 6y
kplovesbooks This is my favorite of their records. So many good songs on this one!! 6y
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In an earlier post, I stated my obsession with the historic rich, visiting their stately homes and reading about their shenanigans. Well, that obsession extends beyond the US border to the stately homes of Europe. I‘ve never left the US - except for a few hours on Campobello Island in Canada - so I‘ve never visited these estates. But, this is one book that will #CarryMeHome to one of these estates. Yet another tbr. #TimbitTunes

Zelma That looks really interesting! 6y
NatalieR Thanks for sharing! 6y
Lauram Me too!!!!! I see another buddy read genre in the works. 6y
Librarybelle @Lauram I‘d be up for that! 6y
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