Starting this tonight with Sophie.His other book , “On Tyranny”is a must read ! Shorter than this one and a recent reread for me .
Starting this tonight with Sophie.His other book , “On Tyranny”is a must read ! Shorter than this one and a recent reread for me .
If you think these firings won‘t affect you, you haven‘t been paying attention.
A friend who was fired today from the Dept. of Energy worked on projects with money appropriated by Congress. Projects that create American jobs, strengthen our country by improving the nation's electric grid, & advance industrial technologies that reduce pollution & keep us competitive with manufacturing abroad.
And this is just 1 person, 1 story.
I am a book whore. I work at B&N and bring home something ALMOST EVERY SHIFT. It‘s a problem (but is it?). Here‘s today‘s haul, one of them is an ARC.
Pictures of my new bookshelf coming in a moment!
Slow start. Tagged was my favorite. Short but a must read.
My February #BookSpinBingo reading plan. The tagged book is the first of my #Roll100 picks.
1 - 10 are #buddyreads
This is a simple book for anybody to understand. It takes 20 points, that felt significant, from the time of Nazi Germany and related them to today. The points are clear and concise, with just enough detail and historical context to understand. It‘s small, and pocket sized, for your connivence. For being originally written in 2016 (with updated points of 2020), there are incredible points that are comparable between Germany then and America today.
Welp fam, this is gonna be a long haul (not the book; it‘s almost a pamphlet.) What do you do when you‘re scared? Read a book. Drink your water. Get some sleep.
I started On Democracy this morning—seemed like an appropriate weekend to read it.
I‘m about halfway through Carousel (#OffMyShelf a book that‘s been on my shelves for 5yrs or more), and should finish it this afternoon.
And I plan to read at least one story in Ward No. 6 (#OffMyShelf essays or short stories).