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Not in the database but I found it on KU. Despite the cute cover and punny title, it just didn‘t work for me. First, the majority of the book takes place in summer (why?) and second, it could have been shorter and third, the romance took way too long actually happen.

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TheSpineView Bummer! 1w
BarkingMadRead Awwwwww I loved this one, I guess it‘s not for everyone! 1w
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Catsandbooks 👏🏼🎃🖤 1w
TheAromaofBooks This happens to me with Christmas/holiday books all the time. The cover/title act like it\'s a Christmasy story, but then the whole thing happens in the summer and the grand finale is at Christmas. That doesn\'t count!! 😂 1w
OriginalCyn620 @TheAromaofBooks No, it does not! Agree 💯 1w
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The ideas and the bones of a great novel are here, but the execution felt somehow soulless.

This is a story about women's lives in the brink of the divorce referendum in Ireland, and about the men who deeply fear the loss of control that women's freedom of choices signifies. It should rage and burn, but it fails to ignite. Most of the characters feel like blanks, and I just could not bring myself to care.

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Daphne | Josh Malerman
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I‘ve never read Malerman before and not sure if how this book was written is his normal writing style. If so, not a fan at all. It‘s so choppy and repetitive that I lost interest every other paragraph. I was looking for a good scary book & instead read about someone‘s anxiety with a few murders sprinkled in for fun. I‘ve got my own anxiety. I read books to escape from my thoughts, not to make me think more about my anxiety. Skimmed most of it 👎🏼

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Untitled | Unknown
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I love a dark romance, and whilst I would never Yuck someone else's Yum. This was too much for me 🫣😧
The scenes are very, very intense. It did take away from any storyline. The main character isn't morally grey, he's morally black, and he is completely unlikable. Not one I'd recommend as it was very graphic, violent and so intense that I was wincing whilst reading. If you're about to read this, I would try not to go in blind, like I did 🤣

jamield1911 Not on Litsy for me to review. 2w
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Girl Anonymous | Christina Dodd

This was repetitive with massive plot holes and contradicting information. Apparently, it was the Author‘s mafia novel. Also, the book is about a woman, not a girl. Stilted language and unbelievable characters. This Author has done much better. Pick a different book of hers. Thanks to the publisher and Edelweiss for the advance digital copy.

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McTeague | Frank Norris
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Ugh! I have complicated thoughts upon finishing this. There are many things which I despised, chief among them the brutal antisemitism which poisoned so much of the reading experience. Also, for me, the story boils down to a sociological character study on the negative effects of money, the extremes to which greed can push people. The writing captures the tone and feeling of inevitable destruction excellently. That element kept me reading. Yet…⬇️

psalva I‘m left with a bitter taste in my mouth. The antisemitism, the violence, the abuse that the characters put each other through, the stereotyped brutality linked to “stupidity”- it was a lot. Also, the ending was a bit on the nose (see final comment). In the end, no matter the level of suspense, I feel like the journey wasn‘t worth it entirely. This had a lot of potential, but perhaps its value is as a historical document of the era and style. 2w
psalva The fact that McTeague flees from San Francisco after murdering Trina, taking the money and his canary, and is led by his instincts to flee an unknown pursuer, ending up in Death Valley-all of that made for palpable suspense. Painting it as some kind of Darwinian atavism was a bit much. He ends up chained to Marcus, in Death Valley, the canary in the gilt cage a symbol of his destiny. I gave my rapt attention for so trite an end to the horridness. (edited) 2w
Lindy Ouch! 2w
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I really thought I was going to like this book but unfortunately it just fell flat for me. None of the characters were likable, which I don't like in books personally. I just felt like the book lacked substance. It's just super surface level. I just wanted more out of the book, and the ending just was too much fanfair for me, unfortunately. Not everything in this book was bad, I thought the beginning had a strong start, then just flopped. 2.5/5

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The Usual Silence | Jenny Milchman
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There were too many characters with stories that didn‘t connect enough for one book. Because of this I lost interest and ended up skimming to the end. #hauntedshelf #hexesandcrows @Catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Aw too bad 👻 2w
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Praiseworthy | Alexis Wright
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25 Sep-6 Oct 24 (audiobook)
Such a chore, but I felt I could not be too critical without pursuing it to the end. I wish I hadn‘t.
I quite liked magical realism at uni - Rushdie in particular but others also. Maybe I have lost my patience for it with age.
This book needed a brutal editor. It was repetitive to the point that it could have been a good short story or novella. But as is, was a bloated 700+ pages. I do not understand the acclaim.

LeeRHarry I picked this one up when I went to hear the author speak at the Melbourne Writers Festival - now I‘m not sure I‘m going to like it and it feels pretty intimidating. 2w
mjtwo @LeeRHarry I think I am being harsh. I don‘t usually mind a long book but the audio seemed to go forever and was so slow and repetitive. I expect it may have been better in print, but it has been sitting on my shelf for a while and I was too intimidated by its girth. Curious to hear what others think. 2w
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The First Bright Thing | J. R. Dawson
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2⭐What is it with circuses lately. Everybody‘s afraid of clowns, but everybody loves the circus. The circus just happens to be a lesbian time traveling one. Our ringmaster comes from a previous circus where things were not so good and were bad in a mythical type of way. We the reader don‘t know why but honestly, I don‘t care. The whole time traveling and going back-and-forth between , 1919 and just after or even during the war just was not working

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