#Choose20 comics that stayed with you or influenced you. One comic a day in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. Day 8: Leave it to Chance: Shaman‘s Rain
#Choose20 comics that stayed with you or influenced you. One comic a day in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. Day 8: Leave it to Chance: Shaman‘s Rain
2.5 Stars • Pell is an engineer and excavator, dedicated to uncovering and restoring the intriguing relics of the Ancients on the arid planet Tampere. Her mission is to aid her village's survival and decode the mysteries of the past. Heartwood and Moses are custodians of a daunting tower located near Emgarden village, which houses remnants of sophisticated machinery unfamiliar to Pell.
I was really confused when I started this series; there is book one, then two prequels. And book one ends on a huge cliff hanger. But it seems that book 2 is in the works. I can imagine staying the series and having to wait 9 years for a proper sequel. I'm enjoying the series. The "alternative" style is really well done. I'll probably read Batman Year 100 while I wait
I don't care how foolish this is. I love this series. And this is the sixth (and final?) book. There are definitely gators in this but they may not be on leashes.
My pick for November #12Booksof2023. My November is really for this fun light-hearted series. Olive is a high society detective in the 1920s/1930s, and these short novels are just a treat.
Book 4 in the High Society Lady Detective series (#SeriesLove2023). This time Olive is at her Aunt and Uncle‘s home when a murder occurs. These are quick, fun books.
1. Killer sudoku
2. Canva
3. Super Snail
(Ignoring book related apps for the moment 😆) I do love my mobile games! And I‘m a weirdo that finds sudoku extremely relaxing.
While there are some genuinely emotional moments, this final Spider-Gwen arc just doesn't hold together. Latour tries to cram too much into five issues--a single issue is spent on a year Gwen spends in prison for reasons that don't make a ton of sense. Gweb's reconciliation with her father, bandmates, and Venom needed more finesse.
I'm gradually making my way through Spider Gwen. In this particular arc, Gwen is exposed to the Venom symbiote for reasons that don't totally make sense. The final couple of issues set up the confrontation with Matt Murdock that Latour has been building toward. Latour depicts Gwen as kind of erratic, which I find odd.