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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Davos is brought before Godric Borrell, bound for White Harbor but ended up in Sisterton. He blames the storms but it was really betrayal. Salladhor Saan grew impatient with Stannis, cut his losses, cast Davos out.
Godric& Davos catch eachother up
Davos realizes he‘s running out of time to secure White Harbor for Stannis. He thinks of what to say to enlist Godric‘s help. Godric has his doubts & agrees to help but “if you lose you were never here”

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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When Tyrion awakes the litter has stopped &he is confronted by Haldon Halfmaester &Duck, he leaves with them. As they travel he sees the Wonders but has trouble escaping thoughts of Tywin.
They meet with Griff, he confesses who he is &that he Murdered Tywin (&his mother, &Joffrey) &hopes it pleases the queen. When Griff isn‘t pleased, he discusses the secrets he can tell about Cersei, the captains, the lords & earns his place on the ship.

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Gilly comes to see Jon, he talks to her about Dalla &Mance‘s son. She begs Jon to save him, he says he can‘t but that SHE can. She cries that she will take both, but Jon says that won‘t work. He promises if Dalla‘s boy burns, her son will die too
He speaks with Sam, Sam &Aemon are being sent South as well while he repeats a mantra inspired by Aemon
He commands Slynt to Greyguard where wildlings climbed the Wall. Slynt refuses. Jon takes his head.

5feet.of.fury I really don‘t know what I thought could have been achieved with this chapter, but I expected more than this. 2d
majkia Well, rehashing events that have already happened and explaining about the switch of the babies in case someone missed that, I guess. 2d
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5feet.of.fury @majkia when we found out about the babies I was like “I‘m sure Jon has some plan to protect the baby, or some reason he felt forced” but clearly he does not, he did it because Maester Aemon told him to “let the man be born” …that wasn‘t really enough for me lol 2d
majkia @5feet.of.fury He was taking away Stannis's opportunity to burn someone with royal blood. Mance, the baby's father, apparently would be considered royal. 2d
5feet.of.fury @majkia I know but if they think Gilly‘s baby is Mance‘s baby… it doesn‘t stop Melisandre 🫤 I am CONCERNED 2d
BethM @5feet.of.fury his little speech to Gilly made me feel like he‘ll be all gotcha! If they try to burn the kid. Also the kid is sickly, it may not live anyway. I for one was cheering at the end of this chapter. Off with his head! 1d
Sargar114 @BethM the end was great! And it honored Ned in a way, so I was good with it. The rehashing of the convo with Sam seemed unnecessary but I‘m glad we got the conversation with Gilly even though we already knew what happened, at least it was different. @5feet.of.fury I think the idea is Jon will let em know it‘s not Mance‘s kid by the time it gets to the burning part 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1d
5feet.of.fury @majkia @BethM @Sargar114 I don‘t know what else I wanted to happen honestly. Did love that last part though. 1d
5feet.of.fury @majkia @BethM @Sargar114 I don‘t know what else I wanted to happen honestly. Did love that last part though. 1d
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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Quentyn Martell with Gerris Drinkwater are seeking passage to Meereen, pretending to be going to sell wine, concealing his true intent (to marry Dany)The captain of a stinking ship named Adventure tells them the slave trade is stopped &the cities are at war. Unable to find passage by sea, they consider traveling the “demon road”, Quentyn feels this would be too dangerous but is not ready to admit defeat. After much debate, an idea comes to Gerris

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Illyrio tells Tyrion more about Dany as the travel through the flatlands. He is still untrusting that those close to Illyrio will keep his whereabouts a secret, but they drink &share stories of the past.

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Bran is on Hodor‘s back as they traverse the frozen land. He has been spending most of the time inside Summer‘s mind, sometimes Hodor‘s too. Men are following them, Coldhands goes to deal with it, Meera doesn‘t trust him. Jojen is ill &growing weaker
In the cold that night, Bran slips into Summer &finds a pack feast on Black Brothers. When he awakes, Coldhands has returned with meat. He confronts Coldhands. But they have no choice but to continue

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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After a wolf dream, he goes to meet Stannis. Stark bannermen hesitate to join Stannis &he is furious after a rejection from Lyanna Mormont. Jon wonders if they would have joined Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell but it‘s too late now. Jon explains that Mance‘s baby won‘t be king, wildlings don‘t have lines of succession. Tension rises when Jon refuses to give Stannis the forts. Melisandre relays her vague prophecies of Jon‘s fate, daggers in the dark.

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Sons of the Harpy are becoming more bold &her dragons are growing wild
They bicker over how to address the Harpy. Hizdar enters to request the fighting pits be reopened, the city would get a tax payment but she declines
Townspeople come seeking justice for crimes committed. Finding a fair restitution is difficult. Others come blaming the dragons for deaths of their livestock with burnt bones, but 1 has the bones of a child

majkia I confess I dread her chapters as I find them boring. 7d
5feet.of.fury @majkia I don‘t mind them but the whole slew of side characters around her …I could do without 7d
BethM @majkia @5feet.of.fury yeah I don‘t need pages about petitions. A lot of dry fluff in this chapter. 6d
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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Tyrion is on the ship to the free cities after fleeing KingsLanding drinking heavily. Arriving in Pentos, he speaks with Illyrio the magister. He ponders if he should help Myrcella claim the crown or go to the Wall, but drinks & searches for where whores go. Illyrio confronts Tyrion about his self destructive behavior &tells him about their savior, the dragon with three heads.

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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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Varamyr the warg is alone now after the defeat of the wildlings at the Wall, he had ran before the battle ended. He‘s lost all his beats except the wolves who are feasting on human meat. But he is starving
He remembers why he was given away, but then Thistle returns, “there are hundreds of them” instead of heeding her warning he inhabits her. She escapes his control &he returns as a wolf, sees them (not men, not prey) &Thistle‘s now pale blue eyes

majkia Yay, back to the wall and the walkers! 1w
5feet.of.fury @majkia I‘m glad to be back, but I don‘t know if my brain was ready, I had to read that last page 3x 😂 1w
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BooksNBowls You can keep tagging me, bc I like to hear the discussions but idk if I‘ll be able to keep up with this one. I fell behind with the last book. It just didn‘t keep my attention like the others. I finished it on the hiatus, but idk if I‘m ready to jump back in 😭😭🥲 1w
5feet.of.fury @BooksNBowls I‘m hoping this one picks up quick now that Tyrion, Jon & Dany are back🤞 hopefully we can tempt you. ❤️🐉 1w
Sargar114 Perfect timing for my library hold to be released! @BooksNBowls from my vague memory of my initial read, this one is better than the last one we read if that is any help 😂 1w
Bklover I am so happy. 😁 1w
BethM I‘m so happy to be back too @Bklover ! Also Sixskins was clearly a bad dude. Not sad he got eaten. 6d
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