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Dear Haiti, Love Alaine | Maika Moulite, Maritza Moulite
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Eggs Pretty ❤️❤️ 1y
Cuilin @Eggs agreed 1y
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#BlackHistoryMonth Loving this memoir about a daughter of #Haitian immigrants who was born into poverty but had an abundance of street smarts. A natural hustler, Cin was always scheming and scamming finding creative ways to earn money. Deciding college was an expense she couldn‘t afford, Cin chooses to apply for a job on Wall Street as a cold caller. Think a female Jordan Belfort 🐺

#PublishedByMacmillan #52Books23

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Krik? Krak! | Edwidge Danticat
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I love this author also. A string of short stories making up a (implied) family narrative. The #audiobook is great but Dion Graham's delivery might be a little bit weird for this. Robin Miles is fab as usual. Haiti is the setting, moving into modern NYC.

Dear Haiti, Love Alaine | Maika Moulite, Maritza Moulite
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Finally finished the October #foodandlit buddy read! (7 minutes left until November in my time zone😄)

This was a very different and unexpected story, I enjoyed Alaine's snarky remarks, mixed-medium diary/assignment reports and will definitely spend some time googling the food and dishes mentioned, Haitian cuisine sounds delicious!


Dear Haiti, Love Alaine | Maika Moulite, Maritza Moulite
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3/5 ⭐️ I'm mixed on this one. I found Alaine to be immature, does that mean I'm getting old... Oh God. What it lacks in the storyline though, it makes up for in its vibrant descriptions of Haiti and it's culture.
#FoodandLit 🇭🇹

TheBookHippie I apparently have reached OLD AGE status, this annoyed me HOWEVER I also loved the descriptors of food and culture. I will NOT miss Alaine!! OY vey.... 2y
TheSpineView Great job 2y
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Dear Haiti, Love Alaine | Maika Moulite, Maritza Moulite
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Hello #FoodandLit Buddy Readers! 🇭🇹

How are you liking the book so far? I'm halfway through and enjoying it! I like Alaine's sense of humor.
Do you like the style of the books with the diary entries, letters, and emails?

There is one thing that has bothered me that I'll put in the comments to avoid spoilers.

Catsandbooks Alaine has had so many incidents, situations, etc. Where she has gone overboard with her drama and it gets her into trouble. To me it shows that she has a lot of growing up to do. Do you think she's done those things to get the attention of her mother who hasn't really been there for her and has been so focused on her career? Also it seems like her mom has put her career first and Alaine has been an afterthought. Will her diagnosis change that? 2y
TheBookHippie I am struggling … hoping it‘s the COVID after affects…I agree with your immature statement. Driving me to not like the book. 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie oh I'm sorry! Hoping the covid effects go away soon! 💕 2y
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TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks started Sept 23 can‘t imagine I have much longer to go… 😝😵‍💫 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie oh wow! Sending healing thoughts your way! ✨💕 2y
Lunakay @Catsandbooks I like this kind of very direct 1st person narrator, I liked it in general so far, love Alaine's humor and actually thought the whole pig cake incident was quite hilarious in a slapstick sort of way🤭 Starting with the Haiti part today! 2y
Catsandbooks @Lunakay I hope you enjoy the rest of it! 2y
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A Taste of Haiti | Mirta Yurnet-Thomas
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Another yummy meal, inspired by #FoodandLit. Red beans and rice, plantain casserole, and cabbage salad.

@Texreader @Catsandbooks @Butterfinger #Haiti

Texreader Yum! Sounds amazing!! 2y
Catsandbooks Delicious! 🇭🇹 2y
IndoorDame Yum!! 2y
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BarbaraBB You are quite the 👩‍🍳 2y
BarbaraBB Dear Liz I found this big fat parcel in my mailbox today! Thank you so much! I guess I have to wait until my birthday to open it 🤪❤️ 2y
Liz_M I'm happy to hear it arrived safely! It's your birthday so you can open it whenever you want 😁 2y
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Krik? Krak! | Edwidge Danticat
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(Pronounced like Creek? Crock!)

I would be remiss if I let #Haiti month go by without reading Edwidge Danticat. This collection of short stories gave me a good idea of the struggles & values of Haitians, both in their home country and when they immigrate to the US. These are not light topics but Danticat shows the importance of family as a common, hopeful thread in our protagonists' actions.

#foodandlit @butterfinger @texreader @catsandbooks

Catsandbooks Fantastic! 🇭🇹 2y
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Dear Haiti, Love Alaine | Maika Moulite
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Repost for @Catsandbooks

The #FoodandLit Buddy Read for Haiti is Dear Haiti, Love Alaine. It's a young adult coming of age story.

This is a casual read-at-your-own-pace buddy read. Anyone is welcome to join! Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in the check-in posts.

TheBookHippie I got my copy! 2y
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Dear Haiti, Love Alaine | Maika Moulite
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The #FoodandLit Buddy Read for Haiti is Dear Haiti, Love Alaine. It's a young adult coming of age story.

This is a casual read-at-your-own-pace buddy read. Anyone is welcome to join! Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in the check-in posts.

TheBookHippie Got my copy! 2y
JamieArc Oooh! Can‘t wait to see the posts for this month! I miss Haitian food! 2y
tdrosebud I have a copy, please tag me! 2y
Lunakay Sounds great, please tag me :) 2y
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