Someplace in that mess is the receipt and tracking numbers for #HappyBday2Me #giveaway, #dystopianblues #dystopianswap, and #secretsantagoespostal #take2. All should be there sometime this week. They were mailed Saturday.
Someplace in that mess is the receipt and tracking numbers for #HappyBday2Me #giveaway, #dystopianblues #dystopianswap, and #secretsantagoespostal #take2. All should be there sometime this week. They were mailed Saturday.
Last week, I volunteered as a Christmas Elf at the annual Christmas Party that my sister sponsors at the Senior Living Community where our mother once resided. My daughter and nieces also join in the fun! We sing, dance, distribute cookies and gifts and share good times with the Seniors! Wishing you a wonderful year! #happybday2me
Thank you for the birthday wishes every one. And thank you for those who shared their #happybday2me stories. I've had a good day.
If I tag you below please drop me a mailing address at MissRyanAF at gmail.com. You will be getting some surprises in the new year.
Every year at Christmas I pick some names off an angel tree in our community. The thing that makes this tree special is that it‘s gifts for senior citizens with not much money. They ask for soap, hand sanitizer, body lotion - things that are hard for them to get on a budget. The best part is throwing in extras like candy, warm gloves, or a cozy blanket. #HappyBday2me #giveaway
There is a new #giveaway celebratimg the birthday of @LibrarianRyan . Happy Birthday! 🎂🎉 Hope you have a great one. #HappyBday2me
I made a friend in my town, Martha, almost 5 years ago when she turned 100. The town celebrated her birthday and I started visiting her. We became friends because she is an avid reader and because she lived alone. She didn‘t have family to help her so we went shopping and to the park. 12/28 she turns 105.