✨Troll Wars were like Batman movies: both were repeated at regular intervals, featured expensive hardware, and were broadly predictable.✨
#dragons #magic #JasperFforde
✨Troll Wars were like Batman movies: both were repeated at regular intervals, featured expensive hardware, and were broadly predictable.✨
#dragons #magic #JasperFforde
Jennifer Strange — administrator of the agency, where there are 52 wizards. The action takes place in Kingdom, where people are at war with the trolls and trying to get land left over after the death of the #dragon. And of course there's #magic. However, mages aren't the ones that in the old glorious days, because the magical field is weakening from year to year. Because of this, sorcerers are forced to go to work.
#JasperFforde 🐉✨
✨The only thing you really get to figure out after a lifetime of study is that there's more stuff to figure out✨
#dragons #magic #JasperFforde
✨ It was written in the ancient RUNIX spell-language, and is read-only and can't be modified ✨
#dragons #magic #JasperFforde
Racing through this one because a) it‘s good and b) the library has a huge waitlist so I can‘t renew it! Love Fforde‘s books! #jasperfforde #librarybook
Humorous reread 😂😂😂 I appreciate Fforde‘s irreverent humor.
#jasperfforde #reread #humor
"After all, colour in itself has no colour - it's simply a construction of the mind: a sensation, like the Humming Chorus from Madam Butterfly and the smell of honeysuckle."
Jasper Fforde, Shades of Grey
Glass sculpture by Glass Baron
#reading #TheBookKeeper #jasperfforde #shadesofgrey
Since I like Hearne‘s Iron Druid series and Dawson‘s work as Lila Bowen, this piqued my interest. This collaboration between them is making me LOL out loud. Fun book to read so far. Reminds me of the styles of Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, and Simon Green.
#humor #terrypratchett #jasperfforde #puns #darklords #farmboys #chainmail #simongreen
LOOK WHAT ARRIVED TODAY!!! (I pre-ordered the UK edition because I couldn‘t wait until the US 2019 release—best purchase decision of the year so far!)
On a related note, does anyone want to babysit my 11-week-old so I can actually read this? #earlyriser #jasperfforde #favoriteauthor #booksbooksbooks
Used book hauls are my favorite ❤️
#usedbooks #bookhaul #onceuponatimebooks #jasperfforde #lostinagoodbook #joeldicker #thetruthabouttheharryquebertaffair #davidguterson #snowfallingoncedars #philippagregory #theredqueen #emilybronte #wutheringheights #davidmitchell #thethousandautumnsofjacobdezoet #roderickanscombe #thesecretlifeoflaszlocountdracula