If you loved The Bear and the Nightingale, this one will put it to shame. Such a good read!
If you loved The Bear and the Nightingale, this one will put it to shame. Such a good read!
This was my kind of book. I devoured it in under a 24 hour period and loved it more than Practical Magic. It was so beautifully written and perfect for the start of summer. Highly recommend!
So. Good.
I don‘t even really know what to say except that everyone should put this on their TBR right now!!
And if you‘re hesitant and asking, “Does it actually live up to the hype?” ... the answer is YES! For me, yes!
Also, can we please have more of this? The world needs these perspectives.
#childrenofbloodandbone #tomiadeyemi #cbb
I really enjoyed this book. Though the storyline takes place in the late 1800s, so many of the difficulties the mermaid (Amelia) faces are not so much different from the inequality and close-minded perspectives that women or anyone deemed “different from the norm” regularly face day-to-day. Throughout the story, Amelia fights to stay true to herself, and I think that‘s something all readers can relate to.
I absolutely loved this book! The atmosphere was lovely - everything you fall into if you watch BBC murder mysteries (Poirot, Midsomer Murders, Father Brown). The whole storyline itself follows a whodunit (an author‘s unfinished murder mystery storyline) inside of a whodunit (the author‘s mysterious death) and it‘s marvelous!
Highly recommend for those who love a little English atmosphere, quaint towns, quirky characters, and murder mysteries.
I love getting ARCs in the mail! Book mail is always the best mail. Can‘t wait to read and review this one!
While I realize this is a work of fiction, the history is still relevant even today.
#theladyoftherivers #philippagregory #perspective #historymatters #pov #strongwomen #femaleprotagonist #usedbooks #england #waroftheroses #plantagenet #lancaster #york
This one has turned into my evening read the last few nights. I‘m loving it. Completely on the same level of the old lady BBC small town mystery shows that pop up on Netflix that I shamelessly binge. (Do people over there legitimately love these shows as much as I do over here?)
After a week of whirlwind travel, I‘m happy to say I picked up this lovely gem while in Dublin. I never would‘ve stumbled upon it otherwise. Can‘t wait to read it!
Guys. This one was so good. I like nonfiction generally but this one hit home. As an introvert, I felt all my weird, introvert-y quirks were entirely explained, and I understand myself better now than I did when I started this book. If you‘re a parent (especially of a little, growing introvert), this should be required reading. But I mean really, everyone should read this.
Finished The Lady of the Rivers (finally)! This period of English history has always fascinated me, and Philippa Gregory is the Queen when it comes to this time period. I don‘t really know what else to say except “on to the next!”
#theladyoftherivers #philippagregory #waroftheroses #familydrama #cousinswar #englishhistory #plantagenet #lancaster #york #bookworm #sundayreading
Working through this one and didn‘t expect to love it so much!
Advantages to being a teacher and having a school library at your fingertips: skipping the public library‘s 6 month wait!
#thehateyougive #angiethomas #bookstagram #schoollibrary #perspectives #pov #librarybooks
When you make a special trip to Barnes & Noble (because your town is Independent Bookstore-less) to purchase a paperback specifically for the upcoming plane ride over the big blue pond ❤️
#purplemartins #planeridereads #springbreak #chaperonelife #educationaltour #ukfun #whirlwindsightseeing #london #england #wales #dublin #ireland #bookstagram #bookworm #allthebirdsinthesky #charliejaneanders
Had to read Bleak House in college and it slowly (because it‘s a monster and took a long time to read) became one of my favorites (and I don‘t know that I could really tell you why).
#bleakhouse #dickens #day53 #bookquote #bookstagram #bookworm #mondaymornings #fog #london #england #britishauthors
Used book hauls are my favorite ❤️
#usedbooks #bookhaul #onceuponatimebooks #jasperfforde #lostinagoodbook #joeldicker #thetruthabouttheharryquebertaffair #davidguterson #snowfallingoncedars #philippagregory #theredqueen #emilybronte #wutheringheights #davidmitchell #thethousandautumnsofjacobdezoet #roderickanscombe #thesecretlifeoflaszlocountdracula
This was so good for people like me who get caught up in atmospheric details and not-so-straight-forward characters. Such a Dickensian style novel! Not for those who want something happy and light. It left me with questions of what it means to be human - and maybe the kind that can‘t really be answered. I found myself desperately wanting to finish up my day so I could curl up in bed in the evening and finish the book. Highly recommend!
I‘ve always loved Dickens!
#dickens #dombeyandson #smoke #danvyleta #victorian #london #england #bookquote #bookworm
I had the best intentions of reading a different edition of this book in March of last year, but I ended up trading it out at a little library in Lichtenstein for a German novel with a bit of character. When I got back to the States, I ordered another copy. So, here‘s to a new, different sort of adventure: having read a Jasper Fforde novel.
#nonsensical #theeyreaffair #jasperfforde #littlelibrary #lichtenstein #bookstagram #bookworm
I can‘t wait to get to this one. Book mail is the best mail, especially on rainy days! ❤️
#bookmail #bestmail #philippagregory #theladyoftherivers
Can‘t say that I‘ve read Melville all the way through but maybe I‘ll feel inspired at some point later this year.
#stillreading #smoke #danvyleta #hermanmelville #mobydick #classics #day50 #bookquote #bookstagram
I am loving this book. I‘ve still got another 100 pages or so and hoping it ends well so I can continue raving about it.
One of my absolute favorites. The first few pages had me laughing and by the end I was crying. Old Leon Gursky will steal your heart.
#day27 #leongursky #thehistoryoflove #nicolekrauss #bookquotes #bookstagram #bookworm
“Though she be but little, she is fierce.”
#notoriousrbg #thelifeandtimes #ruthbaderginsburg #thefiercest #spiritanimal #billshakespeare