On to book #4 War Storm ⛈️ , I love Red Queen 👸🏼 still hoping for the best with Maven and Mare, not Cal. Also these are big beautiful books! 📕😍
On to book #4 War Storm ⛈️ , I love Red Queen 👸🏼 still hoping for the best with Maven and Mare, not Cal. Also these are big beautiful books! 📕😍
Love love love Victoria Aveyard‘s writing. The Red Queen series is so good. I HATE stickers on book jackets! #2017 #read #victoriaaveyard #kingscage
I was able to get my 3 year old to two book sales before she gave up on me. This is my book haul 📚
#ScaryStoriesToTellInTheDark #MoreScaryStoriesToTellInTheDark #MissPeregrines #CathysBook #Columbine #Caraval #Borne #Wicked #RedQueen #KingsCage #DisneysPhotomosaics
(Couldn‘t find the other Miss Peregrine‘s books or the second Red Queen...I‘ll keep looking 🤗😉)
I didn't hate this book, in fact I enjoyed it more than Glass Sword but I still have very mixed feelings about it, plus i saw that ending coming a mile off!!!
#kingscage #victoriaaveyard #marebarrow
4.2 stars! This was my last book of 2017 and I don‘t regret it! Can‘t wait to set my new book challenge for 2018 on Goodreads!
If you also read your last book, share it with hastag #lastbookof2017
Did you read the King‘s Cage?
#kingscage #victoriaaveyard #decread #ya #czechedition #fantasy #dystopia
I did it i completed #deweys24hourreadathon with out sleep, and this is The books i spend The time with 😄 #readathon17 #igreadathon #deweysreadathon2017 #books #bookporn #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #lovebooks #lovetoread #books4life #books4ever #bookstagram #bookaddict #addictedtobooks #readaddict #read #reading #readingtime #timetoread #instabooks #ididit #nosleep #stephanieperkins #lolaandtheboynextdoor #victoriaaveyard #kingscage
The clock is two at night here, so Its time for a energy drink and some eurodance 90s Music 🎼📖 #deweys24hourreadathon #cr #currentlyreading #readathon17 #igreadathon #deweysreadathon2017 #books #bookporn #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #lovebooks #lovetoread #books4life #books4ever #bookstagram #bookaddict #addictedtobooks #readaddict #read #reading #readingtime #timetoread #instabooks #burnenergy #kingscage #eurodance90s #eurodancemusic
Its time for #deweys24hourreadathon i Will start with King‘s Cage #cr #currentlyreading #readathon17 #igreadathon #deweysreadathon2017 #books #bookporn #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #lovebooks #lovetoread #books4life #books4ever #bookstagram #bookaddict #addictedtobooks #readaddict #kingscage #victoriaaveyard #redqueenseries
I am absolutely in love with the Red Queen series and this one did not disappoint! I pre-ordered it ages ago and it arrived at my house on the day of release! I devoured this book in about 2 days and am pining after the next instalment already!
If you loved the first two then you're going to love this one even more!
#redqueen #kingscage #victoriaaveyard