Had my ups and downs. Enjoyed a perspective that‘s trying to show pressures of higher education are not the path for all. Had trouble with the real estate finances side. Not explained for the common reader.
Had my ups and downs. Enjoyed a perspective that‘s trying to show pressures of higher education are not the path for all. Had trouble with the real estate finances side. Not explained for the common reader.
“Only different people change the world... no one normal has ever changed a crapping thing.”
Ain‘t this the truth.
“Idiots can‘t understand that non-idiots are done with a thought and already moving on to the next before they themselves have. That‘s why idiots are always so scared and aggressive. Because nothing scares idiots more than a smart girl” #girlpower #truth #idiots #mygrandmaaskedmetotellyoushessorry #fredrikmackman
Working on this bad boy. I meant to do it last month but that didn‘t work out so well. Anyone have favorite layouts for a bullet journal planner? #bulletjournal #babeyougotthis #diy #diyplanner #journal
The last and latest of the Red Queen series. Crazy action and storyline. Love Victoria. #2018 #readingchallenge #victoriaaveyard #warstorm
The cutest concept of a book. I loved it. It was cute and sweet and captured me completely. It made me think back to my old imaginary friends of my childhood. #2018 #readingchallenge #matthewdicks #memoirsofanimaginaryfriends
This series is not nearly as good as Throne of Glass but I still love all the twists and turns of it. Plus the covers are beautiful. #2018 #readingchallenge #acourtoffrostandstarlight #kindlebook #kindle
Bought on sale but seemed interesting. It was OK. Interesting enough but sometimes the language was weak. #2018 #readingchallenge #steffanpiper #greyhound
Last of Throne of Glass series. Sarah J Maas can spine a good tale. #2018 #readingchallenge #throneofglass #kingdomofash #sarahjmaas
A tale of friendship and accepting yourself. Loved it. #2018 #readingchallenge #goodluckwiththat #kristanhiggins
Love love love Victoria Aveyard‘s writing. The Red Queen series is so good. I HATE stickers on book jackets! #2017 #read #victoriaaveyard #kingscage
Loved it. Read shortly after visiting Germany. Well written and good story. #2018 #readingchallenge #book #thetattooistofauschwitz #heathermorris
Read after Ender‘s Game. Enjoyed it, for the most part, but had trouble with some of it. It was interesting to have a different perspective than Ender. You don‘t realize how brilliant Bean really is until you see the world from his perspective. #endersgame #endersshadow #bookchallengeof2019 #orsonscottcard