This book has ALL the potential to be my FAVORITE read of 2022!!!! Loving it 😎#PoolSideReads
This book has ALL the potential to be my FAVORITE read of 2022!!!! Loving it 😎#PoolSideReads
Merry Christmas, Littens! May everyone celebrating have a peaceful holiday. #ThoughtfulThursday will be back next week, too! #merrychristmas #loveyouall
I secretly bought this used on Amazon and it came in today!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to hide it from my parents. Just like the book I'm reading "The Sewing Circle" which is about queer women of old Hollywood. I took the jacket off and hid it under my bed, just like where this book is going. Lmao #closetedqueer #exceptonline #honestlyblesssocialmedia #nicepeopleareonline #whowontgivemeahardtime #loveyouall
Watching Antiques Roadshow!! Exhausted after spending time at the local beach today picking up trash and working really hard on this project that I'd like to try and sell online to hopefully make a little bit of $$$. Been feeling shit about myself lately so I'd like to at least try to sell some stuff online. ANYWAYZ my back is all fucked up from this work today so I'm gonna not move the rest of the night byeeeee #loveyouall #foundunspeakabletrash
Hi I'm Claire and I've checked out way too many comics from the library again so today I'll be reading comics until my eyeballs fall out #cantstop #wontstop #pleaseremember #intersperseyourheavyreading #withlightreadstoo #lovealltheOverThisreading #butbesuretogiveyourselfabreak #loveyouall #letschangethefuckingworld