I haven't read this one yet, but I've heard only good things about it so far. #MexicanWriters #MayBookFlowers
I haven't read this one yet, but I've heard only good things about it so far. #MexicanWriters #MayBookFlowers
A TBR ARC and three of my favorite books for #mexicanwriters #mexicanamericanwriters #maybookflowers
"Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?"
"I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you."
I bought this after being so awestruck by this woman, her life, and art when the Detroit Institute of Arts had an exhibit of her work. She epitomizes "though she be little, she is fierce".
#mexicanwriters #mexicanauthors #artist #icon #strongwoman #MayBookFlowers #cincodemayo
I read this in high school and loved it. Perhaps due for a reread? #mexicanwriters #cincodemayo #maybookflowers @RealLifeReading
This novel has been on my #TBR list for months. I love Benjamin Alire Saenz's work and can't wait to finally have time to read this one. #mexicanauthors #mexicanamericanauthors #mexicanwriters #mexicanamericanwriters #mexicanormexicanamericanauthors #mexicanormexicanamericanwriters #maybookflowers
I loved this book! One day my sister will find my copy that I loaned her several years ago... #MexicanWriters #MayBookFlowers
My favorite #MexicanAuthor and director is Guillermo del Toro. I love The Strain books and tv show. 🇲🇽 #Mexicanwriters #maybookflowers
#MayBookFlowers #littlelittens edition! This book is on my children's TBR list.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
#Mexicanormexicanamericanwriters #Mexicanauthors #mexicanwriters #Mexicanamericanauthors
(Images courtesy of Google and Wikipedia)
I read this one last year for the Classics Club. Magical realism (like Sarah Addison Allen) is one of my favorite genres, and I love seeing the origins of it in books like this. #mexicanwriters #maybookflowers
#Mexicanwriters #maybookshowers apparently I have not read many books by Mexican or Mexican-American writers, thanks to this prompt I see I've been missing some great books. I read this book so long ago I may have to do a reread. Photo credit Wikipedia