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If Gil's not into this book than neither am I! #PondandGil #CatsofLitsy #LittenKitten No for seriously though.... my brain is finding EVERY distraction not to read this because I NEED to. #ARC #galley

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
Zelma He looks really unimpressed. 😂 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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The scene at my house right now is a cat in a sea of cotton! She thought it was snow at first and was so scared haha #catsofLitsy #PondandGil #LittenKitten

RanaElizabeth Ugh. I am not allergic but even my body rebels at this "snow" like crazy! 7y
Laura317 Those cottonwood trees are crazy. 7y
MyNamesParadise Beautiful cat! 7y
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Exit West: A Novel | Mohsin Hamid
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look at how excited we are that this baby comes out TOMORROW! 😂 jk, I really am thrilled even if these two are not! Happy pub day Exit West by Mohsin Hamid 🎉🎉 and thanks so much to @riverheadbooks for the advance copy! ❤ #PondandGil #CatsofLitsy

Reviewsbylola Should be getting this one in the mail today. 😍 7y
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Cats on Instagram | @Cats_of_instagram
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My cat's a weirdie 🐈 #CatsofLitsy #PondandGil #Gilbert

Suzze Fun! 8y
Dolly Looks like a wig 😂😂 so cute! 8y
TheBookAddict 😂 I've come to the conclusion that ALL cats are weird. 😂 mine are oddballs as well. 8y
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cariashley Bahaha so true. Cats, the original weirdos. @TheBookAddict 8y
TheBookAddict @cariashley lol, definitely. My husband looks at the cats and asks them why they're so weird. In response he gets a 😑😒 look. 😂 8y
Eyelit Isn't a cat's default setting weird? They are cute regardless 😸 8y
LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
Zelma Their weirdness makes them so lovable though! 😻😻 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 Oh man, I love cats so much. 8y
LindsayReads What do you mean? Kitty is TOTALLY hiding. 😹😹😹 8y
DebinHawaii You gotta love them! 🐱❤️ 8y
kspenmoll What a cutie! Such a character! 😺😺 8y
AnnieReads Or just trying to stay warm. 8y
Nebklvr Combat cat 8y
courtney I love that it looks like a lil wig 🤣 adorable! 8y
Gissy So cute! 😻 8y
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