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On Cats
On Cats | Charles Bukowski
61 posts | 24 read | 45 to read
'A cat is only ITSELF,' Bukowski wrote. 'Representative of the strong forces of life that won't let go' A raw and tenderly funny look at the relationship between cats and humans from one of the world's most treasured and transgressive writers 'The cat is the beautiful devil' For Charles Bukowski there was something majestic and elemental about cats. He considered them to be sentient beings, whose searing gaze could penetrate deep into our being. Cats see into us; they are on to something. Funny, moving, tough, and caring, On Cats brings together the acclaimed writer's reflections on these animals he so admired. We also see these creatures at their most ruthless and most resilient: they are fighters, hunters, survivors who command awe and respect as they grip tightly onto the world around them. On Cats gives an illuminating portrait of one very special writer and a lifelong relationship with the animals he considered his most profound teachers.
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski

An odd collection of poems???! 🤪

Read for reading challenges

Library book 📖


On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I really enjoyed this collection and may possibly avoid the author in the future! But he sure loves cats and writes about it with his own kind of love. #PoetryMatters #APoemADay

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Current Poetry Collection #poemaday #poetrymatters

(Esther meets neighbor cat Callie. I am allergic to cats.)

Soubhiville Aw, great photo. 🙂 11mo
AvidReader25 Hey Esther! 11mo
dabbe Hello, adorable Esther, and cutie Callie! 🖤🐾🐾🖤 11mo
CatLass007 Hey, Esther. Hey, sweet Callie. @BkClubCare I‘m sorry you‘re allergic to cats. My sister-in-law has a terrible cat allergy. 11mo
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Absurdly, one of the only things my husband and I argue about is Charles Bukowski. I despise him- abusive, misogynistic, angry and miserable. But my husband likes his style, and defiantly gifted me the tagged book a couple of years ago. I just got around to reading it, and finally found the author's humanity. Cats, man; they bring it out. "When I am feeling low, all I have to do is watch my cats and my courage returns." Same, Buk. Damn you.

Texreader 🐈‍⬛❤️ 3y
Ruthiella Weird coincidence because this book is SO NICHE but I also just read it. I don‘t think I‘d like Bukowski as a person or a writer because of all you point out. But the man did love his cats! 3y
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Andrea313 @Ruthiella It's definitely a niche read! But I found it to be an unexpected pleasure. 3y
sharread Cute kitty ❤ 3y
Andrea313 @sharread Thank you! He's a total sweetheart. ❤️ 3y
BkClubCare Just started this collection (is it a collection?!) and it has started SO weird!!! TY for sharing your review. I am unfamiliar with this dude. Will persevere. Gorgeous cat! 11mo
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I‘m not one for poetry and Bukowski and I probably didn‘t have too much in common other than a shared love for felines. 😻

“One of the finest things about cats is
that when you are feeling bad , very bad-
if you just look at a cat cooling it
the way they do
it‘s a lesson in persevering against
the odds, and if you can look at 5 cats that‘s 5
times better”

My last book for #Booked2021 Fall Edition- Poetry or verse

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review, quote, and photo collage!! 👊🏻 3y
Ruthiella @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks! I had to get my own cats in the presentation. It wasn‘t easy! 😹 3y
Cinfhen Awww, your cats are lovely 😻😻 3y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen Thanks! 😺 3y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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This was a quick audiobook to take for a spin while running errands. I love cats, so I did appreciate Bukowski‘s mutual admiration, some of which is really perceptive or amusing, but also jeeze what a dirtbag 😂 Eh, it was fine for what it is but definitely for existing Bukowski fans.

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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‘The cat is the beautiful devil‘, says Bukowski, and in this wonderful collection of cat-related poetry he shows what a loveable devil a cat can be. I‘ve always rated Bukowski. The novels are great, too: Post Office especially. I sometimes read my own stuff to the cat. He never judges and sometimes purrs.

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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I didn‘t think I could dislike a book of poems about cats, but this wasn‘t my thing.

Kaila-ann I don‘t think your cat is enjoying it either lol. (edited) 5y
Bookwormjillk @Kaila-ann no, he was not very pleased 😜 5y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Charles Bukowski
Mary Roach
Charles Dickens
Neil Gaiman
Hunter S. Thompson

Good one, @britt_brooke

britt_brooke Bukowski and Thompson could‘ve easily made my just, too. Nice choices! 5y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Calypso demands the spotlight on #nationalcatday

CareBear What a gorgeous cat! 😻 6y
Crazeedi And certainly deserves it! 6y
BookBabe 😻 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Momo parties hard on #nationalcatday

BookBabe 😻😻😻😻😻 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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"Let's see you try to read a book now, sucka!"

#caturday #catsoflitsy #KAL

Leftcoastzen So cute, cats love to sit on the reading material,book, magazine, newspaper,all good for sitting. 6y
sprainedbrain 😹😹😹 6y
vivastory Foiled! 😂 6y
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Tonton Also computers、 6y
Velvetfur Oh my gosh, most beautiful puss ever! Siamese....? Or similar? 6y
2BR02B @Velvetfur You're dead on- she's half siamese. You can't tell in this photo, but her eyes are bright blue. 6y
Velvetfur @2BR02B Aaww how gorgeous! It's her colour points that made me think Siamese 💜🐱 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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"Mom, can we have a readathon next weekend, too?"

Feli is really appreciating how sedentary I've been this weekend. ?

#24in48 #catsoflitsy

DGRachel 😍😍 6y
alisiakae 😍😍 6y
LauraJ My cats feel the same (but I‘m not wearing pants, so you‘ve all been spared the pics). 6y
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TheDaysGoBy Adorable kitty! ❤️ 6y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 6y
Leftcoastzen Super cute!❤️😻 6y
2BR02B @LauraJ 😂😂😂 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Because comfort is relative. #catsoflitsy

Trashcanman 😂 6y
Christine11 😂 Adorable! 💛 6y
LeahBergen Ha! 😆 6y
Bookzombie 💕🐱🐱 6y
britt_brooke 😹 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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@Emiller Feli and Fran are sending kitty cuddles your way, and hoping you feel better soon. ❤😺


Emiller Can‘t handle this cuteness!! Kitten snuggles! ❤️🐱❤️🐱 6y
MicrobeMom So sweet! My kitties are never this nice to one another! 6y
2BR02B @MicrobeMom They get into occasional spats (like all siblings), but overall they adore each other. 6y
Tanzy13 🐱 6y
Eyelit The sweetness! 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I‘m jealous of my cats‘ lifestyle. This is how to spend a Sunday. All that‘s missing is a good book. 😜

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Like I need an excuse to post a picture of my cat! Here‘s #KingCyress being peak lazy. Every day I tell him to go get a job, but does he listen? It‘s a good thing he‘s cute. 😻

Congratulations again, @TheLibrarian! 💕💕
#50kgiveaway2 #catsoflitsy #catsy

robinb It‘s good to be King! 😂 6y
TheLibrarian 😻😻😻 My cat has a bed too but she refuses to use it. 6y
AmyG Ha. Our joke is that our cat is my husband‘s assistant (he works alot from home). And then we always joke how he fired her due to laziness. Your cat is too cute. 6y
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MinDea So cute! I ask my kitties about when they'll be able to start paying rent. 😆😆😆So far ... nothing! 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Cats are magical. That‘s their job. 🐈❤️ 6y
kamoorephoto 😽😽😽😽😽😽 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Our cats have assumed the appropriate positions for this rainy day #jealous

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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ReadingSusan 😻😻 6y
JoScho Sweetness! They are snuggling! 6y
Cathythoughts Oooooh snuggling up 😽😽😽 6y
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LiteraryinLawrence That is so adorable! 6y
PurpleyPumpkin What sweethearts!😻😻 6y
Asthecroweflies Adorable! 6y
CherryPie Gorgeous! Bet they smell better than Bukowski. 6y
Kaye Those cats are snuggled up so close to each other, at first glance, it looked like the Two-Headed Cat Display at Ripleys Museum. 😁 6y
Leftcoastzen OMG! So adorable!❤️👍😺😻 6y
Zelma I love them! 😻😻 so adorable! 6y
DebinHawaii So sweet! 🐱❤️🐱 6y
Eyelit Oh, the cuteness! 6y
2BR02B @Kaye that's hilarious, because they mirror each other's behavior so often, I sometimes feel like they share a brain. Or are connected via some vast, feline hive mind. 😆 6y
SandyW Your kitties are too sweet. 6y
Purrfectpages They are too cute! 6y
RohitSawant 😻😻 6y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Watson approves.

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Between the Boxing Day sale and having $20 in rewards, I just got 18 books for only $17 at Book Outlet. 💃🏼📚💃🏼 The cat isn‘t impressed, though. #kingcyress #catsoflitsy #catsy

Suet624 Nice!!! 7y
emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
ReadingSusan Love it! 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Nice!!! And 😹 funny cats are never really impressed! 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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AmyG 😺😸😻😽🙀 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Not a huge fan of Bukowski, but cats! 😻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

larah17 I‘ve never read anything by him (yet), but I really like that 😄 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Thank you, @emilyhaldi for this #HalloweenGoesPostal gift. I was giggling aloud today during #PoetrySpeedDating . #FallBookExchange

Lcsmcat 😂 7y
emilyhaldi 😂😻 7y
Avanders 😍😂 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
SconsinBookyBadger 😹😹 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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#TBRtemptation post 6! This short book goes into the positive relationship between the crusty writer and the felines he respected and admired. This book of reflective poems is humorous, edgy and raw. Mingled with other subjects such as life and aging, Bukowski's love for cats shines through. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Leftcoastzen Yay Cats! 7y
BookBabe 😸 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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My stack of books read during #24in48 readathon. I might have only read 10 hours, but I finished 2 books that were already in-progress, read 3 additional books, and started 2 more, one of which is an audiobook. Overall a great weekend! 😁

Bookzombie Yay! That's great! 7y
Reviewsbylola That's amazing!! 7y
Mdargusch Nice! 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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The scene at my house right now is a cat in a sea of cotton! She thought it was snow at first and was so scared haha #catsofLitsy #PondandGil #LittenKitten

RanaElizabeth Ugh. I am not allergic but even my body rebels at this "snow" like crazy! 7y
Laura317 Those cottonwood trees are crazy. 7y
MyNamesParadise Beautiful cat! 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Trying to read, suffering INCESSANT meowing instead. Can a bookworm have no peace!!! 😡 #CatsofLitsy #LittenKitten #cantread

Bookzombie "I'm so cute, Mom. Pay attention. " ?? 7y
MyNamesParadise What a precious kitty!! 7y
Jinjer Oh I wish I had a kitty meowing at me! 7y
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WordWaller @Bookzombie haha the thing is, I was playing with him and giving him attention in between trying to read and nothing helps! He just gets in crazy moods and thinks he needs more food. It's insane! 7y
WordWaller @Jinjer haha you can have him! He doesn't want me anymore lol 7y
LauraBrook He's adorable!!! 😻😽😻😽😻 7y
CouronneDhiver Oh kitties! Haha 7y
Texreader Someone needs a hug!! 😻❤️ 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Only day off this week and what are we doing? Working out followed by reading and napping 👍😊 #CatsofLitsy #LittenKitten #TBR

Sace 😍😍😍😍 7y
RealBooks4ever 😻😻😻 7y
Karkar The one spot looks like a ❤️when in that position 7y
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WordWaller @Karkar awwww I never saw that before! ❤️ 7y
Texreader Sounds perfect 7y
elkeOriginal Only cats can nap & do yoga simultaneously 🤣😂🤣😻😻😻 7y
VoraciousReader Our cat loves to sleep like this too! So adorable!❤️ 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Made a pilgrimage over the weekend. Another one off of my list of Must Visit Bookstores. Love this place. I wanted to move in. 😍🌇📚💸

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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My cat is the ACTUAL WEIRDEST. This is Pond. Had to snap this from far away because she stretched more then moved soon after I got close. So silly! #catsoflitsy #littenkitten

MrBook 😻😻😻 7y
kspenmoll 😻😻 7y
elkeOriginal Weird cats are the best 😻 7y
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KVanRead 😹❤️ 7y
LeahBergen 😂😂 7y
RealBooks4ever 😆💜😻🐾Paws! 7y
JazzFeathers 😅😅❤😻😻😻 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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He can be sneaky when he wants to be! And after this he meowed like crazy and swatted my cookie out of my hands, so I fed them. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten

WordWaller Oh yeah and now he's trying to eat his sister's food 😡 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Back home with my baby boy and I realize now I got no pictures of my in-laws kitties! This guy won't shut up or stop asking for attention despite already getting attention, lol #CatsofLitsy

josie281 Hello Handsome 🐱!! 7y
SharonGoforth 😻😻 7y
JessClark78 🐱❤️ 7y
DebinHawaii Gorgeous boy! 🐱❤️ 7y
Literaryunicorn 🐈❤️ 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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My #BookOutlet haul just got here! 🙌🏻 I figured last week's sale was enough reason to buy a few books I'm interested in but don't know a lot about. Anyone read any of these?

IamIamIam Checked your hashtag. Worst mistake ever...😂 7y
BekahB Ohhh I didn't know they had Gratitude! I'll have to add that to my wishlist. Great haul! 😀 7y
JennaRoot Sweetland was lovely! 7y
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emilyhaldi @IamIamIam 😂😂 I know the feeling! 7y
emilyhaldi @BekahB very interested in Gratitude but feel like I need to be in the right headspace to take it on! 7y
emilyhaldi @JennaRoot that's one of the books I knew nothing about and found it just browsing through the sale. It seemed right up my alley though- glad you liked!! 7y
KarenUK Read the Colum McCann and also Sweetland.... loved both 💕👍 7y
LeahBergen Sweetland is great! 7y
Lindy I loved Sweetland. 😊 7y
christineandbooks The Shirley Jackson book is great. I actually just read the essays when I had it out from the library, leaving the stories for another time. She has an awesome sense of humor and is just very clever and interesting. 7y
Bookboss I loved Sweetland! 7y
emilyhaldi A lot of love for Sweetland! 👏🏻 @KarenUK @LeahBergen @Lindy @Bookboss 7y
Suet624 So many great authors in that stack. 7y
minkyb A great read. I really was immersed in the time and characters. My family is really in to O'Keefe and Stieglitz' work. 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Millay weighed in on the subject. 📚🐾🐈

balletbookworm Book Vampire strikes again 😱 7y
Megabooks 🙀 7y
Katherinelizabethsmith Oh hey I have a book vampire. 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Winston says hello to you, @lemonlime799 #catsoflitsy

Joybishoptx He looks regal! 7y
quietjenn He definitely considers himself the king of the castle @Joybishoptx 7y
queerbookreader Hi Winston 😍 thank you for tagging me!! 💞 7y
CherylDeFranceschi ❤️😻 7y
Captivatedbybooks My Simba's twin! 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I have to get ready for work to leave on time right NOW but GUESS WHO decided this was super good timing for her HIGHLY RARE cuddles! Pond is slowwwwwwlyyyyyyyy gonna be a lap cat 😍 #catsoflitsy

SusanInTiburon She's enchanting! 7y
SharonGoforth 😻😻 7y
elkeOriginal Such a sweet face! You cannot disturb a rare cuddle 😺 7y
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Laura317 Pond! Is she named after Amelia Pond, by any chance? 7y
DebinHawaii So sweet! 🐱❤️ 7y
Zelma So sweet! 😻 My non-lap cat has been testing the waters a bit lately. I think it's just due to cooler temps. 😆 7y
RealBooks4ever @Zelma I know! And how can you move a cat when they're being so cuddly?! 😻😻😻 7y
Jinjer She's mad that she's so comfy.😂 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Look at this goober. Big stretch! I'm told he's very drugged up atm. Yesterday was solely spent taking him to the vet and learning he has a UTI/crystals due to his weight so I've been trying to get him to drink water, take his new med, and not pee on the carpet! 🙈😂😭 His water fountain also broke yesterday so no more easy way to get him to drink :( I know a lot of ya'll are cat people, so any advice?

Bookzombie Aww, poor kitty. I wish I had advice for you. Cats are so funny about how they love the fountains. Mine gets upset when I take it to clean it and just give her a bowl of water. 7y
8little_paws Can you get him to eat wet food? 7y
8little_paws I transitioned my cats to wet by mixing in more and more each day with the dry food over a week or so 7y
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MarriedtoMrT I have a female on special food because she kept getting UTIs. I'm not much help except to say that Nature's Miracle spray does seem to really work to clean and discourage re-wetting areas after he feels better. Healing vibes to him and positive thoughts to you! 7y
BookishFeminist Aw poor kitty! I hope he feels better soon! 🐱🐾 7y
BookishMarginalia He's a cutie! Wet food, a new fountain, and just keep doing what you're doing. 💜 7y
elkeOriginal My guy recently had pee troubles too and I successfully get him to ingest more fluid by adding water to his wet food to make more like gravy. Crystals are scary - good luck! I always heard grain free foods help prevent crystals too. 7y
mrsh62010 Wet food is a must. My kitty passed away from urinary blockage. He was incredibly sick almost instantly, and was already too late to save him when we got to the vet. Simply feeding wet food would have prevented it, had I known... Cats have a low thirst drive as most of their fluids come from their prey in the wild. They need the fluids from wet food to balance this out, especially boy kitties. Best wishes for your sweet pal! 7y
LectricSheep My cat will practically only drink out of the sink. 🙄she used to drink out of her fountain, but somehow...progressed? Regressed? Who knows....to the sink. So in a pinch, I think most fountain-loving kitties will like a sink faucet as well. Not sure you want to go down that path though.... hope he feels better soon! ❤️️ 7y
LindsayReads One of my cats developed diabetes, and dehydration was def a problem. Wet food and/or pouring a little water onto his dry food. My cats used to not be into wet food...if yours is the same, check out Trader Joe's tuna for cats. It is universal kitty crack in my experience. 7y
PenguinInFlight Poor guy!! My kitty had the same problem...wet food helps a lot, since they don't seem to want to drink much. You can even add a little water to it, and they tend to lap it up. I hope he's on the mend soon!! 💗💗 7y
mrsh62010 And yes @MarriedtoMrT is right about Nature's Miracle. Used it when house training my pup, and it prevents repeat attempts. But yeah just try to be grateful he's able to pee! I spent my kitty's last day loving him and begging him to pee wherever he wanted, but the blockage was too severe :( 7y
Handmade_Redhead Poor thing. Hope he gets better soon. No suggestions except those already made. 7y
8little_paws Also I will recommend Nature's Variety Instinct as a nice quality, easy to obtain wet food. They sell it at petsmart and petco. I have a cat with a chronic digestive issue and this is one of the best foods for him. My other cat had crystals years ago but a diet change got rid of them. 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
Soubhiville One of my guys is on urinary food too. Wet food, new fountain (in the meantime will he drink from the sink? You could leave it dripping- my cats love that). I see these aren't new suggestions... Petsmart carries a few brands of urinary tract protection foods that are cheaper than what the vet sells, seeming to work ok for my guy so far. 7y
Kimzey Can't improve on the advice already offered. Just hope he feels better soon! 😻 7y
LeahBergen Aww! Sweet guy. 7y
DebinHawaii I can't offer any additional advice to the above but hope kitty feels better soon. 🐱❤️ 7y
Faibka Aww poor sweetie 😻💕can't add more on what has been said. Hope your kitty gets better soon! 7y
Dolly He sure is a cute guy. Good luck with his recovery❤️💕 7y
BethFishReads Awww. Hope he's better soon 7y
RealBooks4ever Poor baby! *hugs* 💜😿 7y
kspenmoll Hope he gets well@soon! 😺😍 7y
WordWaller Oh my gosh everyone thank you SO MUCH for sending love and all your comments and advice. ❤️❤️❤️ Just got home after a long long day and no phone so I will be taking notes and replying respectively to your comments tomorrow. Thanks again so much! Update: he's chipper as ever and just 💩 in the litter box but then promptly peed on the rug right outside it hahaha. So as you said, I'm just thankful he can pee! Lots of trash bags going down now! 7y
elkeOriginal Put down some piddle pads - easier to clean up - and be glad he goes anywhere! I love how Litsy turned into an animal care site here 😺 7y
WordWaller @bookzombie thank you ❤️ he's a particular little guy! @8little_paws we used to do mostly dry and some wet but just switched to mostly wet and some dry. And we pour water over his dry food. So I seriously don't know what I was doing wrong! @MarriedtoMrT I've practically used my whole bottle of Nature's Miracle and can still smell pee, but it's better than nothing! Thank you! @BookishFeminist @bookishmarginalia thank you! ❤️ 7y
WordWaller @elkeo Thanks! It's funny because we are using grain free dry food with water on top but now have switched to only one dry meal a day and mostly wet. I think he's happy with that. @mrsh62010 I'm so sorry about your kitty! :( :( That must have been so hard. It's crazy how little particular things like that matter so much when my parents taught me something completely different growing up! I never knew wet food was so important until I got these 2 7y
WordWaller @LectricSheep haha I've tried letting him use the sink but he can't fit his head under there without getting super wet 😂😂 thanks! We're ordering a new fountain soon. @LindsayReads ooh, thanks for the recommendation! We use an expensive dry AND wet food and always pour water over it unless we leave them for hours. So idk, I'm adding even more now haha @PenguinInFlight @handmade_redhead thank you!! ❤️ 7y
WordWaller @8little_paws ooh, thanks for the rec! We use Soulistic for the wet food and a weight watching grain free Solid Gold for the little bit of dry we give them. @Soubhiville thanks!! I think we'll see if he gets better with what we have and consider switching to something else if this becomes a regular problem. @Kimzey @DebinHawaii @Faibka @Dolly @BethFishReads @RealBooks4ever @kspenmoll thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️ he seems to be doing a little better! 7y
WordWaller @elkeo haha right??! I was surprised by all the responses!! And thanks! I have plastic bags all around he little boxes but that's an even better idea! 7y
LindsayReads Oh no! I hope kitty starts getting better soon... 7y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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This man lead a very internal life. All he wanted was a bottle of booze and a typewriter. Through his pain he has left us with very raw poems and books. For those who get the struggle...

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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This is me in a little bit. #CatsofLitsy

On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Happy Caturday everyone! This is my next #NonFictionNovember read, but Kali thinks I should start it now.

#CatsofLitsy #Caturday

jessicarenee Your cat is so cute! 😻 8y
Litlady That face‼️ 😻🐾❤️😻🐾❤️ 8y
Faibka Kitty!!! 💜😻😻😻 8y
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Bookzombie 💕🐱 8y
Handmade_Redhead Always listen to the cat! 8y
DebinHawaii Sweet face! 🐱❤️ 8y
Bette 🐱❤️️💙💜 8y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Omg whyyyyyyyy. My in-laws got a NEW KITTEN last week and I don't get to see her until Thanksgiving 😭😭😭 This is a pic my sister-in-law posted online. 😻😻😻😻😻I know it's so creative but they named her Tabby 😂

Ashley_Nicoletto She's so cute and I have to admit I'm even a fan of her name! 8y
saresmoore Gah! Must. Have. Kitten! 8y
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Varshitha Awe so cute😍😻 8y
Merethebookgal 😻😍😻😍 8y
LauraBeth She needs a nose boop 8y
LiteraryinLawrence Adorable!! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi Eef! 😻 8y
SarahKat84 Agh. So cute and tiny 😻😻😻 8y
Suzze A kitten is impossible not to love. 💜💜💜 8y
moranadatter So cute! 😻 8y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 8y
UwannaPublishme Such a seeetie! 😻 8y
Megabooks Omgee so cute!! 😻😻 8y
Zelma 😻 so adorable! 8y
Gissy Cute! 😻 8y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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Sparkpuppypup Yes!!! 😂 8y
KVanRead So. True. 😻 8y
Emory My cat strongly identifies with this. 🐱 8y
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librarian365 Thus my cat's deep love of library books 8y
BookishFeminist 😂😂 Accurate 8y
Tcip Damn cats. 8y
Crewgurl The struggle is real. Also using open books as beds... 8y
read_diverse_books Exactly why I don't have a cat! 8y
tysephine So true omg 8y
rubyslippersreads Also the corner of my iPad. 😸 8y
Liberty @rubyslippersreads Yes! Millay bites the corner of my laptop screen while I'm reading. ROCKS FOR BRAINS. 8y
Tanzy13 🐱😂 8y
Zelma So true! And attempting to nibble my iPad. And sniffing the library books like they are cocaine. 8y
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️❤️😻 8y
LauraBeth 😹😹😹 8y
MyNamesParadise That's me as a human haha 8y
Bluzygrl I will rub my face all over your book and if I like what I smell, I'll take a nibble. ~ Tonks😹 8y
Procrastireader Cats read by direct absorption. I had two cats who became distinguished social workers by sleeping on all of my textbooks. 8y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I was supposed to bring home Millay and Steinbeck on Halloween in 2011, but because of an outbreak of illness at the shelter, it delayed the process by three weeks. So I had to wait patiently and look at adorable photos instead. But it was on this day that I decided this sleepy little kitten was going to be Steinbeck. 💕

Suzze 😻😻😻😻 8y
MamaGina So sweet!!!🐾 8y
KarenUK Beautiful sleepy face 💗💗💗 8y
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Sparkpuppypup Awwwww, so precious. ❤️😻😘💖 8y
LauraBrook Aw! Both you and the cats lucked out when you found each other! 8y
Litlady Sweet, precious fur babies‼️ 🐾😻❣😸😽💤 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Fur babies❤️ 8y
Bookzombie So sweet! 💕🐱 8y
Baileeandme Awww, so sweet! 🐾 8y
Kappadeemom That is just presh 😺 8y
SarahSDavis I adopted Jon Snow and Minerva and brought them home Nov 1,2014 so tomorrow is their anniversary day 😭💞🐈 8y
Matilda Ded! 8y
Tanner I brought the Ace Of Hearts home 4 years ago today! 8y
auntie_jenn 💜💕💜💕💜 8y
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On Cats | Charles Bukowski
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I have been staying with my sister this weekend to help her out after a surgery. I haven't had much time to read, but I have enjoyed spending time with these two cuties. They are Snowball and Princess. What few minutes I have tried to read, they have not let me. Princess bites when I stop petting her. She lives up to her name!

DebinHawaii 🐱❤️ 8y
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