Holy crap! Look at these beautiful new editions of Butler we got in today at RoscoeBooks!
Holy crap! Look at these beautiful new editions of Butler we got in today at RoscoeBooks!
I liked this so much more than I expected to. A thrilling story of an escaping slave, this book is paced amazingly, and filled with some surprising turns and truly great lived in characters. I haven't read the other books in this series but now I might have to seek them out.
I'm enjoying this YA novel about an escaping slave a heck of a lot more than I thought I would. Anyone read the earlier books on this series?
Picked up this children's illustrated War of the Worlds at a thrift store.
I guess when you have an illustration every other page they can't all be winners. I particularly like "Frank dresses quickly "
I had high hopes for this one but it was almost a pan. Super predictable. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Stories can be predictable but still great. This one was just okay for me. The magic and world were interesting but the characters were forgettable. #borrow this one from your library. #yafantasy #fantasy #ya #sfff
Though I found this in general sci-fi, it definitely feels like a ya story. Teen from a Mars colony with dreams of becoming a pilot navigates the murky waters of an Earth boarding school. A lot of fun but something was missing. I never found myself worried for any of the characters. I'd still like to read more stories about these characters and more in this world. #scifi #ya #yascifi #sfff
It is hard to read this book without feeling burned. I mean, we totally deserve it, but still.