Noodle insisted on being in the frame 🙄 and also showing what she thinks of this book 😹😹😹 it was a giveaway prize, but now it's going to the library donation box 😌 #thebookishferrets #petsoflitsy #uglybookcovers
Noodle insisted on being in the frame 🙄 and also showing what she thinks of this book 😹😹😹 it was a giveaway prize, but now it's going to the library donation box 😌 #thebookishferrets #petsoflitsy #uglybookcovers
Tim Powers, I think these days this is just called Resting Bitch Face. 😂
That man is not just stressed. He's TERRIFIED. If only this happened in real life!
This cover's not as ugly as the rest from today but I just can't with sci fi covers in general. They're so bad they're good. 😂 This book does sound like something I'd actually read though, so there's that. 🐉
#UglyBookCovers #SeptPhotoChallenge #SomethingforSept
I like trains, but I don't need to see them from orbit 🚂☢😳
(Michael Crichton tended to suffer from #uglybookcovers syndrome anyway)
A green bug thingy! Muscles! Jets! A...trash can lid on his back? Who cares?! Excitement!
I may cheat and do more of these over the next few weeks because I have a large collection of vintage science fiction short stories. The covers range from stunning to...*ahem* not so stunning. I don't know how a single genre had so much disconnect between content and cover for so long.
#uglybookcovers #somethingforseptember #septphotochallenge #wthecksff
#uglycover still not sure what motivated me to read this book but seriously, don't. 😝 #somethingforseptember #uglybookcovers #uglycovers
The friend of a friend wrote this. I'm not sure what is worse: the cover or the story 😫 #uglybookcovers
This ought to be Heart of Darkness, cuz all I can say is, "The horror! The horror!" #uglybookcover #uglybookcovers #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Pulitzer Prize-winning author ✅
Fascinating and unsettled time period ✅
Named after an Edgar Allen Poe quote ✅
Cover design ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌
#uglybookcovers #history #somethingforsept
I just found this early edition at a library book sale today. It's a wonderful, creepy entry for #uglybookcovers! #uglycovers #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge