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Anna Göldin was tortured&murdered by the inquisition of the Protestant church in Switzerland on June 18,1782.She was “the last witch”.Hasler‘s historical novel is based on meticulous research&original documents but most of it is made up.Born into a family of poor farmers,Anna earns her living as a maid in rich families.Simply being a woman,bad luck,broken promises& injustice lead to her demise.Beautifully written with a lot of empathy for Anna.

the witch doesn't burn in this one | Amanda Lovelace, ladybookmad
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Hidden among us is a secret coven of witches known as her majesty's royal coven. They protect crown and country from magical forces and other worldly evil. But their greatest enemy will come from within.

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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading.

I‘m counting this book for a reading challenge.

Hestia | Goddess Of The Hearth & Home: A book featuring the 'found family' trope - #greekmythologychallenge


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The new book in the series is out, so I‘m doing a reread of the first three. (I‘m not rereading the fourth. I have mostly apathy towards it.) Wednesday was my reading buddy once again!

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 6d
dabbe #whimsicalwednesday 🖤🐾🖤 6d
Darklunarose Wednesday is the perfect reading companion 6d
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For #weeklyfavorites, I‘m sharing the tagged book that I just finished reading. I liked it. It‘s a cozy, witchy book with the found family trope. I‘ve been in a funk since Hurricane Beryl hit me over here in SE TX last week. I‘m lucky I survived the hurricane because 11 people have died from it here. Maybe it‘s because God isn‘t finished with me yet but either way, I‘m grateful to be alive. I‘ve been thinking about that a lot.

Read4life I‘m happy you‘re safe. Great book choice 💙💙💙 6d
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Here‘s my progress on this book I started last week when I lost power during Hurricane Beryl. It‘s taken me all week just to get this far in the book. 3 people are waiting to read this book at my library but I‘m almost finished. I just feel bad that I‘m keeping other people waiting. After Hurricane Beryl happened last week, I‘ve been in a funk and my reading has slowed down but I‘m hoping that I won‘t be in a funk next month.

CatLass007 I‘m glad you‘re physically okay. I hope the heat isn‘t too overwhelming. You‘ll get back in the swing of things with your reading and audiobooking. 7d
bthegood I'm glad to hear that you are okay - 💛 7d
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I loved reading Ruth Chew books when I was a kid, and I recently came into an instant collection. Isn't the cover art so good?! I can't wait to share them with my daughter! 😊❤️

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I almost forgot to post this. I started this book last week when I didn‘t have power. I tried to get on the internet last week but it was spotty so whenever I was able to get online, I downloaded this book on Libby. It works really well for a reading challenge that I‘m participating in. I like it. I hope to finish it soon. It feels like a very cozy book and I feel like cozy books are what I need right now.

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Witches, LGBTQIA+ rep, Warlocks, and Demons, oh my!

4 witches who were close friends as kids are navigating life now as parents of teens and/or professional women. Then a prophecy seems to be enacting, a child who might break the balance.

For me the best part of this book was watching the support of the community as a teen came out as trans, and everyone adapted to pronoun shifts, etc. Not everyone was supportive, but mostly a window to ⬇️

Soubhiville the way loving families and friends can be there and learn and be open to change. 2w
AllDebooks I LOVED this series. The audiobooks are narrated by Nicola Coughlan and are fantastic 😀 2w
Soubhiville @AllDebooks I chose this one because I heard she narrated it 🙂🎧 2w
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