I didn't like this book [1], so at least it was useful for something. #WickedWords #Wicked #Asyouwish
[1] Unlikeable characters making bad decisions including an insufferable nepo baby, unbelievable secondary characters and NPCs, and just bleah.
I didn't like this book [1], so at least it was useful for something. #WickedWords #Wicked #Asyouwish
[1] Unlikeable characters making bad decisions including an insufferable nepo baby, unbelievable secondary characters and NPCs, and just bleah.
Listening to #AsYouWish, couldn‘t bring myself to finish Lily Bennett‘s Bucket List (life‘s too short for mediocre romance novels), and still accumulating a #bookspin #backlog
A favorite. It's not perfect but I absolutely love this book! And of course I love the movie! This Deluxe Edition was worth the buy!
#theprincessbride #asyouwish #mynameisinigomontoya
Buttercup came today!! 🤩 🤩 #asyouwish
Pretty. Dang. Hilarious. And interesting! Almost done with it and it‘s a fantastic and light read. Highly recommend for those who know and love this film. #asyouwish
I‘m taking liberty with the term “book haul” as one came from the library. 😁 Most of my books these days are for Kindle, but with “Well Met” being based at a Renaissance faire, I had to have a paper copy. I have a huge love for RenFaires! And who doesn‘t love “The Princess Bride”? I heard that the audiobook for “As You Wish” was amazing, so I picked up the CDs from my library. #asyouwish #caryelwes
5🌟 All the bloody stars!!! This book was great. It was an absolute joy. Whoever on here read it and alerted me to its existence, thank you so much. I listened to the audiobook over the last three days and what a way to start the day. It's funny, you actually laugh as he's telling some of these crazy stories. It's just wonderful. I need more books like this one for the mornings. How can you have a bad day when you start your day with this?!
I've been on the wait list for this for AGES!!! I'm so excited it's here. I'm switching to this, since it should be far more enjoyable with my morning tea. I'm thinking Gulliver's Travels will be better on serial reader instead of a dryly read audiobook (and not during NaNoWriMo).
#caryelwes #asyouwish #audiobook #teaandabook #teaandanaudiobook
Went to #Costco and #couldnthelpmyself when I saw this beautiful illustrated version with gorgeous #endpaper #maps . I swear, it just jumped into my cart and I had to say #AsYouWish !