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More: A Memoir of Open Marriage | Molly Roden Winter
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#audiorun views today on the East River. Just started this audiobook and the subject matter is shocking and fascinating, as advertised. But I‘m finding the main thing I can‘t get over so far is the fact that this woman ate an enormous, messy corn muffin during her first therapy session and had to be asked not to bring food to future sessions because she got crumbs everywhere. Truly psychotic behavior 😆

squirrelbrain Sounds utterly bonkers! 🤪 8mo
cariashley @squirrelbrain it could seriously be a Seinfeld episode 🤣 8mo
Graywacke Goodness, I want a corn muffin 8mo
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cariashley @Graywacke right??? I can‘t remember the last time I had one 8mo
Bookish_Viking Your posts and pictures of the City are envy inducing. Do you know a good alley I could move into there? Preferably a covered one (lots of fire escapes and stuff to block the rain) 7mo
cariashley @Bookish_Viking 🤣🤣 NYC housing truly is insane. My very first apartment after college was so compact, I could open the fridge from my bed. It was still $1500 a month in 2005, but worth it!! 7mo
Bookish_Viking I‘m still wanting to move there someday. Though as time goes, I run out of “somedays”. I used to have a contact there that I went to school with, she was helping me with moving. But then Covid hit. I don‘t suppose you know anyone that could use a random quiet book nerd of roommate? 7mo
cariashley @Bookish_Viking you should! I just met someone who lived in other cities for years and moved to NYC a couple years ago and has zero regrets. She‘s loving it. I don‘t know any potential roommates at the moment but will keep it in mind! 7mo
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View from today‘s #audiorun here on Long Island. This is a really interesting read. Was a little challenging to muster the wherewithal to pick it up as my own womb has caused me tremendous stress in the past year. The tone is both clinical and compassionate however, and I find knowing more about the science is only helpful.

wanderinglynn Gorgeous view! 12mo
Bklover Beautiful! 12mo
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What a spot on my #audiorun today! And what an excellent listen - it‘s so engaging and I can‘t put it down. This is my very favorite kind of nonfiction.

SamAnne It is so good. And what a view! 3y
TrishB Beautiful pic ❤️ 3y
Amiable This was such a good book! I agree. 3y
fredthemoose I just binged it in 2 days because I couldn‘t turn it off! I even went looking for chores to do yesterday so I could keep listening. 3y
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Got some listening in this morning and an #audiorun after work. This book is basically The Happiness Project… but it‘s good if not wholly original and I appreciate the duel perspectives. Def giving me a lot of suggestions for nexts reads - the 2 authors select a self help book to read and implement every 2 weeks and report back on their podcast By The Book 📚

The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating | Elisabeth Tova Bailey
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This beautiful snail on my #audiorun yesterday made me think of this gorgeous little book. If you love nature and/or resonate with the experience of being home/bed bound by chronic illness and/or disability, this is a must-read. ❤️

Chelsea.Poole That is a gorgeous snail! 🐌 3y
PhyllisH Great photo! I‘m looking forward to reading this book. 3y
Caterina @PhyllisH I hope you love it as much as I did! 😊 3y
PhyllisH @Caterina 👍🏻 3y
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She of the Mountains | Vivek Shraya
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Hello! 👋 Attempting to get back to reading for fun, running, and Litsy after a rough semester. So far, this #audiobook has been the perfect place to start. I can't wait to run/walk again so I can listen to it more. ❤️ #audiorun

rockpools Nice to see you back. Do you get a bit of a break from study now? 3y
Caterina @rockpools Thank you, Rachel! 😊 I'm doing CPE this summer, which is a hospital chaplaincy internship, so I'll be very busy but not reading for school. And I have a long commute (2.5 hrs/day), which will be perfect for audiobooks! 🥰 My brain is excited for a break from seminary reading. 😂 3y
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Breaking up the day with an #audiorun in perfect weather. Cannot believe the northeast is getting more snow tomorrow 😤 This book is well written but I‘m finding a little hard to follow as an audiobook; am just over halfway through and 7 hours into #24in48.

WanderingBookaneer This was my third book for #24in48 ! 4y
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Sex and Vanity | Kevin Kwan
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It‘s been a while since I posted an #audiorun pic. What a perfect end of August day here; this is the view from the bridge I like to run to from my house. This book is entertaining, but it‘s no Crazy Rich Asians, sadly.

AmyG Beautiful 4y
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First #audiorun in a month due to various health challenges + seminary finals + moving out of my apartment and flying home for the summer, aaaaaaand I lowkey got heat stroke (early stages, I stopped running and got inside when the symptoms hit). 😅🥵 Heat index was 95° and I was in the direct sunlight basically the whole time. 😅 Started the tagged #audiobook and it's fantastic so far! ❤️

mhillis Take care 🤗 4y
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tpixie How was this as an audiobook? 4y
starrdom @tpixie I thought it was a good way to consume it. Performances were good but not great. As a story, some of the points of view were written much more strongly than others and I found myself wanting to stay with some of the narratives and not turn to the others. 4y
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