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My friends and I were debating what listening to romance audiobooks was while taking a walk

TieDyeDude 🤣 3mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 3mo
julesG 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
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This book is so pretty! I‘m excited to read it over the next few weeks. #litsolace #springequinox #naturalitsy

TheBookHippie I‘ve gifted it so many times I‘ve finally purchased one for me, hopefully it‘ll arrive Monday! 4mo
Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie every place I lived I took walks to identify the medicinal plants native to the area. I have a great guide too. I'll find it and post. Some great natural remedies, I have lots of books on the subject 4mo
TheBookHippie @Crazeedi oh wonderful!!! 4mo
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Chrissyreadit sounds perfect @Crazeedi 4mo
Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
AllDebooks I'm finding it fascinating and oh so relatable x 4mo
Darklunarose This book was amazing, I really loved reading Emma‘s work. 4mo
ElizaMarie It looks just beautiful! I found it on Audible for free but... with this beauty, I think it's gonna have to be a physical purchase. --- But I can at least start it as an #AudioWalking type book :) 4mo
kspenmoll I have just started reading it- her writing, illustrations & photos are gorgeous. 4mo
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A New Season | Terry Fallis
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Not Fallis' strongest but I did really enjoy listening to the audio since I listened to most of his early works as podcasts. But, the story just felt a little too predictable, the beginning a little too morose and the main female character a little too perfect.

But, it was excellent company for my walk along the Val Gardena Railway Trail! #audiowalking

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This one definitely got me out #audiowalking but I‘m not sure what to make of it. Yes, the writing was skilful but things were so freaking vague that it‘s hard for me to get excited about the book.

Bingo's Run: A Novel | James Levine
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Thanks to several #readathons hosted by @Andrew65 and the #BookspinBingo boards from @TheAromaofBooks I‘ve had the best reading year in my memory. And I cleared my board this month! Thank you for keeping me reading and walking #audiowalking

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 12mo
Andrew65 That‘s fantastic to hear, well done 👏👏👏 12mo
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Mixed feelings about this one - James is a whiny baby and I want to punch Roy Silver in the face but Agatha is really starting to round out as a multi-dimensional character and I liked Bill‘s side story. The mystery was good, too. In the end, the gold outweighed the bad and I‘m keenly interested for the next book, given the character development in this one. A good companion for #audiowalking

2/2 of my #SeriesLove2023 books for #MarchMadness

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1y
TheSpineView Awesome! 1y
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We‘ve finally had a break in the bitter weather, so I took myself to the Art Gallery of Alberta. #audiowalking + audiobook on transit

Becoming | Michelle Obama
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Today I went on my second audiowalk. Need to get used to the feeling. Normally I'm either savouring the silence or bopping along to my tunes, like, shawty fire burning on the dancefloooor oh whoa ohhhh....🎶💅🏻🎶

Bit worried that every time I walk past people I'm lost in concentration / frowning at the floor trying to take in the book 😅😅

Still, it's combining reading and exercise so I'm going to give myself a sticker ✌🏻😘

JamieArc Sticker well deserved 👏🏼😁 (edited) 1y
Leftcoastzen Looks like a lovely place to walk. 1y
julesG Well deserved! 1y
Suet624 I know exactly how you feel. 1y
RaeLovesToRead @JamieArc @Leftcoastzen @julesG @Suet624 Thanks everyone! 😊 (They are actually literal stickers, too 😅). The trail is a lovely walk, but better when it's not Winter 1y
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