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I'm updating the spreadsheet we use to admin the @LitsyEvents page and share all your great events/games/buddyreads/readathons/competitions, etc.

It would be a great help if you could help me out by tagging the details of your events, hosts, dates/times, info about the group/event.

Additionally, if you no longer run an event, please let me know so I can remove it from the taglist.

Please tag me @AllDebooks or @LitsyEvents #LitsyEvents


Avanders Thank you for taking this on! 🙏🏽 3w
TheBookHippie Monthly
#Childrensclassicread2024 - I change the year at the end of the hashtag yearly - we've been going since 2019.
#SUNDAYBUDDYREAD is every Sunday since 2017. #JournalingPrompts just started this year is once a month. #litsolace with you and the quarterly seasonal card swap ... phew
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AllDebooks @TheBookHippie thank you x 3w
Librarybelle Thanks to @dabbe for reposting this so I remembered to add mine! Monthly is #LiteraryCrew , with discussion on the last day of each month. This is a read at your own pace #buddyread , with titles selected by the group and announced at the beginning of the year. The other monthly is #NancyDrewBR . The group is reading the Nancy Drew books in series order, with discussion on the 15th of each month. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2w
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ This is our last year of reading around the world, but @BarbaraBB and I are hosting #ReadingOceania24 , also listed on Storygraph, in which participants read a book set in or by an author from each of the countries in Oceania, plus Antarctica. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2w
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ I am also hosting the #192025 challenge, which has participants read one book originally published each year from 1920-2025. The challenge ends on December 31, 2025, and it began in July 2022. 2w
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 2w
TheSpineView Thanks for tracking all of the events. I am sure it is a monument task! I host a variety of things. Daily is #PoetryMatters photo challenge. I cohost with @Andrew65 the #SeriesLove2024 and I believe it is the 4th year and I plan to continue it in 2025. I also host the #LitsySciFiBookClub and plan to continue as long as there is interest. I also just started #BDBBookClub #BDBBuddyRead which is in the 2nd month. This book club is reading... 2w
TheSpineView ...the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R. Ward in order and will run through the entire series as long as there is interest to continue. Lastly, is the #Two4Tuesday game played every Tuesday. It is in it's fifth year with no plans to stop. 2w
AllDebooks @TheSpineView Thank you. This helps enormously x 😊 2w
AllDebooks @Librarybelle thank you x 2w
tpixie Thanks for doing this! @AllDebooks I appreciate you coordinating all of these! 2w
Cuilin So glad others have reposted this as I would have forgotten to come back and check it out. I host #BookedInTime a monthly choose your own book for the prompt, I cohost #NoPlaceLikeHolmes with @Dabbe a Sherlock Holmes, buddy read and starting in September #WhatTheDickens yearly or biannual Charles Dickens buddy read. 2w
dabbe @Cuilin ... Tag me for the #WhatTheDickens! I would love to join that! 🤩🤩🤩 (edited) 2w
AllDebooks @Cuilin thank you x Count me in for #WhatTheDickens please 😊 2w
Cuilin @dabbe @AllDebooks so glad you‘re both joining. I‘ll tag you 🩷 2w
julieclair I host #SeasonalCozies - each month everyone chooses a cozy mystery to read based on a holiday that month or season of the year. I will continue this next year if there is interest. I also host #ReadOrDonate - each month everyone chooses a book to read that has been sitting on their shelves forever. If the book remains unread at the end of the month, it must be donated somewhere. This will continue next year. Both of these started this year. 23h
AllDebooks @julieclair thank you. I didn't know about either of these. Great ideas x 23h
julieclair And lastly, I host #MonthlyMagazineBlitz - each month everyone reads all the magazines they own from that month - no matter what year they are from. The magazines are then donated to local organizations that can use them. The goal is to clean out our stacks of back issues. This started this year, and will not continue next year, as (hopefully!) we all will have decluttered our magazine piles. 23h
AllDebooks @julieclair good grief, do I have a lot of magazines to get through. I've just decluttered the office and found over 50 unread mags. 😱 Please tag me in from August 😊 14h
julieclair @AllDebooks I feel your pain, LOL. Happy to add you to our determined little group! 😃💪 12h
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What a delight to come home from vacation to find some #LitsyLove and #LitSolace surprises in my held mail! Thank you, @TheBookHippie @Sace @AllDebooks @Texreader @WorldsOkayestStepMom @kspenmoll @Chrissyreadit ! You made my day! 💌📪💙

Texreader 😃 3w
TheBookHippie ♥️ 3w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛🤍💛 3w
kspenmoll 💛💛💛 2w
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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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#litSolace #MidSummerSolace

This was a re-read for me, but it hit much differently in my 40‘s than it did in my 30‘s. I loved the three stories of women breaking the mold in Appalachia and how they came together at the end. I forgot how funny this book was too. Truly some laugh out loud moments.

Thanks for the motivation to re-read @AllDebooks

PaperbackPirate This is my favorite Kingsolver so far! A reread is a great idea, but I still need to read Demon Copperhead. 📚 3w
Bookwormjillk @PaperbackPirate I read Demon Copperhead a few months ago and loved that one too. 3w
AllDebooks I really enjoyed this. It's my favourite of hers so far. 3w
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As the evening draws to a close and we say goodbye to June, I will leave you with one final #thoughtoftheday
Thank you to each and everyone of you for participating in #MidsummerSolace & making it so wonderful. I'm so grateful you joined my dance. 💚

And a huge hug of gratitude to my fellow hosts @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Until next time x

Bookwormjillk Love this!!! 4w
TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 it was just lovely! 💚💚💚💚💚💚 4w
Deblovestoread Love this! 💜💜💜 4w
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝. 4w
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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Discussion thread for our #buddyread

📖 Did you enjoy this novel?
📖 What stood out for you?
📖 Any particular likes/dislikes?
📖 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

Bookwormjillk I‘m only two chapters in, but enjoying it! It‘s a re-read for me but it‘s been a while. 4w
Librarybelle I‘m hoping to start this today! I fell a bit behind on a couple of my buddy reads. 4w
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#Naturalitsy #LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Discussion thread for our May/June #buddyread

🌱 Did you enjoy this call to change the way we garden/view our spaces?
🌱 Did you agree with the author?
🌱 Would you change your own practice?
🌱 Any particular likes/dislikes?
🌱 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

PaperbackPirate I didn‘t get to read this in June, but I‘m hoping to get to it in July. I hope everyone liked it. 4w
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Let's make Saturday a day for coffee and chats. Join in our #SaturdayChatterday event. Grab a drink and start chatting.
☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

Have a great day 🌞

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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AllDebooks Sorry wrong @BethM 4w
AllDebooks We're off for a morning swim, before a wander through the forest this afternoon. 🍸Mojitos 🎬 I rewatched Pride & Prejudice (2005) for Donald Sutherland 📚 4w
ElizaMarie I was enjoying my coffee this morning. I have a couple of assignments to do for my class, but then get ready for Atlantic City :) We booked a couple of days. I am trying to nurse a massive headache before I start my day, so I am a little slow to get up fully. Also for some reason, Lobster is on a rampage today. So, I am trying to stay out of his and his claws' way. 4w
TheSpineView Just woke up and made my first cup of coffee for today. Heading to the barn shortly before the heat ramps up. Want to be riding no later then 10AM. With the heat and humidity I'll keep it short. A nice bath to cool off afterwards. Then lunch with my barn friends. After that, housework, make dinner and read a bit. Rinse and repeat for Sunday. 4w
Librarybelle Most Saturdays are cleaning and organizing days for me. Not fun, but at least I have an audiobook! I hope to finish this month‘s #LiteraryCrew selection, A Thousand Ships, and find questions for tomorrow‘s book discussion. It‘s such a good book! 4w
IndoorDame Spent yesterday with a friend helping her start organizing her place which was feeling out of control after a year with a new kid in the family. I sort of overdid it, but it was great to get out of the house and see people. I also leant them my car while theirs is in the shop, which will help keep me home recovering for the rest of the weekend. 4w
Bookwormjillk I‘m enjoying my tea and taking care of a few things on the computer. Then I need to run some errands and get ready for a cookout later. A busy but easy day compared to last week. 4w
TheAromaofBooks Had the best night's sleep last night that I've had in a long time, so I am feeling pretty good about today!! No big plans, just puttering around. Supposed to be stormy today, which I really enjoy as long as they don't get too crazy lol 4w
wanderinglynn @AllDebooks Swimming then wandering through a forest sounds lovely! 4w
wanderinglynn I need to workout & do my stretching routine, but I‘m lacking motivation this morning. I don‘t really have any plans—it‘s going to be hot & humid here today, so a good day to do puzzles & read. 4w
Read4life My whole family is in town this weekend for my mom‘s 90th birthday. 4w
julieclair @Read4life How wonderful! Enjoy every moment. 4w
julieclair Our neighborhood garden club is having a native plant sale, so I‘m heading over there to see what I can find for the perennial border I‘m trying to start. (I am NOT a gardener, but I do love flowers… and how hard could perennials be, right? 🤞) 4w
mcctrish @wanderinglynn I need to restart my workout and yoga routine and today is the day 💪🏻 although I am still in bed at 10:23 😳 I had a big sleep in. It‘s supposed to rain all day here 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I‘m going to putter, exercise, make some meal plans/grocery lists and chill out with books, print and audio 4w
julieclair @Librarybelle I‘m trying to finish it too! And loving it so far. 4w
julieclair @wanderinglynn A puzzles and reading day sounds wonderful! 4w
julieclair @IndoorDame What a gift to your friend! 💙 4w
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks Ooo congrats on your night's sleep! Anything you did special to facilitate that!? 4w
ElizaMarie @julieclair Ooo good luck with that! I don't have a green thumb at all! So, I am excited ot hear about your success with this! Ooo and pictures please! 4w
Cuilin @IndoorDame what lovely gift to a friend. Here‘s to a relaxing weekend and an easy recovery. 4w
Cuilin @ElizaMarie I‘ve never been to Atlantic City. Hope you have a lovely time. 4w
Cuilin Dropped my daughter back to Arlington Mass and she messaged me yesterday to say she has tonsillitis!! My younger daughter, called to let me know that she pulled a muscle in her thigh, racing children at camp!! So I am going to visit her in Rhode Island tomorrow. Today is a rest and recovery day. 4w
Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks sleep is the best. I struggled last night. Ended up reading from 1:30 to 4:30 am. Not a usual occurrence. 😌 4w
Cuilin @julieclair a day buying plants sounds delightful. Enjoy!! 4w
Cuilin @AllDebooks sounds like a lovely day!! Hope it nourishes your soul. 4w
IndoorDame @Cuilin have a good rest day! And I hope your daughters heal up fast ❤️‍🩹 (edited) 4w
IndoorDame @julieclair plant sale sounds fun! I‘m not a gardener either, but i always think you‘re bound to have better luck with native plants 4w
IndoorDame @TheAromaofBooks I love those nights when sleep is truly blissful! 4w
IndoorDame @AllDebooks oooh, enjoy your wander through the forest! That sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the outdoors in this weather 💚🌳 4w
IndoorDame @Read4life what a milestone! It‘s awesome that everyone is able to come together ❤️ 4w
AmandaBlaze My SlimFast has the added energy of a cup of coffee (Mocha Cappuccino). lol Today is a relaxing day as it supposed to rain pretty much all day. 4w
wanderinglynn @mcctrish 💪🏻🙌🏻 I find working out/stretching first thing in the morning works best for me. If I don‘t do it first thing, I find I put it off until it‘s too late & the day has passed. 😄 4w
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView I hope you enjoy your ride! That‘s sounds like a great way to start the day. 🐎 4w
dabbe Woke up, and it was already 100º, so no dog walk today. They are NOT thrilled about that, but those GSD coats don't handle heat well--especially Pip, the black one. Staying cool inside, puttering and trying to keep the dogs entertained. Any suggestions? 😀 4w
wanderinglynn @dabbe if you have some empty boxes, you can do nose work which also keeps the focused. Start with 1 box & put a treat under it. Then do 2 boxes with a treat under 1. You can keep adding boxes, putting them in a variety of locations, with a treat under only 1 box. 4w
dabbe @wanderinglynn What fun! I'll give it a try! Thanks. 🤗 4w
Catsandbooks @Read4life How fun! Happy birthday to your mom! 🎉 4w
Catsandbooks @dabbe I made a snuffle mat for my dog with strips of fleece and a rubber mat. I sprinkle some treats and her kibble in it and she is entertained for awhile. You could also use a box with scraps of paper/fabric and mix in treats for the same effect. 4w
TheAromaofBooks @wanderinglynn - I've been enjoying your puzzle posts on IG!! Sometimes it's nice when the weather gives you a good excuse for hunkering down 😂 4w
TheAromaofBooks @ElizaMarie - My big secret is going to bed at 8:30pm 😂 😂 😂 4w
Catsandbooks Today my husband and I had lunch at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. Tomorrow I fly to WI to help my mom after she has shoulder surgery so I'm getting ready to travel. I'm a bit anxious as I'm not a big fan of flying, but I'm as prepared as I can be. 4w
dabbe @Catsandbooks Another excellent idea that I'll try. Thanks! 🤗 4w
DebinHawaii @Read4life Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎉 to your mom! What a milestone! 4w
DebinHawaii I did my usual Saturday of errands & catch up although I had a slow start as sleep was hard last night. I ran errands then hit the coffee shop for a couple hours & came home & did laundry & helped my friend over Zoom with some org charts she needed to do for her work. 4w
AllDebooks I'll catch up with you all tomorrow when I'm back home x 4w
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Walking: Top Essays | Henry David Thoreau
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

The gorgeous views from our lodge. I am in my happy place. 💚
Nature is always my go-to when I need peace, time, and rest. What's yours?

Check today's post from @TheBookHippie as a reminder x

@Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

🗺 Sherwood forest, Nottinghamshire, UK

slategreyskies Awww, I love this! It looks like the perfect place to recharge. Side note: my teddy bear is named Sherwood after Sherwood Forest. 🌳 🐻 🤍 4w
AllDebooks @slategreyskies that's so cute 🐻 4w
Bookwormjillk So pretty 🤩 Enjoy! 4w
maich Nature and books💚 That's so pretty🥰 4w
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I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night...
-Sylvia Plath

What essentials do you need for a road trip or adventure?

And with that I‘m packing it in until next time 🧳
I‘ve loved spending daily posts with you all 💚

The 🌎🌍🌏🗺️ is a bit 😵‍💫
This is a reminder to center SELF 🧘🏻‍♀️ PEACE inside can help endure, take moments daily in nature. 💚

julesG Thank you, I enjoyed stumbling on your posts. As for a toad trip: comfy clothes, audiobooks, favourite snacks, lots of water, a blanket for impromptu picnics 4w
AllDebooks Thank you so much, Christine. These posts have been an absolute joy x 😊 Planned trip - same as @julesG Spontaneous trip - water, layered clothing, binoculars 4w
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julesG Lovely, just now realise my phone turned 'road' into 'toad'. I guess a toad trip would be wet and muddy, so I might need an extra towel. 🤣🤣 4w
IndoorDame Thank you for sharing so much guiding joy this month! 💜 My favorite are spontaneous mini road trips, so really no essentials. But when I have the foresight to make actual plans… a car playlist, lots of water, an idea of how to take the back roads without getting hopelessly lost, and a phone or camera 4w
julieclair I will truly miss these posts. They have brought me joy every day. Thank you, Christine. 💚. As for the road (or toad 🐸) trip, my list would be identical to @julesG ‘s. 😉 4w
TheBookHippie @julesG Well I do have a green frog who stops by daily 👀🐸 . …. My lair ♥️👩🏻‍🍳🤣 made me laugh so hard 👀🤣 @Chrissyreadit 😘 4w
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame 💜💜💜💜 4w
TheBookHippie @julieclair 💚🐸💚 4w
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks ♥️♥️🗺️♥️♥️ 4w
Catsandbooks Thank you for these lovely posts! ❤️ Road trips are my favorite way to travel! I always have drinks and snacks. Good music or audiobook. A neck pillow and sweatshirt. And as long as I have my phone and some method of payment I can go anywhere! 🚗 4w
KadaGul My Essentials; A car 🚘 , Money💰 to buy ⛽️ , cell phone 📱, music 🎶 or audiobook 🎧 📖 & some money 💵 for the road trip 🛣️🧳 . 4w
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