On the first day of Spring I was drinking tea...this was the quote connected to my tea bag...cheers ☺️☕💐💝.
On the first day of Spring I was drinking tea...this was the quote connected to my tea bag...cheers ☺️☕💐💝.
I posted about this around a year ago...wanted to share again. This event happened to me many years ago ✌️💝.
“A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.“ -Tecumseh was a Shawnee chief and warrior.
We are all members of the human race...🐴🌍✌️🌎✌️🌏🐘💝... #BehumanKIND
Believe 🪄😉💫 in the magic within.
“The feeling that one person cannot make a difference is the greatest obstacle of all.“
- Mother Earth Character on Captain Planet, speaking to the Planeteer, Ma-Ti.
Just a qoute that I like 😊👍💝.
“Reading brings knowledge and knowledge is power; therefore reading is power. The power to know and learn and understand but also the power to dream.“ -Emma Chase