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Nearly every country seems to have troubled times and difficult histories. The key is to focus on the Good, embrace the Beauty, & acknowledge the special Uniqueness that makes you proud of your homeland.

My ancestors survived the making of America...difficult histories and troubled times aside, I will always be proud to be an American.

To all Littens here on Litsy who call U.S.A. their home, have a Peaceful and Meaningful July 4th.


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Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.


dabbe #weareapartofitall 💙🏳️‍🌈💜 1mo
AnnCrystal @dabbe 😉👍💝💝💝. 1mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Untitled | Anonymous
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“Books are a uniquely portable magic.“ -Stephen King

“Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?“ -Garth Nix

“So I'll do that, and I'll do my best and if my best isn't good enough, at least I will have done everything I could, everything that is in me.“ -Garth Nix

Found this old bag snuggled between some big books! Always loved their, “B. Inspired“


Leftcoastzen Cool artifact! 1mo
AnnCrystal Thanks @Leftcoastzen 😉👍💝. 1mo
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PaperbackPirate B. Dalton was my favorite as a kid! 😢🤓💙📚 1mo
AnnCrystal @PaperbackPirate 👏🤩👍💝.

Loved this gem of a place. B. Dalton and Borders both had locations at my local mall.

I was lucky while growing up, there were more bookstore options in my neighborhood. B. Dalton, Borders, at least three Barnes and Noble, and a few smaller bookshops that were temporary. Strange, now there are zero. Sad indeed 🥺.
(edited) 1mo
PaperbackPirate That‘s awesome! I grew up in a small town so we had to drive to the next town to go there and that was usually the only bookstore. Yes we had a few little used bookstores come and go too. 1mo
AnnCrystal ☺️💝 @PaperbackPirate that must of been like part of the adventure for a little girl. The books like the treasure 😉👍.

Somehow, those little bookstores are the most magical 💫📚. Just wish they would remain.

Haven't been to an actual bookstore in years (I know, shame on me). Been meaning to, there are a few books that I truly must read one day...and I don't shop online these days.

(edited) 1mo
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