“There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men. “– Black Elk
This Sioux peace pipe was a gift from my brother 🖤
“There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men. “– Black Elk
This Sioux peace pipe was a gift from my brother 🖤
Some books appeared on the free book table at work this afternoon #BookHaul
I thought I had read this before but I didn‘t remember it. Very sad and depressing.
Profound insight into tribal philosophy.
A moving middle-grade picture-book retelling of the vision of Black Elk, an Oglala Lakota prophet and medicine man who first shared his story with the world in 1932, in “Black Elk Speaks.“ Lakota picture-book artist S.D. Nelson does a fabulous job with his retelling, pairing a moving text with gorgeous artwork and contemporaneous photography. Beautiful!
My #december TBR is going to be all challenge books I think. Time to buckle down. The good news is after I finish my current audiobook, I only have one book to go for #booked2018 (and if anyone has a suggestion for #underdogMC I am all ears!)
As for #pop18 I probably have 6-7 prompts to go. We‘re also having a family mark-up book club so I have to finalize and read my choice for that.
Wish me luck!! #winterwonderland
An incredibly interesting and heartbreaking look at the end of the Lakota's prosperity on the Great Plains. Check out my blog to read more