I'm a little late with this, but:
Primrose Day
Emily of New Moon
Gone With the Wind
Girl of the Limberlost
Years of Grace
#booknames #bookname
I'm a little late with this, but:
Primrose Day
Emily of New Moon
Gone With the Wind
Girl of the Limberlost
Years of Grace
#booknames #bookname
E - Everything You Want Me To Be
L - Love and Other. Consolation Prizes
I - It Girls (The)
Z - Zelda - I haven‘t read this book, but couldn‘t find one I read that started with a Z.
A - A Dangerous Crossing
B - Bookshop at Water‘s End
E - English Wife (The)
T - Trust (The)
H - Hello Sunshine
These aren‘t my absolute favorites, but they are ones I enjoyed.
Fun game....glad I gave it a go. THANKS, for the tip about using Goodreads, @MeganAnn
It took me forever to come up with favorites for each letter. These were all five star reads for me and all books I've read numerous times! I'll tag them in the comments.
M - Memoirs of a Geisha
E - Ender's Game
G - Guilty Pleasures
A - Angelology
N - (the) Night Circus
#booknames #bookname
J-Joy Luck Club
E-Epic of Gilgamesh
N-Not So Quiet
N-Nevermore series
I-I Love You Stinky Face
F-Fahrenheit 451
E-Esperanza Rising
R-Resraurant At the End of the Universe
@Cupofjo I finally finished it!
#booknames #bookname
Just Kids
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Corrections, the
Kitchen House, the
Into the Wild
#booknames #bookname
J - Jurassic Park, Crichton
A - Anne of Green Gables, Montgomery
M - Martian Chronicles, The, Bradbury
I - Inkheart, Funke
E - Etiquette & Espionage, Carriger
Saw this making the rounds and couldn‘t resist! My #bookname
B: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
R: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
I: In The Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall
D: Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama
G: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
E: Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
T: This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki
T: The Sleepwalker‘s Guide to Dancing by Mira Jacob
M - Magpie Murders
A - Americanah
U - (The) Underground Railroad
R - Real Friends
E- Exit West
E - Everything I Never Told You
N - (The) Night Circus
(My name is long, y‘all.) #bookname