Well needed mini vaca! Finally finish the book I started months ago!
Well needed mini vaca! Finally finish the book I started months ago!
When we moved (4yrs ago) into this house, we decided to turn the den into my library/office. Took over a year to decide how I wanted it and then 6months for the hubs to build the shell of the built-in. We are stuck there due to life pelting us with lemons.. but I finally broke down and bought a shelf for my work stuff! It feels good to have some organization back in this room; even if it‘s just one corner! 😂
Oh, what a good book!! How it builds, giving you the past present and future. Slowly, then builds faster and faster. You become friends with the characters, know so much... but not everything... not till the end. Fosterman was the perfect reading partner as I listened to the final chapters. ❤️ #dogsoflitsy
Loving this book so far! I‘ve been listening to it on my way to work, and I hate when I get there and have to stop! lol
So, this is so not my usual book choice (historical or romance). I haven‘t gotten to any romance yet, so judging the book by its cover may not work.. historical , that it is. I‘m glad my local book club decided to pick it! I am enjoying it very much so far! It‘s reminding me of what we saw, heard and learned about the ww2 when we visited Poland.
Yay! Finally got the trilogy set... Just starting book 2, and love there‘s a map! It‘s perfect weather for reading (and not so perfect weather for Tucson!)
At work, I‘m working with my kiddo‘s with visualizing stories to help verbal comprehension. @LibrarianJen this book is PERFECT! Especially this scene! Thank you! We are all enjoying the story very much! #litsygoespostalOG
Wow! I am loving this book! I‘m listening to it on audio, but think I‘ll be buying it (along with the other two) so I can go back and check facts!
This has been one hell of a year.. and somewhere along the way I lost my book drive. Yeah I listened to a few audibles to and from places, but haven‘t picked up a physical book in 6months. Damn, it feels good!
This book is not like YOU, doesn‘t grab you by the throat and pull you in but slowly grips you. I‘m enjoying it very much so far!
@Owlizabeth thank you so much for my secret Santa package!! I can not wait to dive into my new books, wearing my awesome new socks, drinking coffee and eating chocolates!!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!! My human children are grown... so they left the fur babies in charge of dressing for Halloween!!
I can‘t believe it‘s been 3months since I was last here! My last post was my family on vacation, enjoying the beginning of summer. 4days after returning home, we were in the hospital. My hubs, my best friend had a stroke. Tho minor, it rocked our world. It took 3months of intense pt/ot, but he is 90% back to pre-stroke status and we couldn‘t be happier! And, I‘m getting back to ‘outside‘ life again!
Now, where‘s my book!?
Thank you #LitsyPostalGroupOG for the wonderful birthday wishes!
It has been an awesome day of celebrating in Krakow Poland with breakfast in bed, coffee, paczki, liquid chocolate and outdoor cafe‘s!
It‘s been forever since I‘ve been on Litsy; between my youngest graduating HS, and our family vacation!
My day was pretty awesome, thanks to my beautiful girls and the hubs 😘 They got me all my favorite things!
Hope everyone's day was as wonderful as mine!
1-don‘t have to meet a client until this afternoon, so I‘m enjoying some coffee, some sun and getting my #litsygoespostalOG journal caught up and ready!
2-I‘d have to say sappy romance, sorry Fabio.
3-I love to find one off the tourist path diner and one thing totally touristy
4-sand, like the rest of Tucson! 😂
5-tagged book. There‘s a huge long story behind why this one; but it‘s close to my ❤️
🍰 I love cookbooks and recipe ideas; though I‘m not huge into actually cooking them 😂
🍳 I have a lot of favorite foods, but breakfast tops them all!
🍆 eggplant ... yuck!
🥟 Easter foods. We usually do very a traditional Polish Easter
🥡 Mr An‘s Teppanyaki Steak and Seafood House
Finished this on the way to State championships for my daughters Winter Percussion comp yesterday. (They came home with the Bronze!)
This was a beautifully written book, and though I‘m a white girl born in the 70‘s, I somehow felt so many connections and could easily feel her feelings.
Its sad to say but we‘re still fighting this fight in 2018.
5 🌟 book! Thank you @PatriciaU for this wonderful read @LitsyGoesPostalOG
Buford‘s not happy I haven‘t had reading/cuddle time tonight... shhh, don‘t tell him reading time tomorrow will be in the car without him 😿 #catsoflitsy
Loving my #buddyread book with @LibrarianJen and @Bookworm83 ! It‘s such a good book so far, I really do want to keep walking!! The dogs drag me the first half of the walk and I‘m dragging them by the end! 😂 #dogsoflitsy
@Alfrazier21 you completely spoiled me!!! Thank you so very much! ❤️ you went over and beyond and I‘m so thankful! Everything in my #Easterbasketswap is perfect and wonderful! (I owe you!!)
Oh my @Chrys ! I‘m giddy..You did an amazing job ‘getting to know me‘ while stalking! The recipes all look so good, and the loot.. all awesome! I‘ve wanted a new spider spoon for a long time! I‘m going to brew a cup of new coffee right now as I try to decide what I‘m cooking first! And the books 😍 they just moved up to the top of my tbr pile! The coffee candy won‘t last long either! Thank you for everything!! You rock! #feedareader
1-This is my table of all things Litsy, as I wait for the hubs to finish building my bookshelves!
2-so many books, so little time!
3-you tell me! 😂
4-oh wow, hmm...
5-I couldn‘t read yet, but google says Carrie and HelterSkelter!
#humpdaypost @MinDea
So... I tried getting to the PO yesterday, but they closed before I got there😬 but I was there waiting when they opened up this morning! @Chrys your #feedareader and @Alfrazier21 your #easterbasketswap packages are officially on the way! Both are scheduled to arrive Thurs (I have tracking numbers if you need) and of course I forgot to take a pic so here‘s my local PO! 😂
Taking a little time for myself this afternoon. And not very often can I use relevant props in my book pics.. but the OSU blanket and South Carolina mug go perfectly!
This book is making me a little Buckeye homesick though..
#litsygoespostalOG #dogsoflitsy
Oh Foster-man 😂 photo bombing (and laying on my book!) #dogsoflitsy Guess I‘ll start reading later
These are always fun and I love getting to know fellow littens!
-Beer (stouts; especially coffee stouts!) and dark rum
-I try to use bookmarks, but will also use random things!
-Cook, but love eating baked goods😋
This book... the ebb and flow, the intense action, the melancholy breaks that calms your heart down a beat before it all begins again.. This book, gets me excited, gets me sad, makes me mad, makes me feel as if I‘ve been transported into it. Koontz is a master of visual pictures, and making your heart feel. This book... reminds me of reading his books back in the day. Thank you to Random House and Netgalley for the Advanced Readers copies
AHHHH!!! These endings! 😫. The Forbidden Door isn‘t out until Oct 😰 But I am loving this series so far!
1. The Jungle Book
2. Has this ‘life size‘ doll I named Sissy, because, you know.. she was my sister (I don‘t have siblings)
3. Johnny Marzetti
4. Soft baked/cake-like cookies AND cupcakes please!
Thank you #netgalley for coming through!! I can‘t wait to get started!
Congrats @CoffeeCatsBooks for reaching 15k! This is the most recent pic of my pup Juno... being her usual silly self! #payitforward
Well, at least I finally got a little reading in this week 😒
I love Sunday mornings; when even the animals are still sleeping and you can get a few chapters in before the world awakes around you ☕️❤️ #dogsoflitsy.
I‘m really enjoying this so far, only small annoyance that Clay isn‘t as secretive as I think he should be, lol (but that‘s just keeping me reading to see what happens due to that!)
2-Nope, an only child
3-3 crazy girls
4-Mr Penumbra‘s 24 hr Bookstore
5-too many to pick one!
7-sh#& and discombobulated
8-my sarcasm and potty mouth (after my shell of shyness falls away 😂)
9-if it‘s fluffy and has four paws, I love it!!
11-The one tagged is a good start, haha
12- @Owlizabeth you‘re it!
Thank you so much @Bookladylinda for my #bloodyvalentineswap books! I have read the Koontz books years and years ago, but never owned them! Will be fun to reread! Final Girls has been on my tbr list for awhile and now I can dive into it! The journal and bookmarks are right up my ally.. thank you again! ❤️ (oh, and the chocolate was opened as soon as it came out of the box; who can go wrong with peanut butter and chocolate!)
RIP S‘mores 2/11/2001-2/6/2018 😿 Not sure how I‘m going to read without you on my shoulder, but you will always be in my heart
I can‘t stay calm and read on... the next book isn‘t out yet 😬!! Book one was a bit slow to start, but kept building in old school Koontz style and by the end I had to immediately jump into this one! This was faster paced, and I read it in just a few days. But now I want more! What happens next?! I don‘t want to wait till May to find out!
My favorite author. My favorite (and very old) mug holding my favorite drink. Plus one of my favorite reading partners.. it‘s a good day ❤️
Started this one earlier in the week, finally have time to really dive in. Hopefully I can stay awake! #petsoflitsy keeping me company (s‘mores, like always, is on my shoulder!)
-RBT (behavior therapy)
-besides reading?? brewery crawls and traveling
-greyhounds, golden retrievers, cats and elephants
-Koontz, Kepnes, Backman
#litsylovelist #mybloodyvalentine #feedareader
1-oh, I love food! Comfort foods and breakfast are my favorite! Asian and Mexican cuisine are up there too!
2-kinda, red and pale yellow with coffee stuff and silly kitchen quotes
3-gadgets are fun!
4-my tbr list here is my wish list 😊
5-either, but I love cake and cake-ish foods
6-have a thing for hand towels but technically don‘t need any 😂
Overall, I really liked this book! the fade from reality into the orison was the perfect level of creepiness, (perfect 5stars there!) and that kept me reading! Unfortunately there were also some moments that the babbling on just got boring (like the history lesson; 3stars for the babbling)and I wanted to just skip past it. I liked the ending, the bizarre twist fit perfectly with the over all premise. Total 4stars for me!
Started this last night and holy crap, that first chapter! Creepy and confusing and just the way I like it!
I‘ve heard mixed reviews so I‘m hoping it keeps the creepy grip for me