April 3: #AprilInBooks #BookSetinAnotherCountry; this is actually another of my favorite authors; I haven‘t gotten around to reading it yet, but it‘s a new locale for me as it‘s set in the Hapsburg Empire of Austria-Hungary, so we shall see.. 🤓🤩👑
April 3: #AprilInBooks #BookSetinAnotherCountry; this is actually another of my favorite authors; I haven‘t gotten around to reading it yet, but it‘s a new locale for me as it‘s set in the Hapsburg Empire of Austria-Hungary, so we shall see.. 🤓🤩👑
Part of my collection from my #favoriteauthor ❤️ #authoryoulove. In the tagged #booksetinanothercountry, some characters say #RIP2myyouth. And you can sorta #findarainbow in this picture. #aprella #aprilbookishmadness #readingresolutions #hopintospring #aprilinbooks18 #multitasking
This is another book I own but have never read. #tbr Set in Normandy, France-ish. I think it may jump around to England but it‘s definitely a #booksetinanothercountry #AprilinBooks18 @bookisglee This book appears to be a historical romance novel about the tapestry of Bayeux which I find fascinating. This is as close as I get to owning a tapestry. Haha!!