I love a good #dadjoke
After the chorus of Amens, Gene raised his glass and said, “Forgive me, but I never thought I‘d have the opportunity to say this: Here‘s to Thanksgiving with the Indians.” Only a few people laughed at the joke.
[Mighty white of you, Gene. Oy.]
What can I say that hasn't already been said about this amazing tome of a book! Creepy, well written, a must read. Dragged on a bit at the end for me. As most Stephen Books, at least the big ones, in my opinion do. Definately a book for the ages. I think everyone should read It at least once! #muchlove #dadjoke #weallfloat #pennywise #bill #eddie #bev #stan #mike #ben #richie #thelosers
Art taken from Google by Camilla Garofano
I've been waiting all day long to come home and post this cover for #uglybookcover for #somethingforsept. A sample of the contents, dated 1968:
Q: Does your clock tell time?
A: No, you have to look at it.
Q: Where did Batman plant his flowers?
A: In a batanical garden.
#badjoke #dadjoke
I so wholeheartedly support every selection in this list, which includes Grady Hendrix, Stephen King, Tananarive Due (The Goode House is so effing good - #dadjoke). I've been nuts about each of these writer's work and it's awesome to see such a culturally inclusive list. Missing Ernest Cline, though. https://bookriot.com/2016/07/22/a-reading-list-for-everyone-who-is-now-obsessed-...