This was a great episode for anyone participating in #foodlit for January -Egypt
This was a great episode for anyone participating in #foodlit for January -Egypt
#memoir #foodlit
A lovely comfort read-makes me feel warm inside.The author chronicles when she lost her high paying job, a causality of the 2007-9 recession/depression.She rediscovered her Grandmother‘s recipe file,that went back to previous generations. The recipes told her family‘s story of strong women who scrimped & created cheap meals in lean times. Taking her inspiration from her female ancestors, she nourished her family‘s body & soul.
This was entertaining. Many chapters focused on an area; each chapter included a couple of recipes of things they mentioned in the chapter. I‘m not one who reads recipes, but each recipe had a story to go with it, so I did read that. I bake more than cook, and I‘m not an adventurous eater. That was one of the nice things about this book – though there were some odd things, much of it was just “American” food (bbqs, pies, ice cream, steak, etc).
Wednesday book haul from the Book Sorting. I was surprised to see the Atkinson turn up this soon, but, hey, lucky me. The Ellis Peters was one I‘d never heard of, a 1966 edition. Sometimes when old books come in, I do wonder why people held on to them for so long. Why keep a 1950 PB Kon Tiki? 🤔
I wanted to, I really did. I had high hopes that this would be just like one of Judith Jones‘s beautiful works on cooking for one person, but it was not to be. Sadly, this is a boring, boring book.
I'd love to be a food critic and eat at cafes all over the country. 🚘☕️🍩🍔 #Two #novemberbythenumbers
5 ⭐
Added bonus with this memoir: recipes! ☺️
#LRC2017 Number 1. Non-Fiction: Food/Drink ✅
Finally, time to sit quietly with my best loot. #thankssanta #foodlit #cookbooks