Ooh, look what's on sale for today only! It's the first in the series, so if you want to participate in the upcoming #Hobbalong (it's going to happen eventually, I swear!) this is a great opportunity to pick it up for super cheap!
Ooh, look what's on sale for today only! It's the first in the series, so if you want to participate in the upcoming #Hobbalong (it's going to happen eventually, I swear!) this is a great opportunity to pick it up for super cheap!
Someone on Litsy offered to cohost a readalong of Robin Hobb's books in order (#hobbalong?) and I can't for the life of me remember who it was, nor can I find the original post.
Please comment if it was you! Or, if you're just interested in participating. 😊
5 ⭐️ always. This world is so deep and detailed and wonderful. The characters are so beautiful and unique, Fitz is the most realistic character I've ever met in a book. Robin Hobb is such a master, a real diamond in the rough of fantasy, much like George RR Martin states. She's an absolute favourite. Full review on GR. #robinhobb #farseertrilogy #epicreads #booklover #fantasy #bibliophile #hobbalong
I'm almost finished with my reread of the Assassins Apprentice and I have loooooved being back in the Duchies. Hobb is a master of the fantasy worlds. If you've read this, what are your thoughts? #robinhobb #farseertrilogy #hobbalong #booklover #epicreads #bibliophile #fantasy #feetfriday
I've read over 100 pages of this today and I am so hooked. There's so many tiny details that I'd forgotten since last reading this that's it like almost reading it for the first time. I've been listening to the thunderstorm outside and enjoying Fitz' tale of childhood memories. I remember now why Hobb became an instant favourite for me. #robinhobb #fantasy #booklover #bibliophile #epicreads #farseertrilogy #hobbalong
And so we begin... 📖
Very excited to be reading Hobb again. It's been so long! And it's wonderful to be able to get lost into another fantasy world that feels like home. Are there any Hobb fans here? 🙌#robinhobb #farseertrilogy #hobbalong #fantasy #booklover #bibliophile #epicreads
I'm joining the Hobb-a-long readalong of all the Robin Hobb books from July through to, well, when I've read them all. 💁🏼I've read the farseer trilogy once before and it cemented my love of Hobb, but I've yet to read her other books so this is going to be exciting and fun! 🙌🖤 Is anyone else joining the group on GR? #robinhobb #fantasy #epicreads #booklover #bibliophile #farseertrilogy #hobbalong