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The Tale of Genji | Murasaki Shikibu
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Mic drop moment for Lady Murasaki with this salty remark 🙌🏽 In her own life, from what little I know, she was also critised for her knowledge of Chinese language, literature, and philosophy. Women were not supposed to worry their pretty (and heavy—the length of hair!!) heads over these things. #Genji #Genji21 @Lindy

Lindy 🙌 5y
Lindy @batsy Thanks for reminding me that it‘s time to discover the delights in the next chapter of Genji. 😁 @Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit 5y
Tanisha_A Yeah, looks like that head is only for decorating. Oh but how she writes. 💕 5y
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batsy @Lindy LOL ... Only because the time zone difference puts me ahead of you guys. This one is a looong chapter; hope I can finish it before bed 😅 5y
saresmoore I highlighted this, too, and was planning to post about it! It seems our hopeful suspicions about some stealthy feminist undertones are being confirmed! #rudeladywriters #brainsburiedundersilkandhair 5y
Daisey @batsy Thanks for the heads up on a long chapter. I might try to get ahead a bit today on my day off so I won‘t put it off until tonight. 5y
Daisey @saresmoore Great hashtags! 5y
batsy @Tanisha_A Indeed! I sound like a broken record for repeating this but the narrative voice asserting itself unexpectedly in parts is one of the highlights 😁 5y
batsy @saresmoore Bahahaha that hashtag! 5y
batsy @Daisey You're welcome! I think the next one is also a bit lengthy but shorter than today's 😉 5y
Daisey @Lindy @batsy @saresmoore I just got to this part in the Tyler translation and I would not at all have read this same meaning about knowledge of Chinese writing or scholarly thinking in it. “. . . it also conveyed a father‘s love so movingly that all present wept while they hummed it. However, a woman has no business repeating what she cannot know, and since I do not wish to give offense, I have omitted it.” (edited) 5y
Lindy @batsy I wholeheartedly agree about the authorial voice. I get a tingle each time she slips herself in. 5y
batsy @Daisey @Lindy @saresmoore The difference between the translations is fascinating and intriguing. I'm always curious about the translator's choices. I might even be ready to read a whole book about Genji translations, if one exists, once I'm done with this 😁 5y
batsy @Lindy A tingle! Yes 👍🏽 5y
Lindy @batsy @Daisey @saresmoore The same passage in the Waley translation: “But women are not supposed to know anything about Chinese literature, and I will not shock your sense of propriety by quoting any of the poems—even that by which Genji so deeply moved his hearers.” 5y
batsy @Lindy @Daisey @saresmoore Thank you! It looks like the Tyler translation is less particular about emphasising the "women & knowledge of Chinese literature" aspect. 5y
saresmoore Hurm, very interesting! I still think the implication is there that she had acquired the necessary knowledge to understand, in all three translations. (So says my obstinate feminist heart.) @Daisey @batsy @Lindy 5y
Lindy @saresmoore I am making the same interpretation, even though it‘s not as equally clearly stated in all three translations. 5y
Daisey @batsy @saresmoore @Lindy I agree it‘s there in all three, but I would not have been able to pick up on it on my own from the wording of the Tyler translation. So glad you‘re sharing these statements more clearly visible in the Washburn translation. 5y
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Sorry to interrupt your usual posts about actually published books, but I finished #NaNoWriMo! I wrote 50,000 words of the first draft of my first novel in less than a month! Now excuse me while I go and gorge myself on Christmas themed mysteries by the fire.

Moray_Reads Oh well done! That's a huge achievement. I hope there'll be wine and snacks to accompany your mysteries 🕵️ 6y
saresmoore Don‘t worry, @LeahBergen, I‘m also sipping on a sizable glass of wine! 😁🍷 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Ha! See above comment! 6y
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Moray_Reads @saresmoore good to know! I can always tell myself in not drinking alone when someone I know it's doing it at the same time 😁 How was the Na-no-wri-mo experience? 6y
LeahBergen Yay, you!!! 🎉🎉🎉 That‘s fantastic. And keep that bottle handy - you deserve it! 😆 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads It was excruciating! Mostly the act of reading my own pathetic attempts at sentence-making, but also the trudging stubbornly on when inspiration has run out. It feels like a massive accomplishment, in spite of the fact that I‘m positive I‘ve written a whole load of utter 💩. And I can assure that you are never drinking (or reading) alone! 6y
merelybookish That's awesome! 6y
saresmoore @merelybookish Thank you! 🥳 6y
Lovesbooks87 That's awesome! 6y
daniwithtea Congrats!! 6y
Librarybelle Awesome! 6y
Bookzombie Congratulations!!! 6y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore getting it on paper is such a huge step. I think I read somewhere that Sarah Moss always destroys her first drafts before moving onto the second. Not that I'm suggesting you do anything so drastic 😅 6y
mreads Congratulations 😁👍 6y
jmofo Hooray! 6y
mrozzz Wonderful!!! Great job! 😄😄😄😄 6y
ScientistSam Great job! Such an achievement! 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Honestly, I think that sounds like an excellent idea. There is so much plot development that happens during the first draft, there were times when I was writing loathsome sentences just to get the thought out so I could move on to the next. 6y
CouronneDhiver 🙀🙀🙀👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 6y
saresmoore @CouronneDhiver That‘s exactly what my kids said! 😅 6y
Jas16 🙌🏽 6y
lahousewyfe Woohoo!!!! 6y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore it works for Sarah Moss, there are definitely worse role models! Let me know if you need easy detective fiction recommendations, after a brief foray back into lit fic, I'm returning to the comforting world of Margery Allingham 6y
vivastory A big congratulations, Sara! 👏👏🤘 You deserve a break! 6y
TK-421 Congratulations! 6y
saresmoore @vivastory Thank you, my friend! 6y
saresmoore @TK-421 Thanks! 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I always appreciate your recommendations! Fortunately, I got my mom into Margery Allingham (on your recommendation) and she bought a bunch of Albert Campion books on our shared Kindle account. 😁 6y
AlaMich That‘s awesome!! Congrats!! 🍾🍾🍾🍷🍷🍷👏👏👏 6y
Leftcoastzen That is awesome! 6y
kspenmoll Congratulations!!!! So happy for you! Enjoy your break!🎉🎉🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Branwen CONGRATULATIONS! 😀👍💕 I am so so proud of you! 6y
saresmoore @Branwen Thank you! ♥️ How‘s your novel coming along? 6y
Redwritinghood 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
saresmoore @AlaMich @Leftcoastzen @kspenmoll Thank you, lovely friends! 🥰 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Congratulations, that‘s a fantastic achievement!😲👏 6y
Branwen @saresmoore Great so far! I mean, I definately won't hit the 50,000 landmark this week 😔, BUT! I love the story I'm writing so much, like the characters and storyline, you know? And I'm working on writing it everyday, so I'm really happy with that! 😀 I'm really glad that naniwrimo has given me the confidence to pursue this! 📚💕 6y
DivineDiana 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
MaureenMc 🙌🍾 6y
readordierachel Huzzah! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
BarbaraBB That‘s incredible, you‘re on a roll. Go celebrate and then back to work, I can‘t wait for the result 😀👍😘 6y
saresmoore @Branwen Yes! I totally get it! I think the truly beneficial exercise is in writing daily. Honestly, I think I‘ll toss out 49k of the words I wrote. Getting to know the characters has been my favorite part of it all! 6y
saresmoore @BarbaraBB Yeah! Ha! Thanks for keeping me in line. 😅♥️ 6y
JazzFeathers Fantastic!!!!! Congratulations!!!! 6y
batsy Woohoo!! You go, girl! It *is* a massive accomplishment. Can't wait to buy your books off the shelves 🙌🏽😍💕 #rudeladywriters 6y
saresmoore @batsy First of all, in my dreams. Second of all, like I‘d ever let you pay for one! Thirdly, the feeling is mutual, so let‘s both please keep writing, yes? 😘♥️🧁📝 6y
Kalalalatja That‘s amazing, congratulations 👏👏 6y
saresmoore @Kalalalatja Thanks, friend! ♥️ 6y
britt_brooke Fantastic!! 🤗 6y
TheWordJar How wonderful! That is a spectacular accomplishment! I‘ve fallen behind on my word count (though I love my story and hope to continue with it), but my daughter has taken off with the Young Writers Program. Which is gratifying in its own way! 6y
UwannaPublishme Woo hoooooo! That‘s a huge accomplishment and a big reason to celebrate! 🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Keep going...I want to read your published book. 😊👍🏻 6y
saresmoore @TheWordJar That is fantastic! A story you love and an inspired kid is a massive double win! My 9yo has been working on editing and digitally transcribing a story of hers for about a year now. When I finished NaNo, it was the inspiration she needed—she‘s been working tirelessly at it ever since! Mom five! ✋ 6y
saresmoore @UwannaPublishme Thank you! ♥️ 6y
Suet624 That‘s so awesome, Sara. Congrats. 6y
saresmoore @Suet624 Thank you! I kind of can‘t believe it. ♥️🥰😘♥️😍♥️♥️♥️ 6y
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