Currently reading. So far it's fun. A serial mystery written by female mystery writers.
Currently reading. So far it's fun. A serial mystery written by female mystery writers.
Irene Pollack is a terrible mother. She wants to turn her son Bertie into a genius. She forces him to do Yoga and speak Italian and play saxophone and go to psychoanalysis and wear pink dungarees to protest against gender inequality. And he can‘t eat pizza. Or ice cream.
Poor Bertie. And all along, he already IS a genius. He is thoughtful and clever and oh so very kind.
I've been posting #riotgrams for June on Instagram (@andrewk106 if you like cat or concert pictures), but forgot to post here:
1. #Readingselfie
2. #Librarylove
3. (Didn't care)
4. #TravelsandAdventures
5. #Rainbowbookstack #thegreenmile #serialnovel
The soap opera continues with some new characters and at the end of this volume the return of Irene (boo, hiss)
Another excellent entry in this series
... and the obvious, for many, is that love, even if it is not exactly a recurrent infection, visits us more than once. And yet even if this is true, a new love may indeed be stronger, more absorbing, than an old one, just as a new cold may be more severe than the cold we had six months ago.