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Poor Amelia Bedelia! In this addition to the series, Amelia gets a tad mixed up and invites construction and chaos into the house. Following Mr Hardy‘s “to do” list, Amelia and the kids “work” on various projects, including using #Tape to create a picture window.
Amelia is hilarious, and her confusion is so groan worthy! #EasyReader #BBRC
Introduces the major elements of the solar system alongside great photos. I liked that this will peak kids curiosity while they learn. I didn‘t like that it introduced more concepts than it was able to fully explain in a level 3 Easy Reader. #BBRC #Tape #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious @LibrarianRyan
I'm not above putting #tape on my daughter's LEGO space women of NASA to keep them together. #BBRC @LibrarianRyan