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@Cosmos_Moon thank you for the tag and kind words. ❤
#WhatMadeYouSmileToday #KindnessAndPositivityWeek

My bunnies make me smile everyday. They show me compassion, understanding, and unconditional love. They do something funny with there ears, tail, and the bunny jumps are the best. 🐰🐇🐰🐇🐇🐰🐇
@Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Cosmos_Moon Lovely and I love it! 🥰 4y
Andrew65 😍😍😍 4y
Texreader I made it in line today and your book is off to you! 🥰 Have a wonderful day! 4y
sharread @Texreader Thank you. Did you still want The Fountains of Silence? 4y
Texreader @sharread Yes! That would be lovely! 4y
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Everyday Kindness | Patricia Mitchell
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What makes me happy today is knowing this is my last 12.5 hour shift of the week ... reading awaits me in the days to come 📚📖

Thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94
#whatmadeyousmiletoday #kindnessandpositivityweek
Tagging: @veritysalter @jinxmoon

@Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Andrew65 Enjoy 📚 4y
MoonWitch94 Oh yay! Enjoy your reading! 💗 4y
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Andrew65 😍😍😍 4y
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Thank you @Susanita @NeedsMoreBooks @Cosmos_Moon for the tags! 💗

The sun was shining & I am alive. That‘s what made me smile 😊

#whatmadeyousmiletoday #kindnessandpositivityweek

Tagging: @Mynameisacolour @Sleepswithbooks @ImperfectCJ

Andrew65 Sun seems like a distant memory here, keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow. 🤞 ☀️ 4y
Vansa How was this book? 4y
MoonWitch94 @Andrew65 it‘s been a week & I‘m so thrilled! Hope you get some soon! 4y
MoonWitch94 @Vansa It‘s slow....I‘m 30 pages in and it‘s slow. But hoping it gets better 🤞🏻 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Thank you for the reminder. Need the sun in Oregon 😉☀️ 4y
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Black Cat | Martha Grimes
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The first thing I saw this morning was my cat looking out the window. He always makes me smile.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Mine too!! 🖤😽 4y
Andrew65 Dogs and cats figured highly on these posts. 🐈 4y
Nute Pets are so precious to us! Thanks for the tag!💕 (edited) 4y
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My grandson Vance! He brings me so much joy!, my dogs, my kids, learning there are people besides me who enjoy sending letters, so many reasons to snile!


Thanks for the tag @kspenmoll

Andrew65 Missing seeing our granddaughter due to Lockdown and the Pandemic 😢 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😊😊😊 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 I‘m sorry Andrew 😪💔 4y
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Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks She was just starting to walk and have had to rely on videos. 4y
Coleen_Nieto @Andrew65 I'm sorry 😪 4y
Andrew65 @Coleen_Nieto Thanks 😍 4y
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Getting to Happy | Terry McMillan
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#kindnessandpositivityweek #whatmadeyousmiletoday @Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks After dating someone for 8 years, and finding myself being single for over a year, I finally get a Good Morning text that puts a smile on my face daily. If you want something different out of life you have to put something different into it or whatever Henry Ford said. Thanks for the tag @Cosmos_Moon

Andrew65 😍😍😍 Great quote. 4y
S3V3N @Andrew65 One of my favorites. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Good for you 💗😊 4y
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Thanks for the tag @NeedsMoreBooks 🥰

Picking my kids up from school today and knowing I‘ll have a week home with them for thanksgiving break made me smile 😊

@Andrew65 & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you for the reflection on today‘s happy moments.

Who else will share their smiles? 😊 🥰

Andrew65 Family time 😍 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😊😊😊 4y
sharread I've been having a ruff November I'll have to contemplate this for a bit. When I attend church tomorrow I'll feel better. Thank you for the tag. ❤ 4y
Cosmos_Moon @sharread I understand 🥰 I thought 2019 was rough having 2 major knee surgeries, but 2020 has been a doozie. It helps to intentionally find things we‘re happy for and thankful about. 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Thank you for playing 🤗🤗 4y
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Crazeedi So glad a discussion made you amile!! 4y
Andrew65 Always great time have time with the family. 😍 4y
Eggs @crazeedi I guess it was more of a conversation with laughter than a discussion but fun nevertheless 🤗 Diane it‘s nice to see you here again🥰😘 4y
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Eggs Yes @Andrew65 family is our ‘raison-d‘etre‘ 🥰 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick How wonderful! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 4y
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