Chapter 15: Mrs Hill calls out Mr Bennet for not being as supportive of James #youtellhim #beabetterhuman #notafanofmrbennetorshortchapters #wheresjames #jaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 15: Mrs Hill calls out Mr Bennet for not being as supportive of James #youtellhim #beabetterhuman #notafanofmrbennetorshortchapters #wheresjames #jaaaaaaames #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 11: Colonel Forster arrives with bad news, Mrs Hill becomes the latest victim of the Post Mistress, and Sarah asks the colonel if he‘s seen James….. #ihatethatpostmistress #colonelforstertoo #bullies #poorsarah #poormrshill #lydiaandwickham #rosemary #pemberlittens #shortchapters #chapteraday #wheresjames #tellusalready
Chapter 8: the Gardiners take Lizzy on vacay and leave the kids with the Bennets, which means more work for Sarah and Mrs Hill #shortestchapterever #nothinggoodhappened #wheresJames #letsgo #pemberlittens #chapteraday