Chapter 9-10: Becky sucks up to everyone #wealsomeetthefamily #aninterestingbunch #ihopeweseemoreofmisscrawley #sheseemsspunky #shortchapters #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 9-10: Becky sucks up to everyone #wealsomeetthefamily #aninterestingbunch #ihopeweseemoreofmisscrawley #sheseemsspunky #shortchapters #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 11: Colonel Forster arrives with bad news, Mrs Hill becomes the latest victim of the Post Mistress, and Sarah asks the colonel if he‘s seen James….. #ihatethatpostmistress #colonelforstertoo #bullies #poorsarah #poormrshill #lydiaandwickham #rosemary #pemberlittens #shortchapters #chapteraday #wheresjames #tellusalready
Chapter 7: Sarah and Mrs Hill talk about James and then Sarah takes Polly to see where Sarah was born… #shortchapters #nobabyjamesontheway #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 6: the Bennets are off to the Ball and Sarah is having a pity party 🍷 #mrshillisnthelping #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchapters
Chapter 2: James still doesn‘t make eye contact with the militia, and seemed to dislike one in particular. I can‘t wait to find out the connection! #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchapters #thesuspenseiskillingme #ihopeitwilllast
Chapter 3: Sarah overhears Hill arguing with the Bennets in the Library… what could they be arguing about?!? #pemberlittens #chapteraday #shortchapters
⭐⭐⭐⭐: what a wonderful debut novel that captures race, social class, immigration, and the financial crisis of 2008. Wonderfully developed characters and interesting plot points made this one hard to put down. #ShortChapters #Immigration #Debut