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Thank You @monalyisha For Creating This Play & Share Card.

1- It was little more than three miles from the Wall into the Old Kingdom, but that was enough.

2- They say the first of my kind was a woman named Alasdair, a human raised by hawks.

3- A boy went missing the night of the storm.

4- I remain committed to my goal of saving humanity from itself, but my latest efforts are meeting with mixed results.👇

AnnCrystal 5- Matilda Pages pushed open the door of Pages & Co. and breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar scent of just-blown-out candles, dark chocolate, and, of course, books. 1mo
AnnCrystal 1- Garth Nix's Sabriel, part one of the Old Kingdom series. 1mo
AnnCrystal 2- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's Hawksong, part one of The Kiesha'ra series. 1mo
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AnnCrystal 3- Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw. 1mo
AnnCrystal 4- Novelization of Batman Begins.
AnnCrystal 5- The Bookwanderers by Anna James (Pages And Co. Book One).

Note: I'm still reading this one 📙💝.
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Thank you for tagging me @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks & @dabbe.

Any time-slip love story.

I Knew I Loved You, by Savage Garden (Love their music).

While not a perfect match, I don't know why nearly every time I encounter a time-slip love story, this song automatically plays once. As if like magic. Turn on the radio, there are those lyrics. Walk into a grocery store, this song greets me, etc.

I've come to link the song with time-slip love stories.

AnnCrystal Coincidence, I know, yet I prefer a magical explanation 😂😉☺️🎶💝. (edited) 6mo
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Winterwood | Shea Ernshaw
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Knew it! Suspected this from the very beginning...the ending was, nevertheless, unexpected. Unexpectedly, delightfully perfect!

This was a slow-burn mystery about a girl who knew she was a witch (by birthright), yet seemed to be the first one born to her family tree without powers.

Been awhile since I've enjoyed a really good read, where I relished every word of every scene like it was my favorite, savory treat....👇.

AnnCrystal Well, since my latest journey into the Old Kingdom (Goldenhand...still haven't made the trip to fetch the newest in Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series. I know, I'm the worst number one fan!🥺☺️😉).

Some may find WinterWood cheesey...I found it absolutely phenomenal!

I gobbled up the rest of this during a midnight rainstorm while listening to Christmas music. All of which added an extra layer of Magical atmosphere to this read. Yeah, I'm strange...
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Winterwood | Shea Ernshaw
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This is interesting! Interesting indeed! Unexpectedly magical...like a fairy or folks tale.

The only time I have to read this is during the night... which seems to add to the atmosphere!

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Winterwood | Shea Ernshaw
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Since I've gobbled up the one and only grown-up Christmas book that I believe I have in my little Library...I told myself that the first book I run across on my bookshelf of the unread that feels like the season (whether Christmassy or Winter) I will read.

This was the seventh book that I came into my hand 📚😉📗. Interesting!

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