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Thank You @monalyisha For Creating This Play & Share Card.

1- It was little more than three miles from the Wall into the Old Kingdom, but that was enough.

2- They say the first of my kind was a woman named Alasdair, a human raised by hawks.

3- A boy went missing the night of the storm.

4- I remain committed to my goal of saving humanity from itself, but my latest efforts are meeting with mixed results.👇

AnnCrystal 5- Matilda Pages pushed open the door of Pages & Co. and breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar scent of just-blown-out candles, dark chocolate, and, of course, books. 3w
AnnCrystal 1- Garth Nix's Sabriel, part one of the Old Kingdom series. 3w
AnnCrystal 2- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's Hawksong, part one of The Kiesha'ra series. 3w
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AnnCrystal 3- Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw. 3w
AnnCrystal 4- Novelization of Batman Begins.
AnnCrystal 5- The Bookwanderers by Anna James (Pages And Co. Book One).

Note: I'm still reading this one 📙💝.
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Thank you @debinhawaii for creating this fun play-card and thanks @Deblovestoread for tagging me.

1- Wonderful that U.S.A. was one of the countries involved in the Historic prisoner swap 😢🙏🥲.

2- Caught an episode of Captain Planet this week. Haven't seen this show since elementary age. The foundation of the show's storyline always stayed with me, yet the episode was like brand new. 💍🌎💍🌏💍🌍💍🎬💍. Hopefully I can catch more episodes🤞. 👇

AnnCrystal 3- Learned last night that CBS will premiere the new Matlock with Kathy Bates on Sunday, September. 22, 24. Been waiting for that show!

4- Saw a wild cat today, who watched me with these beautiful gem like eyes and a “trickster's“ glee. Wacky me recalled Mogget from the Old Kingdom books by Garth Nix.

5- Discovered a new song today and fell in love with the lyrics, “I believe in music“ sung by B.J. Thomas written by Mac Davis.
Deblovestoread Oh my, I haven‘t heard that song in so long nor thought about those two artist. Great memory! 1mo
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bthegood 💙 💛 1mo
AnnCrystal @Deblovestoread 💕😉💝. 1mo
AnnCrystal @bthegood 💖🌞💝. 1mo
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Ghost Camera | Darcy Coates
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Thank You @Eggs for Creating this Play and Share card.

1 - Really, any book by the tagged author.

2 - While I wouldn't say, disliked...I read all the Twilight books (and watched all the movies) by Stephenie Meyer, and the story was good, yet I didn't go crazy for the craze.

3 - Old Kingdom Books by Garth Nix 📚📚💝.

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The Lost Dreamer | Lizz Huerta
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Thank You @TheSpineView for creating this play~tag~share card.

A Day Late.

1- Random

2- equally between two books that I have yet to actually purchase.

The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta (tagged) & Terciel & Elinor by Garth Nix.




TheSpineView Never too late to play! 👍🤩😊 3mo
AnnCrystal 👏Thanks @TheSpineView 😉👍💝. 3mo
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The first three books of, The Old Kingdom Series.

Original reviewed 2016, updated for Litsy 2024.

My mom bought me these books when I was in high school. The bookstore clerk highly recommended them. For whatever reason, it took me awhile to open and read them. One day, I reached up and pulled Sabriel (part one) off my bookshelf and read the first few pages.

I was hooked.

I read through the first one like a storm, which remains my favorite. 👇

AnnCrystal Sabriel can stand on its own, but I recommend the whole trilogy (which is now a series) if you want the whole story.

These books are about life and death, mainly about death and the journey through to the afterlife.

This is all about the dead not wanting to let go of life, and about the struggle against an evil of ancient times.

Sabriel and the Disreputable Dog are my favorite characters. . .and of course, who wouldn't like the sassy cat. 👇
AnnCrystal I highly recommend this whole series. I began reading this when I was a teenager but still find the continuations great reads as an adult. If you want an entertaining story, full or mystery, humor, and thrills you just may like these books.

Now that this is a series, I'm thrilled! Three books were simply not enough. Still need to read the latest...I'm a terrible number one fan!
BookmarkTavern I love this whole series! If you like audiobooks, Tim Curry does the first three and he is phenomenal as Mogget. 💕 5mo
AnnCrystal @BookmarkTavern Tim Curry!! Oh, he is fantastic! 👏🤩💝. 5mo
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The Old Kingdom books currently include:

Sabriel · Lirael · Abhorsen · Clariel · Goldenhand · Terciel and Elinor.

Plus some shorts.

Branwen I keep meaning to read this series! It looks fantastic! 💕📚 7mo
AnnCrystal @Branwen 👏I love this series. My absolute favorite. ☺️👍. The only work I've read by Garth Nix as of yet. Oh, he's a magical storyteller! I still need to read Terciel and Elinor. (edited) 7mo
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Goldenhand | Garth Nix
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Love, love, love. Absolutely loved this addition to the Abhorsen books.

Although brief, happy at the appearance of the Disreputable Dog and Mogget. Absolutely perfect.

While I had not really cared for the Clariel book, I can see why it was written. It gave deep dimensions to a character who would have otherwise just been a random ghost in distress.

The whole Abhorsen series by Garth Nix is pure magic.

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The parts I didn't like about the story was from a personal viewpoint. Mainly, the Abhorsen family members did not meet my expectations of what I thought they would be like. I think I enjoy stories that focus mainly on main characters from the Abhorsen and/or Clayr (again, a personal preference).

Garth Nix storytelling was excellent as always, I have always found his writing beautiful and a joy to read.

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