all i got to say… Roth has my heart
This is my #bookspin book. I have to confess I started it and stopped it a few times before picking it up for good. It was for me anyhow a slow start but once you get to about 100 pages in it‘s a fast read. Roth and Layla have explosive chemistry. I‘m interested in seeing how it plays out through the rest of the series. #mayreadinglist @TheAromaofBooks
Like 4.5. It took me a while to get into it. I think after about 80 pages, I was hooked and couldn‘t put it down. Jennifer L. Armentrout has such a way with writing supernatural male characters. Lot of steamy scenes definitely hit the mark. The romance, spot on. Definitely one of my favorites.
I need a few book suggestions. I feel bad asking because it's been two years since I've been on Litsy. Job change, quarantine and all. I've probably read and/or listened to 200+ books in that time. I promise to make a list of memorable books if you share your favorites. BTW, I worked on a COVID-19 research project so that took up all my time until now. Thank you vaccines. I have more time to read. I ♡ you Litsy.
I own a lot of ebooks (A LOT) but I can count on one hand the number of ebooks I loved so much I needed to own a physical copy, and that's how much I loved not only this book but the entire trilogy 📚 it had a strong plot that kept me reading, endearing and hilarious characters that left me needing to know what happened next!
#WhiteHotKiss #LaylaAndRoth #LaylaAndZayne #TheDarkElementsTrilogy #WardensAndDemons #ParadiseCity #Carlas2020TBR
I read Storm and Fury and Rage and Ruin and after discovered there is an earlier series which tells Roth and Layla‘s story...so that‘s how I got here. Roth is a character I definitely want to learn more about and this was a great introduction. Now I might have to go back for a reread.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I absolutely loved this and couldn‘t be down. I have to wait a few weeks for the sequels and I don‘t want to wait because I need them, no, I crave them. This book was funny and just plain good fluff paranormal book. Highly recommend. Now, I‘m going down the JLA rabbit hole.
#bookstagram #bibliophile #litsy #littens
I finally finished my 'Read Outside Comfort Zone' pick for #Bookopoly! It was not my thing and I will not be carrying on with the series, but it is good to read outside your comfort zone from time to time! I didn't hate it. I just got to a point where I was like 'can I just be done with this book now...' Paranormal romance is just not my thing. I did like that there were angels! We will see how my next read outside of my comfort zone goes!
This book was very "teen" and yet I could not stop reading it. It must have been the gargoyles and the demon familiars named "Bambi." Heavier on the romance side than I usually pick, but I liked it.
First book completed for #24B4Monday #readathon . Off to a good start so far. @TheReadingMermaid @andrew65 @jb72
Not sure when or why I picked this up at the library, but it‘s coming due so it‘s time to give it a go!! Just what I need, another series to read!
How were you introduced into the online book community?
Me: I kind of fell into it. I had a personal blog going...yes it still exists out in the cyber universe even though I don‘t post on it.
I was writing reviews on Amazon. A friend told me that I should start putting my reviews on my blog.
Dazzled by Books was born shortly after. Six years later, I still love this community and enjoy reading and blogging.
This is my tbr list for July 💖 ¿Have you read any of these books?
#books #young #bookish #booklover #bookgirl
Die liebe @daniiwho hat mich zu #unreadbooks getaggt! ??? Da ich vor kurzem erst meinen SuB gepostet habe, zeige ich euch heute die Dark Elements Reihe, die ich bald lesen möchte. ??? #irenesbooks #irenesbücher #darkelements #jenniferlarmentrout #ilovereading #bookstagram #bücherwurm #booklover #büchersüchtig #lesefuchs #ilovebooks #readingiscool #booknerd #bücherwelt #bookaddict #bücherliebe #bookaholic #instabooks
4,5/5 ⭐️La historia en si esta muy buena, me gustó mucho este mundo que nos presenta la autora, todo el tema de los guardianes, los demonios y las gárgolas. Esta muy bien balanceado el romance y la acción que hay en todo el libro. El triángulo amoroso debo admitir que esta bien construido, a pesar de que no me gustan mucho (en general) La historia en si tiene un ritmo bastante rápido, donde una vez que te enganchas no podes dejar se leer.
"When is there ever a right time to fully give your heart to another? There are always going to be obstacles. You just have to decide which ones are worth it."
Can we take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness that is this series? And this quote is awesome! What makes it even better is that it's said by a demon, and just about the last person you expect to say something so... sweet.
Day #12 Least Favourite Cover 👑 The Dark Elements series by Jennifer L. Armentrout...seriously, really REALLY ugly covers. No filter can fix these.
I read this for the SWON teen reading challenge. I think you need to be a teenager to enjoy this book. It got bonus points for mentioning The Princess Bride. It gets a so so rating only because it would be a decent read for a teenager.
Ich war anfangs etwas skeptisch, ob es nicht einfach nur ein billiger Abklatsch ist - ABER nein! Die Geschichte hat mich von Anfang an gefesselt und man hat sehr schnell Partei für seinen Favoriten ergriffen. Vor allem die witzigen Momente haben es mir sehr angetan. Ich kann es jedem empfehlen, der schon Twilight gelesen hat; dieses Buch ist viel besser! 😍