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Goddess in the Machine
Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I loved this book!!! There were so many twists and turns. Did not know who to trust through most of it.
I need to get the rest of the series now because of the cliffhanger it ended on!

Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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The book was good left on a cliffhanger!

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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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4 💫💫💫💫 This was a decent #Scifi story. A young girl put into frozen sleep wakes up into a world that thinks she's a Goddess. She will be put to the test during her adventures to find her family and any information she can get about the new planet she lives on. #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Andra wakes up from cryonic sleep from a trip across the universe and it‘s 3102, a thousand years after she was suppose to be woken and she is no longer on earth and now she‘s a goddess. It took a awhile to get into this story but once I did, it was easy to get lost in the story. It was hard to get the flow of the way local people spoke but it kind of reminded me of how they spoke in that Disney movie Zenon so that made it easier to read.

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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I finally finished my March #bookspin book. And well, #unpopularopinion, I did not care for it. First, the high goddess language was annoying and disrupted the narrative. Then I also found issues with the plot, world-building, and character development. I saw the big plot twist coming. The one good thing is that for a YA book, there wasn‘t an insta-love. In fact there was little romance at all which was refreshing.

TheAromaofBooks Always sad when a book just doesn't hit you right! 3y
wanderinglynn @TheAromaofBooks yes it is. But at least I finished it & got it off my shelf. 👍🏻 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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This was a really good YA sci-fi/fantasy (more sci-fi than fantasy). So much YA blurs together to me because of all the similarities, but this one was more original than most. I connected more with the side characters than I did with the mains, but I liked the story a lot and would read the next, in what I assume will be a series.

This was also my #doublespin book. So yay!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 136.

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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Reading in the car while waiting for my daughter. Henry (6) is in the backseat watching a movie. "What are you doing, Mommy?" I'm reading. "What are you reading? Is it about Sam and Dean?" Hahaha. Nope not this time.

The kid knows his mommy. ?

GingerAntics I love that he knows “Sam and Dean.” 🤣😂🤣 3y
Lreads 😂👏 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Too cute! I just started rewatching the series last night. They‘re like babies in the pilot episode! 🥰 3y
Traci1 @GingerAntics not sure what it says about my parenting style that my 6 year old watches the show with me. 🤷‍♀️ 😄 3y
Traci1 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I know. It's so weird going back to the beginning. I think I may start them over again soon. 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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1. Sadly, just work. 🍀🌈🍻

2. The author tries to do world-building through language. The point is that language evolves, I get that. And while this “evolved” variant is not difficult to understand, it just gets exhausting because she uses it not just in the dialogue, but in general non-dialogue descriptions. So it doesn‘t really flow and feels a bit gimmicky.

Who wants to play?

TheSpineView Sorry you have to work! Happy St. Patrick's Day and Thanks for playing! 💚🍀 3y
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView that‘s why St Pat‘s Day should be a federal holiday! 😉🍀 3y
TheSpineView @wanderinglynn I like that idea especially since I have to work too! 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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mavey Wanna try it! Thanks for playing!😊 3y
Soul Fiction, breath taking, heartbreaking 3y
StuckOnChapter13 Disney, fashion, origin
Book: Hello, Cruel Heart
(edited) 3y
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wanderinglynn @Soul @StuckOnChapter13 but what is the book? 3y
Soul @wanderinglynn "All the bright places" 3y
wanderinglynn @Soul 👍🏻 thanks! 3y
wanderinglynn @StuckOnChapter13 that‘s on my TBR! 👍🏻 3y
StuckOnChapter13 @wanderinglynn Awesome! I absolutely enjoyed it. It clearly captured Disney's magic. 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Liked, but didn‘t love this. Loved-the twists, the sci-fi, and the MC. Didn‘t love-the pacing and the romance. The ending left me curious for the sequel.



Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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And so, “Goddess in the Machine” becomes my first finished read of 2021, and one I recommend for sure! I especially liked how it didn‘t lean too far into YA-style romance, and I was excited to be surprised by an ending for once. Also, this is my first time trying out the #Bookly app for keeping track of my reading (otherwise I‘ve just kept a “books I‘ve read” pile teetering precariously on top of my bookshelf).

Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson

My first sci-fi read in ages, and one I‘d definitely recommend!

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 #litsywelcomewagon 3y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌹 3y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I read to page 160 and decided to bail on this one, the plot and characters weren‘t pulling me in hard enough and I‘m ready for something else. Do you DNF books?

Ruthiella I don‘t DNF often enough! 4y
Owlizabeth All the DNFing time 🤣 4y
eeclayton I'm somewhat reluctant to bail on a book, but it gets easier with practice 😁 I agree with @Ruthiella ! 4y
Chrissyreadit Happy litsyversary!🙌🎉👏 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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This is a fun, original fast paced book that checks the box on many genres, dystopic, sci fi, and fantasy. In this story, people and things aren't always as they seem and the main character, Andra has to piece out what is real after being asleep for 1,000 years.

BookBelle84 I loved this book! Can't wait for the sequel. 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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#3books I plan to read this month

Plus my two ceramic pieces I painted this summer and my new dragon (with glowing eyes) on books figure I just bought. 🐉

Chrissyreadit I love it!!! 4y
Crazeedi Love your ceramics, the dragon💖 4y
Ruthiella I love the llama! ❤️ 4y
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Kenyazero Great ceramics! I have a huge softspot for llamas because I grew up with two. 4y
wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit @Crazeedi @Ruthiella @Kenyazero thanks! ☺️ Painting ceramics is one of the few things I can do outside my apt with the COVID restrictions. 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Love the llama! 4y
Crazeedi @wanderinglynn my daughter has a place very close that she gets to paint at, I go when I can, it's so much fun! 4y
wanderinglynn @Crazeedi it is fun! I‘m hoping they have more Halloween-themed ceramics when I go this weekend 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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#95 of my year. A book about fate and adventure? Sign me up! I‘m listening to Cut My Hair by Mounika., Cavetown 🌻🌱

Caffeinated_Reader That was so much fun. A very sci-fi filled tale of betrayal, hope, fate, and so much adventure. I loved the storyline and the characters and how everything played out. So many surprises that I did not see coming, which I love. I highly recommend this book. I look forward to more! 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I loved this book! It took a little getting into as the author created a new dialect but once I got the flow down I couldn't read it fast enough. A girl frozen to travel to a new planet is supposed to be awakened in 100 years but instead is 1000 years later with no idea what has happened to everyone else. An amazing premise and it is pulled off so well. And an ending that left me searching for the publication date for the next book. #mustread #ya

Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Enjoyed this book but didn't love it. Andra was I put into cryogenic sleep to leave Earth with her family to another planet. She was supposed to wake with everyone 100 years later. Only Andra wakes a thousand years later and has no idea where she is or why everyone thinks she is a goddess. There is a bit of a language barrier but I didn't have real difficulty with it in my reading. I will read the next in the series when it comes out.

tracey38 And of course there was a twist in the ending! 4y
CBee Hey lady - was thinking about you and wanted to check in. Let me know if you need anything ❤️ 4y
tracey38 @CBee hi! I have a card going out to you today. I am ok. Mom is fatigued and we're all anxious for her surgery in a couple weeks. But we're getting by. ❤ Thanks for checking on me. 4y
CBee @tracey38 I understand! You‘re welcome. I‘ll look forward to your card ❤️ 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
First of all, I really love the #Owlcrate edition of this book. It reminds me of a desert and it actually does take place in one for a small portion of the book. I really enjoyed seeing how Andra dealt with being called a goddess even though she is a teenager who awakes 1000 years later instead of the 100 years. I really liked Zhade‘s drama too. Highly recommend.
#litsy #littens #bookstagram #bibliophile

wanderinglynn Yes, I love the cover of this edition too. 😍 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I definitely have a theme going this #24B4Monday 🤪

#dark #burning #reading #newin #owlcrate

Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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My July Owlcrate came! This is my first box ever. So pleased with it. #owlcrate #bookstagram #bibliophile #litsy #littens

tracey38 I got mine on Friday and it sounds like a really good book. Can't wait to read it! 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife @tracey38 I dropped all my other books and started reading it. It is good so far. The made up language is a little hard, but still good. 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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Picking it up for the cover

ChasingOm 100% 😍 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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I love this cover.

June 30, 2020
#Coverlove #yaedition

SaturnDoo Oh yeah, I like this one👍 4y
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Goddess in the Machine | Lora Beth Johnson
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This was a solid YA sci-fi! Andra wakes from cryogenic sleep after 1,000 years instead of the intended 100 years, and things are not what she expected at all. The futuristic dialect and treatment of words and language was my favorite thing about it!

**Publication date: June 30, 2020

Chrissyreadit @Avanders this sounds like your wheelhouse ! 4y
Avanders Oh yes!!! Definitely! @Chrissyreadit 👏🏽👏🏽♥️ (edited) 4y
tjwill @Chrissyreadit @Avanders I hope you will like it! 4y
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