“The Day After Turkey Day…” by B. J. Thompson https://link.medium.com/bI5QjuSBT0
Wine and pork and beans...
Hey, don't judge me, man. I'm sending out book query letters. I'm obviously in a mood...😎
The sights and scents of a sighing summer...
Sometimes it's best to lie still and look up...
It's all about the reader/writer community, isn't it?👧
What have you got to lose but unfinished manuscripts?
Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RZJJQS8
A tiny portion of research materials for my upcoming WWII Pearl Harbor epic, AIR. Heavy reads, richly awarding...
If you only read one book on WWII as relates to Germany's Nazi Party. Read this.
An authoritative volume.
Every line of every page translucent intellect and cunning and bravery and foolishness and guts.
The final days of WWII like no one has ever retold. Packed with so much information your head spins.
No one before or since such a supreme wordsmith. I will need another lifetime before I reach this level of skill as a writer.
A must read for WWII aficionados.
Circa 1970...
My mother was dead worried about me.
All I read were Archie comics.
I didn't want to read anything else.
Then I saw this book in the library.
The 70s were all about Peace and my parents lived through a War. What's not to like about this title?
I picked it up, took it home and that evening Mom saw me reading War and Peace while Archie was sidelined to my night table.
If mothers can die of shock. 😏
Archie to Leo in one fell swoop!😁
Life inside a convent when religion isn't the only thing on your youthful mind. A wonderful coming of age piece.
Fantastic, mind-bending tale. A must read for those addicted to literary works.
A fantastic resource for the minutia details post thr December 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, re: harbor ships damage and rescue and repair.
Also, tidbits of history from that day and the days subsequent that shows how hard work, focus and determination allowed the Pacific Fleet to go onto victory.
An amazing read on this gutsy actress. A roller coaster read, and life, from beginning to end.
The BEST biography on the late entertainer, Dean Martin. To read any other book on Dino is to waste your time.
The penultimate no bodies murder trial with a successful conviction. Bugliosi another near impossible case solved. The books description of the island of Palmyra almost as horrific as the murders themselves.
The last book anybody with a right mind ever needs to read to close the case on who assassinated President Kennedy. The late Vincent Bugliosi drops the mic in this beaut.
Finally, closure. Bobs blow-by-blow relationship with his Nixon Watergate source, "Deep Throat." A reveal and an ending to a decades ling mystery better than expected.
The Trump Administration is like the Nixon Administration on meth.
"Bundy wasn't just a savage killer; he was a degenerate, too."
Deep Throat: You let Haldeman slip away.
Bob Woodward: Yes.
Deep Throat: You've done worse than let Haldeman slip away: you've got people feeling sorry for him. I didn't think that was possible. ...
Bob Woodward: Yes, we know that. And if we're wrong, we're resigning.
Gliding across an imaginary line that splits the Pacific Ocean from the north to the south polar caps, the sunrise acquired a new label, June 23. Behind that line, June 22 had just dawned. This murky international convention, amid world chaos, still stood. For the globe still turned ninety million miles away in black space, and the tiny dwellers on the globe still had to agree, as they went about their mutual butcheries, on a way to tell the time.
"So we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight."
The enemy was anyone who was someone he wanted to be or who had anything he wanted to have.
Celebrated author, Truman Capote has only 3 hours left to live.
Is there time enough to pen a Happy Ending?
Read, No More Blood - Epilogue on the Life of Truman Capote & In Cold Blood