Need to pick up the next Hodges Book asap!
I liked this book! I was super surprised with how short it was!
I liked this book! I was super surprised with how short it was!
My all time favorite summertime book💙 usually the first nice day of the year I like to pull it out for a quick read.
This book is definitely in my top 10 favorites ever read?❤️
That fukú life ain‘t no joke
#booklovers #bookworm #bibliophile
Excited to be starting this! Haven‘t seen the show but heard great things💖📖
I‘m totally going to try to make it out to see Ready Player One this weekend! The trailers legit give me goosebumps. #readyplayerone #beverageandbook
I am on a mission to collect every Richard Laymon mass market paperback📚 #horror #richardlaymon
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really dug this one! Last year I fell in love with morally shitty female protagonists and this book totally fell into that category.
#zoeheller #bookreview ##marchmadness #notesonascandal
Brought this for a work read today! Almost halfway through and it‘s getting pretty wild!!!
Halfway through Middlesex and I‘m loving it. Such a unique, crazy story told beautifully through the narrator Cal
My first Christie book, and it was AWESOME! Totally kept me guessing on who was behind the murders. Also, I love reading on my phone rather than my kindle if I am eBooking it. #agathachristie
Cute, fun read so far! I‘ll have to check out the movie when I‘m done🍻
MY FIRST POST! I was so excited to see this book published! Such an intriguing story that happened in my metaphorical back yard (I live in New Hampshire) I read the story of Mr. Knight on the interwebs a couple years back and was fascinated. Living off the grid in such isolation has always been a romantic curiosity, and this insight was quite satisfying.