Didn't age well.
Fun but Vol 1. Is mostly setup so I'm not super attached yet.
I just couldn't. It was a bad Harry Potter ripoff as a plot point in Fangirl and there's no way it it could stand on its own legs. Got 20 pages in and gave up. They want the plot to be as sophisticated as teens are but the names of places and professors are something I'd expect for young children.
Mediocre. The power was out so I read them but they didn't thrill me. Teen me would have loved Fangirl at the time but it doesn‘t hit the same at 31. Second Black Widow had less set up and drag time than the first and was much better for not having two teens drooling proclaiming themselves soul mates 2 seconds after they meet but also ghost boyfriend loses points. Especially when it ends ghost brother too.
Loved this. I wonder how different this would have felt reading it before COVID-19...
I'm a teen librarian now and our new director had actually added comics to our collection so I'm going to start as many series as possible! So far I didn't connect with either of these but will be picking up both second vols to give them more of a chance.
Was so glad the new Disney+ adaptation was able to merge the souls of this series with the MCU. Very pleased overall!
It's like it was made just for me! Roller Derby, funky hair dye colors, Portland, The Rose City Rollers, friendship troubles... I loved every second of it.
I love Clint Barton and I love Matt Fraction.
Lumberjanes are so cute! Adorable and diverse. Infinitely quotable. Feels like a Joss Whedon show from the early 00s.
I love the comics but I personally didn't need this in book form. It just meant I couldn't share them on my social media accounts which is half the fun. I understand the collectability aspect but...
Loved this! Loved the art, loved Natasha's struggles, loved her cat.
I started reading this 6 months ago and still haven't finished it. I guess I'm not connecting with it. Good thing no one else at the library wants to read it either.
Even as a child I was never a big fan of kids books. I secured a Virtual Author Event with Karina Yan Glaser for my library however and read the first three Vanderbeekers books and loved them so much! These characters are precious and I love all of the adults as well as the kids. I also like how Karina doesn't shy away from showing scary and upsetting things like strokes or consequences like ruining a business.
The idea is so clever; I wanted to love this book, but it's physically too big and the font is too small and the flow of information makes things difficult. Also, sometimes I came away understanding something l e s s than when I started.
Shout-out to my former home and the "Goonies Rock"!
The premise is great, and I liked the changing POVs up until the last section where the chapters would be written in two different POVs at the same time (cool experiment but not my cup of tea). I was surprised and then delighted that the plot that I thought was only going to last for the first section actually went to the end of the book and didn't result in pacing issues. Also, shoutout to the ambiguous ending.
For once I'm actually ahead in my yearly reading challenge!
By the way, Troublemaker is great as an audiobook!
This book is about loneliness, and all of the damage it can do to a person. In this regard it hits far too close to home for me, and I expect, increasingly so for others. Excellent writing.
I'll be finishing this one tonight, I think. Nathan is a friend of a friend and he's a great writer. These stories are full of familiar terrors and tropes, but in a fresh way. The only downside so far is a few editing mistakes were left in the print edition - some name misspellings and some typos. Super minor since it doesn't drag you out of the story too badly. If you like horror, give this a read!
It's taking a while, but I'm nearly reaching the end. Very slow - things didn't start moving until the 200s.
Ove is and isn't the guy you want around simultaneously. This book is charming, the pacing is good, and the story is really tight - nothing is wasted and it all has a purpose. This isn't the type of book I usually choose for myself, but I'm glad I read it.
The best moment in the book for me!
Starting this tonight; I'm on page 45. Ove is the kind of guy that bothers me, even if I understand why he is the way he is.
Starting this now!
It's my personal feeling that Weir wrote this book with a movie deal in mind. Honestly, I can't bring myself to mind much.
Jazz Bashara is a female Han Solo and while the quips can be both enjoyable and cheesy, she's a female lead that's not quite the same as the rest. Artemis is full of diverse and interesting people who I'd love to know more about. Weir has kept his trademark wit, but I will say this does lack some of the charm of The Martian.