Book 104📚 2.5⭐️
Another cute LumberJane story🏕🖤
Book 104📚 2.5⭐️
Another cute LumberJane story🏕🖤
Friendship to the max!
Volume 2 of the lumberJane's and I am loving it.
The friendship, the adventures, the educational task's slipped in their too all brilliant.
#currentlyreading #reading #booknerd #bookworm #friendship #friendshiptothemax #lumberjanes #femaleauthor #females #queerbooks
Volume 2 done but I have a long way to go if I expect to catch up on this series. Not sure if I‘ll make it to the end but would at least like to get through the volumes that include the genius of Noelle Stevenson. These are funny and clever and just so darn fun to read.
Lumberjanes are so cute! Adorable and diverse. Infinitely quotable. Feels like a Joss Whedon show from the early 00s.
Volume 2: Friendship to the Max
#LitsyAtoZ #graphicnovel #LetterF
I enjoyed this one more than the first one! Since this one ended with a resolution of the first story arc, I‘ll be curious to see where the series goes next.
Blah. I got through it but it jumped around so much I was sure in multiple places, I had lost or missing pages. Just not for me.
I love these girls! So happy that most of the series is free through KU.
and how cool is this artwork at the end! I love seeing my town in books.
My friend Emily is visiting and Panda is in love. 😻 #catsoflitsy
I enjoy this comic series. It‘s like Girl Scouts with an extra oomph. This episode focuses on the value of friendship. Such a great message and fun too! #librarybook
#readharderchallenge comic by an LBGTQ creator
One of my pet peeves, and it really drives me up a wall. So many people use “and I” when it should be “and me” and it infuriates me!
Another one that bugs me is when someone says podium when they mean lectern.
What‘s your grammar/language #petpeeve ?
Still not my favorite graphic novels - and GN still isn‘t my favorite genre - but this was a little better than vol 1. I liked the Greek mythology angle.
Another fun novel of friendship to the max! Really had a good time with the Greek mythology incorporated into this one and reading more about the different patches offered and how to earn them!
#sfftbrchallenge #14 #lgbtq #graphicnovel #lumberjanes #graphicnovel2019 #mpls #twincities @GondorGirl @julesG
Time for some light hearted reading to prevent a reading slump forming from Crooked Kingdom!
#lumberjanes #graphicnovel #feminism #comedy #mpls #twincities
Happy #nationalcomingoutday! I only recently realized I‘m bi and am still working my way out irl/looking for community.It‘s nice to have this little oasis of bookish acceptance in the meantime.LJs was one of the first places I saw myself, and I love that I can be excited, find more #queerbooks, and keep learning about our community here.Love to all our LGBTQ2SIA+ littens, whether you are in, out or in-between you are important and valid and loved.
I LOVE this series! The stories are quick and fun to read, and the girls are awesome characters. This one was a personal favorite because who doesn't love a graphic novel with dinosaurs. 😁 Great read for kids too.
And now to lighten things up with read number three of the #24in48 readathon! Hour 8.5.
Enjoyed vol 2! The story was fun and I‘m looking forward to Vol 3.
My amazing friends went to a comic book convention & brought me back Lumberjanes pins 😭😍
Glad I‘m finally settling down and finally reading these. I‘ve had the 1st volume a while, not sure why it‘s took me so long. #25in5
Kicking off #caturday with Lennox and the Lumberjanes. #lennox #catsoflitsy #readharder2018
Continuing with my Boom! BOX studios comics reread session. Got through all of Giant Days, tried Jonesy, reread The Backstagers (off to library to get volume two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ack!!!!!), Goldie Vance, and now going through Lumberjanes again. Even though I had a Lumberjanes reread last summer. Oh well 😋
Y‘all Ripley is my spirit animal!! I should have totally been doing laundry and dishes but I completely blew that off so I could binge on some Lumberjanes lovin‘ #tothemax
✨A horror movie and a comic are a good way to end the day ✨
SOOO CUTE! What a fun, fast read! These girls are just the best 😊 And this marks my 60th book read this year! Woohoo! #11thHourReadathon
It is 4:07am here...I have not gone to bed yet. Instead I'm eating pizza (with ham and pineapple because yes I am that person) and binge reading Lumberjanes.
I think I might keep this comiXology after my free trial. There are so many things on there that I want to read!
I feel like these books are like a half hour episode of your favorite sitcom. Definitely a departure from my norm but not my favorite.
I love this series. It‘s adorable and hilarious and just so much fun. I‘m sure everyone can find a bit of themselves in these girls. This just brings back childhood memories of camping, or getting into shenanigans with my girlfriends... minus the Raptors of course. 😉
I love the Lumberjanes series, because I am basically all of these girls combined 😂 #currentlyreading #graphicnovel
A very handy expression for all of life‘s unpleasant surprises. 👍
This would so be me, if ever I had to face down a bloodthirsty velociraptor! 😂😂😂
This is a review for Lumberjanes volumes 1-4. I had heard great things about this & I wasn't sure what to expect, but I admit I was a teensy disappointed when I first started reading vol 1. It seems geared towards middle school age kids. BUT, I did find them very cute so I decided to continue on. Vol 2 was easily my favorite. Once you hit vol 3 the artwork changes and I think it suffers because of this. And vol 4 is my least favorite so far. TBC🔽
If anyone can find me a coonskin hat that transformes popple-style into a toy raccoon I'll totally start cosplaying Molly. Also, these books are really fun.
This was a delightful graphic novel. I loved the elements of Greek mythology that were weaved into the story. I can't wait to see what mischief the girls get into next!
What exactly is #litsypartyofone? I'm still *kinda* new here and this is my first time seeing it around.
I'm loving this series! My only problem now though, is that my library only has the first two volumes. Has anyone read comics on a kindle fire? Are they any good? I know it's not going to be the same as an actual, physical book, but they're so much cheaper than an actual book. Plus, I can disguise the scale of my addiction 😉😆
Just when I thought I couldn't love Lumberjanes more, there's a League of Their Own reference. ❤️⚾️
5⭐️ohmygoodness I love this so much 😂