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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
24 posts | 20 read | 12 to read
The newest stunning and unforgettable contemporary realistic romance from the New York Times bestselling author of 99 Days, Fireworks, and How to Love. Perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen, Jenny Han, and Morgan Matson. Ryan McCullough and Gabby Hart are the unlikeliest of best friends. Prickly, anxious Gabby would rather do literally anything than go to a party. Ultra-popular Ryan is a hockey star who can get any girl he wants--and frequently does. But somehow their relationship just works; from dorky Monopoly nights to rowdy house parties to the top ten lists they make about everything under the sun.Now, on the night of high school graduation, everything is suddenly changing--in their lives, and in their relationship. As they try to figure out what they mean to each other and where to go from here, they make a final top ten list: this time, counting down the top ten moments of their friendship.
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Top ten reads in the first half or 2021. What are yours?

AmyG Oooo nice list. I loved Commonwealth and The Dutch House for the first half, too….thanks to #authoramonth (edited) 3y
BarbaraBB I loved Red at the Bone, My Cousin Rachel and The Great Believers too. (edited) 3y
Jari-chan Dune 😍 Totally agree on this one! 3y
readwithcori Reading The Great Believers now! Glad to see it on your top ten! 3y
Bklover Dune!💙 3y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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And here we are! I really wish I had gotten to Addie LaRue (and many others), but here are the ones that I did read that stuck with me. This year was really difficult to rank, especially because a lot of my reading was done before March. But after 1-3 is at least a general top 10. #1 snuck in at the end! I have a very ambitious TBR for next year; I like to just choose books in the moment vs planning, and I hope I get through most of them 📚😬🥳

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Congratulations on your blog turning 10 years @GatheringBooks 🎉🎉🎉

My top ten is a list of ten places I would love to visit once it is safe to do so again:
1. Japan
2. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3. Portugal
4. Grand Canyon
5. Switzerland
6. Barcelona, Spain
7. Venice, Italy
8. Sri Lanka
9. Isle of Skye, Scotland
10. Bergen, Norway (where my grandmother is from)


Have you made a list yet @ephemeralwaltz ? ☺️

Cathythoughts Very nice 👍🏻 4y
erzascarletbookgasm 🧳 ✈️ 🛳 🚞 Great destinations! 👍 4y
GatheringBooks I super love this list. Norway is gorgeous! 💕🧚🏼‍♀️📚 thank youu for reposting! 4y
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ephemeralwaltz Barcelona!❤️ 4y
batsy Aaah... The dream ❤️ 4y
Avanders Great list idea and list!! 💖💖 4y
Lindy What a great list! I love travelling to new places. I guess that‘s one reason I love reading so much. 😊 4y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Some liquid ☀️on a cloudy day.
🥤Homemade mint lemonade & unsweet tea
( fun fact: I struggle to pronounce Arnold Palmer...and Pinot noir) 🤷‍♀️

Susanita I love a good AP but also struggle to pronounce it. I have trouble saying Reese Witherspoon too. 4y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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It's definitely a process...

Today on the blog we're sharing our biggest bookish discoveries of 2019.

It actually worked out to be Top 9 instead of Top 10 but they are interesting and we hope you enjoy them.

Be share to stop by and share you own discoveries!


#toptentuesday #readinglife #bookbloggerhub #bookblog #bookblogs #bookbloggerhub

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Genre: Romance, Young Adult
Date started: December 5, 2019
Date finished: December 19, 2019
Why I chose this book: I chose this book because it was about friendship.
Summary: Ryan is a popular hockey player in their high school team, and Gabby is the type of person who likes taking pictures. gabby and Ryan are different from each other, but they still maintain to keep their friendship.

jash_v They both faced many challenges (fights, parties, and trips that went wrong) and still got through all of it together. They never left each other's side but now that they are graduating high school and attending different colleges, they chose to honor their friendship by making 10 important moments of their friendship. 5y
jash_v The 10 important moments were:

10. “Where to begin? Maybe the night we met.“
9. “Then there was our awkward phase.“
8. “When you were in love with me but never told me“
7. “Those five months we stopped talking were the hardest of my life.“
6. “Through terrible fights“
5. “And emotional makeups“
4. “You were there for me when I got my heartbroken.“
3. “but at times, you were also the one breaking it.“
2. “Above all, you helped me make sense of the
(edited) 5y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Well, at this very moment these are my #top10ofthedecade. If I had to pick a favorite, I would say A Little Life, but I loved each of these for different reasons. And other that barely missed the list is Devil in the White City, which was wonderful!

Cinfhen Great mix of books!!! We have some mutual titles 🥰How are u feeling?? 5y
Bklover I‘m good- tired of the cast. Going to be a weird holiday - kids will be mostly gone this year. Works out fine because I can‘t really do a lot. But it‘s been nice and peaceful. Supposed to get snow today- hope we get a LOT!❄️❄️❄️. Hope all‘s well there! Using my mug every day❤️😘 5y
squirrelbrain Great choices! I think A Little Life is also my most favourite of the decade. 5y
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Bklover @squirrelbrain I miss them, Helen! I almost think I‘ll read it again, even though it‘s brutal! 5y
squirrelbrain Me too @Bklover ! I rarely reread but in this case I think it would bring so much more, but not sure if I could cope.... 5y
Rissreads @Bklover great list! I am definitely going to re read A little life this year. I re read The Goldfinch last year and loved every minute. 💚 5y
Reggie Omg, I‘m glad I‘m not the only one who is going to put You on this list. Nice!! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Had a few similar picks! 5y
Annl I immediately thought of A Little Life also! 5y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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I tried-really hard-but I just couldn‘t keep it to 10. The above listed books are the nonfiction reads that have stood out for me over the last decade. Please ask me about any that interest you-I want everyone to read them if they sound interesting to you. #Top10oftheDecade #NonFictionEdition @Cinfhen

Leftcoastzen I was absolutely awed by this one , wish more people read it .Glad you did.It was an important read.Not about politics or policy , it illustrates the tragic losses associated with gun violence. (edited) 5y
KT1432 I still need to read this one! It's been sitting on my shelf too long! So many good ones on this list! 5y
Cinfhen What a GREAT LIST!!! I‘ve taken a screenshot so I can study each title more thoroughly. Thanks for sharing and tagging me❤️ 5y
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rockpools That‘s a fantastic list! I so need to make time to read 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa The Gene was so good... it‘s one that I sadly had to cut for my Top 10, but it was a painful one. Definitely a top read....you know, if I could pick more than 10!😉 5y
arubabookwoman Yes, it reminds us that, beyond the now regular mass shootings, dozens of people are being killed every day by guns. And that beyond Sandy Hook, Parkland, etc., an average of about 10 children die each day from gun violence. Chilling and sad. @Leftcoastzen 5y
arubabookwoman @Leftcoastzen And you‘re right, the book is not political. I actually made an effort not to include political books in my list. (Since the 2016 I‘ve read many, many books about Trump, his supporters, and why he was elected, in an attempt to understand, and many of those have been very good). How Democracies Die, could be seen as political, but I see it as more history. (ETA-Well maybe Dark Money is political, but also history). (edited) 5y
arubabookwoman @lele1432 Hope you read it soon—it‘s an amazing book! 5y
arubabookwoman @Riveted_Reader_Melissa The Gene was excellent. He writes about science in a way the layperson can understand, but without dumbing it down. My daughter has a PhD in genetics and I wanted to understand a bit more about what she does. 5y
arubabookwoman @RachelO I hope you get to it soon. He is my favorite science writer, and seems to be able to explain things thoroughly, without dumbing it down, and entertaining at the same time. 5y
rockpools @arubabookwoman Thank you. I‘m going to line that up as my big nf read to start in January. 5y
Liz_M Some of my favorite non-fiction are in your “also good“ list. Guess I'll have to convince my bookclub to pick more of your top choices. 🤔 😁 5y
Graywacke Great list, and I‘m happy to see yours. I think I remember, specifically, your review of Gulag from some years ago. Maybe it‘s time to get that on my to read lists. 5y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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I want more Gabby and Ryan. #BOTM

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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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My handwriting is the worst. 😂😂 #TopTen #JulyTopTen #goodreads

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Since I was in the mood for the cute and quick reads for the last two weeks, I decided that this would be one of the books on my TBR. This books did not disappoint. I liked it because the ending is a little different. Yes, they both loved each other but, at the end, their friendship was what really mattered to them. I like stories that, not only concentrate on love, but friendships as well.

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno

Are Gabby and Ryan just friends? Can they ever be more?
Although this book is the top ten moments throughout their best-friendship -- it dives deeper than that.

Gabby is an anxiety-ridden teen. Her anxiety stops her from attending parties and being social.

Ryan is a jock with one too many concussions from hockey.

How do these two people from different social worlds become friends? How does their friendship play out? Read & find out 😉

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Has anyone read this book? I picked it in last months #botm selection! I‘m excited to get started... wondering if anyone has already read it?!

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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I want to give a shout-out to Katie Cotugno for her detailed attention to the “romantic rival” character. In her books, we often get a flawed (but likable) female protagonist, & a love triangle. The love interest often already has a girlfriend. A lot of authors make that girlfriend vapid or of questionable integrity, such that we feel okay about the inevitable, eventual break-up. Not Katie. (Cont‘d in comments👇🏻):

monalyisha 1/2: In her books, these “other women” are kick-ass. There are awesome women everywhere. The message is that just because *she‘s* not you (or the protagonist), it doesn‘t mean that she‘s not strong or dynamic or worthy. And, by that same token, just ‘cause *you‘re* (or the protagonist is) not her, it doesn‘t mean that *you‘re* not strong or dynamic or worthy. (edited) 7y
monalyisha 2/2: It‘s a valuable lesson to be learned (& one I still struggle emotionally to embrace): Lots of women are direct, & funny, & fleshed-out, & kind, & good at things, & insecure, & *real* - not just the woman at the center. Not just you. Try not to compete. Try to admire, learn, befriend, respect, & appreciate. (edited) 7y
Reggie Nicely said. 7y
batsy In a world where heterosexual women are trained to see each other as "competition", it's really nice to be reminded of this. 7y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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I just love Katie Cotugno. She‘s so good at what she does (namely, writing realistic YA lit).

Everything about this book felt very natural; the dialogue, the portrayal of diverse relationships & sexuality. The way Cotugno describes anxiety & panic attacks feels real & sympathetic. The only (tiny) gripe I have is that Ryan, who‘s supposed to come from a poor household, ALWAYS pays! Gabby‘s got dough! Why doesn‘t she ever offer to grab the check?!

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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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I just read a book about two high-schoolers, a guy & a girl, who are best friends. Although their relationship is very different, I couldn‘t help thinking about my own high school best friend. Like Ryan is for Gabby, he was my security blanket in social situations: everyone loved him; he was the life of every party. Although people liked me just fine, I wasn‘t as good at faking confidence & stuck with my own close-knit friend hroup. (Cont‘d 👇🏻)

monalyisha My parents LOVED him. He came with us on family vacations. We‘d talk into the small hours, & fall asleep holding each other‘s hands under our pillows. It was never romantic (aside from a brief & failed attempt at kissing) but for years, we were each other‘s “most important person.” Here we are as teenagers & then at my wedding (2 years ago), after he made a surprise speech; I totally lost it. 😭💞 (edited) 7y
vivastory That's really touching. I had a friend like that in high school. 7y
8little_paws This is so sweet! I teared up. 7y
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robinb Awww, love that! Some of my best friends in high school were guys. ❤️ Good memories. 7y
LeahBergen 💕💕💕 7y
Kalalalatja So sweet! 7y
Reggie Nice. 7y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Katie Cotugno‘s books never end the way I want them to. I always end up a tear-stained mess, hiding in my turtleneck or wrapped up in my hammock like a comforting cocoon of sadness (depending on the season). It‘s never a simple happily ever after. It‘s always more realistic. Ultimately, I always begrudgingly admit that I guess the ending fit the story, & that open-ended “endings” are better than neat little bows. But I wanted Gabby & Ryan to work!

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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“It seemed immediately clear to Ryan that this was a house where people ate their sandwiches on whole wheat bread.”

Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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The book I was planning to read next is outside in the car, in the cold, in the dark. 😩

vivastory 😂😂 7y
Jadams89 That's perfect 😂 7y
nelehelen 😂😂😂 7y
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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I 💛 the pretty insta-collage style of the endpapers in Katie Cotugno's new novel. btw, if you're on Twitter, follow Katie! love her #5goodthings hashtag, and she's also a sporadic BOTM judge. #bookmail #endpapers #ya

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Top Ten | Katie Cotugno
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#currentlyreading Top Ten by Katie Cotugno!, ❤️❤️❤️

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