Had to rely on audiobooks on day 2 to get my through #24in48 this time. I was so sleepy! What a great weekend- loved everything I read! Until January 🤠
Seventh #24in48 book down and just 2 more hours to go 🤪 I love Carrie Fisher and I had been meaning to read this semi-autobiographical novel. It‘s so interesting to had 80s Hollywood woven in!
“Love is so short, forgetting is so long.” Third book finished in #24in48, nice little break with some poetry! 😪
The second #24in48 book finished, and nearly at hour 10! It‘s flying by, and I think I‘m just watching between too many books 🤪. This was such a cute read, I loved the familial tall tales and recipes throughout.
First full #24in48 book. Obsessed with the plain and simple writing and timeless small town observations, but oof this one was a bit punch. Level 3 weepy snot bomb the last 30 pages 😭
My third #24in48tbr!! It‘s a rather ambitious stack, but I‘m hoping the combination of genre, short length, and some #readharder 2019 books will keep me going. Currently planning out snacks and other hermit-y comforts for the weekend 🥰📚
Only one hour left for me this #24in48 and 5th book finished. I loved this intimate look at RGB‘s life and learning about all the badass accomplishments she had even before her Supreme Court appointment 💕✨
This is a series that I ZOOMED through in 2018. I received the first book as a gift and got the rest from the library. I love Irene and Kai‘s adventures and hope there are TONS more sequels to come 🥰📚 #24in48 #hour30challenge
Book 3 finished at hour 11 of #24in48. Needed to make myself homemade popcorn to get through this one. Enjoyable poems, but not as accessible naturalism as Mary Oliver.
Hour 8.5 of #24in48 and second book finished. I‘m not sure I get the hype? I enjoyed the interconnectedness of the stories, but really found the shitty dialogue about women tiring.
#24in48 nearly hour 7 for me. Giving my eyes a break with this audiobook (that also fits in with the #readharder 2019 challenge!) 🙌🏼
Hour 4 into #24in48 and finished my first book of the weekend! This one was a doozy - the writing was so vivid, I felt like I was right with each character. Strongly recommend.
Only two more sleeps until my second #24in48 Readathon! So excited for the reading ahead. Here is my TBR list... like summer 2018 I‘m expecting it to shift a bit given the weekend mood. Can‘t wait!! 😬
I haven‘t felt this many feels while reading a graphic novel in a long time. Little kid imagination with crushing reality and ageless-ness of family love and trauma. And the ARTWORK is 🤩
What the heck did I just read?
4.5 hours left in #24in48 for me! Just finished this slim Hemingway novel... v dated, especially with the racist undertones throughout 😐
Just passing hour 7 of reading for my first #24in48! Feeling low energy so forcing myself to do chores while audiobook-ing 😬📚✨
First full book finished in #24in48! Just passing the 3 hour mark 😬 I loved this post-war Japanese drama on love, guilt, family history, and tea.
This was the best true crime book I‘ve ever read, and powerful as there is still so much potential left in the half-finished pieces. At least authorities finally apprehended the GSK suspect two months after this was published, although that doesn‘t lessen the tragedy of the author‘s passing #24in48
It‘s rare that I read a 500+ page book, but this one kept me guessing and speed reading through every chance I had the last two weeks. I loved it all, but felt it ended a bit too abruptly - I want more young Cal prior to Berlin. Told like a fairy tale, but so much better grounded in reality.
It‘s been years since I last read Kingsolver and I forgot how beautiful her writing is. I loved this story - it‘s hard to believe it was written in 1988, way ahead of its time for awareness of sexual assault, non traditional families, and immigration. Such a heart-warming read despite the seriousness of its topics 💕
#6 down on @bookriot 2018 #readharder challenge! Loved this book - I felt like I was hiking the AT with the author.
#GIMMEGIMME coffee stains, water wrinkles, and rounded corners equals a well-loved book. I‘ve reread this YA classic once a year since 2004 ✨💕📚
Just finished #17 on the @bookriot #readharder challenge! Awesome sci-if book with a female protagonist, written by a female author. Loved the world building, mystery/drama, and face paced action in this one!
Now that I‘m done with grad school I have all the time to read! Can‘t wait to start this one 😬
😭💕😭💕😭💕😭 just when I think this novella can't get any more lovely.
It was almost too cerebral to get through in the beginning, but now it's too weird that I have to finish. Unexpectedly pairing well with all my yoga readings this week.
This book is packing a punch. Unflinching. Hard to form words that can compare to Roxane's powerful stories and reflections.
So. Heckin. Spicy. Still getting a feel for what types of Romance I like, and I can say Victorian-era spicy sea captain wooing is high on the list ⛵️🌊✨
It's hard to find words to compare to the beautiful sentences of this book. So much wrapped into a tiny book with a punch: magical realism, war, relationships, immigrant/refugee experiences...
This has been a frustrating read. 2/14 stories are gorgeous and wonderful, telling family and situational minutiae in MA. The other 12 are problematic, mostly with female protagonists... but newsflash, white male writer - FEMALES DON'T SOUND OR THINK HOW YOU WRITE THEM. Maybe the early 1990s was a different time, but it was enraging to read the gender bias and "guilt" over career/non-career choices. What happened to writing from experience?
Absolutely stunning enmeshment of characters and place. Loosely inspired by Margaret Mead and her relationships while conducting field work in the Pacific in the 1930s. My undergrad cultural anthropologist-self is pining away for the beauty and newness of the field when it was young, and the cultural nuance and sensitivity displayed by the author. 🌿🌾🍃
How can one book say so much without words? Loved this genius artistic look at the immigrant experience 💕