I‘m an effort to make progress on my TBR stack this year, I decided to add reading poetry at least once a day. Nikita Gill is always a good choice. #greatgoddesses #poetry #nikitagill
I‘m an effort to make progress on my TBR stack this year, I decided to add reading poetry at least once a day. Nikita Gill is always a good choice. #greatgoddesses #poetry #nikitagill
@aeeklund is a kind soul who lets me read her arcs. And what better way to read the latest installment than with leftover champagne and macarons? #swordandshadow #michellesagara #elantra #amreading
It‘s a #bookandtea kind of morning. The illustrations in this book are gorgeous! #alchemyandmysticism #amreading #alexanderroob #thehermeticmuseum
Now that‘s a dedication I can get behind. #buyyourselfthefuckinglilies #taraschuster
“Just remember that whenever things feel bleak, all situations are temporary. It‘s not your circumstances that determine your worth, it‘s how you rise from the ashes after everything burns.” #hooked #emilymcintire #neverafter
This is definitely one of the prettiest sets that I have ever purchased. 😍 #bookworm #frombloodandash #akingdomoffleshandfire #thecrownofgildedbones #jenniferarmentrout
A close friend and I work together and on tough days, we will read to each other on a zoom call. Her selections are usually from #aliceinwonderland and I will read to her from this gem. So, go forth, my friends. Be brash and fiendly. #askbabayaga #mustbetuesday
#winterlight has finally been released! I may have read the arc months ago, but I am beyond ready to reread it! 😍 #kristenbritain #greenriderseries #amreading #happyreleaseday🎉
The rest of my Sunday haul. I couldn‘t be more pleased with these finds. I guess I know what I‘m doing the rest of the day! #sundayreading #lostscience #nativeamericanmythsandtales #wherehopecomesfrom
I came across this exciting find today during my Sunday bookstore run. #theravenstealsthelight was one of my favorites to flip through as a child. I somehow managed to find a first edition! 😍
Today I received an original painted preliminary sketch for Kristen Britain‘s novel, Winterlight. The artist is Donato Giancola and I‘ve admired his work for quite some time. I have been reading the Green Rider series since I was a kid and grew up with this being a touchstone during troubled times. It brings me so much joy that I will get to see a piece of this world captured so well on my wall. #donatogiancolaart #greenriderseries #winterlight
My friends spoil me with the best presents. #amreading #winterlight #ARC #greenriderseries #kristenbritain
Half way through! #amreading #lazysunday #coffeeandbooks #shadowandbone
I finished #adiscoveryofwitches this morning. It was a joy to read and I drew it out a bit to savor the world. Now it‘s time for book 2! #shadowofnight #allsoulstrilogy #deborahharkness #amreading
One of my Kickstarter rewards came in today and I am so excited. I backed The Firelight Isle volume 2 and was able to snag the first volume at the same time! Pictures do not do this set justice. The artwork is gorgeous and I cannot wait to dive into these. ❤️ #thefirelightisle #heavenlyblue #thenamelessdark
I can‘t tell you why exactly I inevitably return to the Green Rider series. I‘ve reread this series more times than I can count and I never get tired of Karigan‘s adventures. Maybe it‘s because it was the first adult fantasy novel I devoured on one of my family‘s road trips. Who knows? But I love even listening to Ellen Archer read it to me. #greenrider #audiobooks #kristenbritain
I don‘t know why, but I‘ve been on a #chroniclesofelantra kick the last few weeks. Working my way through the series and today‘s volume is Cast in Ruin. I suspect it might be the level of sass that each character possesses that has drawn me back to this series. It‘s a good distraction while I try to find inspiration for #nanowrimo next month. #castinruin #michellesagara #lazysunday #booksandcoffee
Another inspiring book event in the books and the first one I‘ve attended in 2020. This one was a conversation between #madelinemiller and #veschwab about Victoria‘s new book, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I absolutely loved this book and I can‘t wait to reread it.She mentioned there were some changes from the ARCs. And now I need to see them in action! ❤️ #iremeberaddie #theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue
Three day weekends in Autumn are perfect for curling up with an old favorite and coffee. ❤️ #castinchaos #michellesagara #keepthecoffeecoming
For the first time since before the lockdowns began in March, I stopped by one of my favorite bookstores. @aeeklund and I were there to pick up the new #nikitagill book, but we ended up with a bit more. Everyone was good about staying socially distanced, masks on, and shopping windows limited to 30 minutes. My heart is happy and now it‘s back to self isolation. #shoplocal #independentbookstores #auroraburning #sistersofswordandsong
It‘s amazing how much Kaylin‘s morning has mirrored my own today. 😂 #castinsecret #themorningisnotmyfriend
I am so excited to dive into these. I saw them on my local comic book shop‘s website and couldn‘t resist ordering them. #newbooks #beyondtheclouds
I love discovering new words while reading. For some reason this one jumped out at me. #theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue #ellipsis #wordsaremyjam
I can‘t begin to describe how delighted I was to slip back into the Black Jewels Realms during my self-isolation time. Once again, Anne Bishop has woven together a dark fantasy tale that I could read over and over again. And I probably will. This has the echoes of what made me fall in love with the series to begin with. Magic, love, and the humor found in the every day moments. All wrapped up with that dark fantasy edge. ❤️
Time to infuse my hair with the blood of my enemies. Addie is here to keep me company through the process. #irememberaddie #theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue #hairappointment
I‘m not saying this is a cheerful book to listen to, but it does explore interesting topics that are not often openly discussed. #audiobook #thetheaterofwar #2020readinglog
I always find multiple quotes in Michelle Sagara‘s books that stand out to me. Cast in Wisdom is no different. I can‘t wait until the physical book comes out and I can add it to my collection. ❤️ #castinwisdom #michellesagara #sundayreading
Enjoying my lazy Saturday morning with an #arc of the next #chroniclesofelantra book and coffee. Reading selection courtesy of @aeeklund #booksandcoffee #castinwisdom #myroommateisbetterthanyours #lifewiththeeklunds #orionismyreadingbuddy #michellesagara
Digging into my #nanowrimoresearch stack. Hooray for bank holidays! #soitbegins #iwriteandiknowthings #dianeackerman
And then there was the #goldsboro edition. #nevernightchronicles #darkdawn #stabstabstab
@aeeklund and I had the pleasure of attending the Alice Hoffman book event where she spoke about her new book, The World That We Knew. I grew up watching Practical Magic, a movie based on a book that she wrote, and it was a dream to have the opportunity to talk to her. Apparently, she is working on the third book now in the #practicalmagic series and I am so excited! #alicehoffman #bookevents #bookwormlife #theworldthatweknew
Not a bad haul this weekend! @aeeklund even found me a signed #dianeackerman edition! #aslenderthread #anaturalhistoryofthesenses #anaturalhistoryoflove
As of last night, I have now met 3 of the original cast members of Star Trek. George Takei was sweet and greeted everyone warmly. I think he was amused by my entourage that accompanied me to get my book signed. I‘m looking forward to reading it! #georgetakei #theycalledusenemy
It‘s release day!!!! I can‘t tell you how excited I am for both of these! #theharpofkings #julietmarillier #tunnelofbones #victoriaschwab #releaseday #pardonmewhileigeekout
Guys.....I‘ve been looking for a physical copy of this book for years at my local bookstores...AND I FINALLY FOUND IT. 😱#itsuptothewomen #eleanorroosevelt #amreading
Stuck in bed today, surrounded by stacks of unread books, and yet I can‘t help but reach for an old favorite. I think it‘s time to return to Le Cirque des Rêves. #thenightcircus? #amreading
It is absolutely gorgeous today in the PNW, so I decided to get some reading time in. I just couldn‘t pick one to bring out on the deck.....so I brought some options. #amreading #decktime #shipoftheseus #queensoftheconquest #rumi #theplanetfactory
I decided to treat myself this weekend and picked up a copy of Ship of Theseus. I‘ve been wanting this for a while now and I am so excited to dive in! #shipoftheseus #jjabrams #dougdorset
Today is the perfect day for reading in bed, playing video games, and then later we‘re going to make a snowman! #seattlesnow2019 #whiskeyinateacup
How did I not hear about this book before? Thankfully, I live with @aeeklund and she introduces me to the most amazing books. It‘s delightful so far! Magic woven in with the everyday. An echo of Narnia. ❤️ #amreading #thelightbetweenworlds
You might say I have constellations on my mind today. I‘ve been wanting to get a tattoo for years and I‘m finally doing it. Of course, pre-appointment, I‘m reading about the stars. #orion #artemis #constellations
Guys....I have the best housemate ever. @aeeklund brings home amazing presents. #kristenbritain #thedreamgatherer
Last weekend @aeeklund and I spent the day on the deck enjoying the autumn sun. A rare occurrence like that in the Pacific NW must be taken advantage of! #physics #astronomy
The weather is cooling down in the Pacific NW, but it‘s not cold enough to keep me indoors yet. As I struggled to pick a book this morning, I realized I was definitely in an assassin mood. That could be from lack of coffee though. #amreading #godsgrave #autumnreads #booksandcoffee
I‘ve really been enjoying the latest #victoriaschwab book. #amreading #autumnafternoon #vengeful #villiansseries
I wandered into a bookstore during my lunch break and discovered that this beauty had been released! I immediately grabbed a couple of copies for @aeeklund and myself. #nikitagill #fiercefairytales
I recently picked up a rare piece of nonfiction and found this gem as I start my #NaNoWriMo prep. #loislowry #lookingback